User talk:Vera, Chuck & Dave/Archive 4

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[edit] Joe Meek and DI

Hi, I've been writing an article about the Beatles' influence on Recording Music and a minor debate has started about when and how Joe Meek used DI. Its been suggested that as you contribute to the Meek page you may well know if Meek definetely used DI and if he used a DI box.

Apepper 20:22, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

Thanks for the reply; I'll modify the article - do you have a reference I could use? There's currently a book referenced but no page number. Apepper 00:03, 1 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] How are yer

Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope "the The" bollocks didn't make you too 'effed off. Here's something to rekindle your interest: Have a look at Mal Evans (who is now GA) and read about who co-wrote Fixing a Hole and the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band song. It will give you goosebumps, and put hairs on yer scrawny chest, la... :)) ThE bEaTLeS aka andreasegde 15:45, 3 March 2007 (UTC)

You satisfied now? You pedantic arrogant prick? Now go running off and report me to an Admin - like I give a flying Fuck! Vera, Chuck & Dave 14:54, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

WAIT A MINUTE - what's all this about??? Is someone giving Vera a bit of stick? Not on my watch, me-laddy-o ThE bEaTLeS aka andreasegde 16:10, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The Wiki-fish

"That's the way cod planned it". That makes me laugh so much, it hurts. Nobody in Austria would ever understand the brilliance of English humour. ThE bEaTLeS aka andreasegde 17:42, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Sixteen

This a great trick and you should try it on your friends, family daughters or whoever....

Here it is:

I'll bet I can make you say "sixteen" in the next 2 minutes. (Your partner-in-crime should look at their watch...)

Then ask them to solve mathematical problems, like what is 10 + 7, or 70 - 15, etc,.... It doesn't matter - it's just a ruse to confuse them.

Then ask them what 40 + 20 is. They will say "60". You (and your partner-in-crime) must laugh and say, "Ah, you said it!"

They will then (definitely) say, "But you said SIXTEEN".... Ah-hah! They SAID IT!.... ThE bEaTLeS aka andreasegde 18:14, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

Please stay in touch, no matter what you may decide, because I will miss the humour if you don't. I, personally, am waiting for the next newsletter, which will be illuminating, and may give me an excuse to rant like a barmy lad after 10 pint heres of the hard stuff.

Don't forget this simple fact: We have all worked together on some articles that will still be here in 50 years, and when yer little lasses are all grown up and have kids of their own, they can say to their kids about The Beatles' articles, "Your Granddad Tony worked on them." It's better than saying what yer Granddad did in the war, but it's almost the same. All the best, la. ThE bEaTLeS aka andreasegde 19:12, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

Don't go away, say what you say, say that you'll stay, just for today, in the time of my life. I need a fucking holiday, so I can see the sun. My brain hurts. DAMN YOU ECSTACY. What were we talking about.--Crestville 12:38, 6 March 2007 (UTC)
You're in luck, it's one of three good songs on that album. I'm all better now, and ready to not contribute construcitvly to wikipedia again.--Crestville 12:44, 9 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Oh

bugger! Mark 22:20, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Scouse

"The main local dish is Scouse which is sometimes erroneously described as the Liverpool version of Irish Stew. Ingredients for Scouse include lamb, potatoes, carrots, onions, water and love. Perhaps it has something to do with the water in Liverpool, but there’s nothing quite as heart-warming as a fresh pan of Scouse and some crusty cobs"

Did you know that? I didn't, but then, Crestville and I should be called Yorkshire puds... ThE bEaTLeS aka andreasegde 13:24, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

I don't want to involve you in the cobblers over on Epstein, 'cos it's just the usual shite. Have you tried the "I can make you say sixteen" trick on yer bairns yet? andreasegde 10:22, 9 March 2007 (UTC)
R kid sent me this joke (although it's not PC, but English):
A reporter asked the overweight kid that has been in the news recently what his favourite musical instrument in school was. He replied, "The dinner bell!" andreasegde 17:32, 10 March 2007 (UTC)

This is one for Vera: Blind Date with Cilla - If others don't laugh at this, you must be six-feet-under. andreasegde 23:44, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

And another one for Vera. He'll understand this one, as I did after I had lived "down the smoke" for a couple-a-years.... Liverpudlian in London andreasegde 23:53, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] "Fraulein" Ashley Kohl

Mark, I've cited the source for the hair cuts in her article but they've not "come out". Will you see what I dun rong please? Cheers La, Vera, Chuck & Dave 00:57, 12 March 2007 (UTC)

Looks to me that you got it right. Perhaps your computer cache hadn't updated when you looked? LessHeard vanU 10:38, 12 March 2007 (UTC)
It's "Fräulein", or Fraulein. Believe me, I've had a few of 'em, so I should know... :) Hold on - maybe I've had her as well! Is she dead? (I've had a few of them as well :) andreasegde 20:18, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
My non-Austrian keyboard doesn't have amaut functions and I can't be bothered with ruining my eyesight trying to pick out the appropriate combination from the table provided... Well, they do say it ruins your eyesight! Mr MagU 21:30, 13 March 2007 (UTC)
Ah-hah! I have ze upper hand at ze last! ÄÜÖ and § are all mein, iff you are knowing vat I em zinking... I am also of ze opinion zat Vera is to be having a very gut zank you for knowink Herr. Epstein's place of wohnen. andreasegde 23:19, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
Zis Vera personen is a gut human bean! I am zinking his know-how is greatly to be appreciated, larrr... Baron von Richthofen 00:32, 15 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The the - yes folks, it's here again

  • Brian Epstein signed a contract with the Beatles. He signed it with their individual consent, and they signed it as individual members. Point? Plural, and not collective.
  • Paul and John went to Paris, meaning that the Beatles who went to Paris were only two, and not the whole group.
  • The Beatles, meaning the Beatles that toured America (not 1, 2, 3, of them, but 4 of them) were The Beatles, because it was singular, meaning a whole entity.
  • This is a way of raising the debate to a new level, which includes both sides of the argument. andreasegde 20:38, 16 March 2007 (UTC)

I also put this on the policy page:

As a smaller number of people who believe this to be the case, myself, Vera Chuck and Dave, Crestville, and one or two others (who have been around Wikpedia long enough to know what we are talking about) have decided that the policy should be changed. We have not voted on this, and realise that many editors will disagree, but we have come to a consensus that we believe is best for Wikipedia and articles that feature The Beatles (as a group, and not as individual members). andreasegde 02:01, 17 March 2007 (UTC)
I thank you, Bongo, for your help on articles about The Beatles, and your help on individual articles about the Beatles' friends and family members (Lennon and McCartney) wot I have worked on. andreasegde 15:51, 17 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Sorry for any offence caused

Just thought I'd take the opportunity to apologise for any offence my comment on Andreasedge's talk page may have caused - it was meant to be a joke, but I can see now it wasn't in the greatest of taste. I don't think of the debate as a 'trivial' matter, and I agree entirely with your efforts and views on the t/The argument (even if I'm hopeless at following it).

Hope you had a nice evening out with your wife for your anniversary. The word 'savoy' just makes me think of distorted saxophones - know what I mean? Once again, extremely sorry for any offence caused by my comment. See you around. Shrub of power 20:23, 17 March 2007 (UTC) P.S. What was the film about zimbo?

[edit] Congrats

Congratulations to you both! BTW, the cat is amongst the pigeons on the policy page... (ouch!) andreasegde 12:56, 19 March 2007 (UTC)

Oh, I'm laughing (but very happy) about "they can take me with him OK?." Do you want to jump off a cliff with me? (Don't answer that one, Dear Vera, as your lovely wife and kids might violently disagree :). Anyway, I think we might have won this, "The Beatles" fri*gin' shite 'testicles/bollards' (only people from the fri*gin' North understand the fri*gin' difference between the two). (oh, I'm laughing more now...) Give my best regards to your lovely family. andreasegde 01:04, 20 March 2007 (UTC)

It's not about winning--it's about what's best for the encyclopedia. Or is it just all a game to you? --Lukobe 00:00, 22 March 2007 (UTC)
But is it so clear cut what is best for an encyclopeda. Surely, since their name is "The Beatles" and "The" is part of the name - as distingished from, for example the "Manic Street Preachers" or the band "Oasis" - it shoiuld be a capital. I don't spell my name john Holmes. Because that's not my name. It's John Holmes' name.--Crestville 21:34, 28 March 2007 (UTC)
It's obviously not clear-cut, otherwise there wouldn't have been this long-standing debate/argument. Your opinion is that the article in their name should be capitalized regardless of where it is, and mine is the opposite. I think the people on my side have put forward better arguments than those on your side. (For example, "John" isn't an article--so your example is irrelevant.) --Lukobe 05:16, 30 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Him wot have that bird's name

What's going on there? He's packed up his troubles and dissappeared. Wouldn't even talk to me last night. I hope he's not planning to quit. That's what quitters do.--Crestville 10:28, 29 March 2007 (UTC)

Well, he's an emotional chap - he'll be back. The whole thing is very frustrating. BTW, have you ever seen the film "Let It Be"? Being just a young fellow, I've never had the chance to see it, but I just by chance found it on youtube [1]--Crestville 15:42, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
To be fair, if I was going to vanish into thin air, I would want people to go to my unsual place and find only memories and a photograph of some penguins. Just watching Goerge playing "I Me Mine" - I though it was a bit sad because only Ringo and the film crew were watching, but then they show John and Yoko dancing to it which is lovely.--Crestville 16:04, 29 March 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, I always liked the iconography of a mysterious well-wisher leaving a single red rose. Bless you and your sweet children (though they appear to be little liars which may cause trouble down the line). Don't feel any return will involve your tail between your legs. Take a break, and if you ever fancy coming back - not necessarily on The Beatles project - you'll be welcomed with open arms.--Dennis O'Bell 11:49, 31 March 2007 (UTC)
I got Let It Be off bit torrent just these last few weeks. Didn't get all the way through, thought it was excruciating :( --kingboyk 22:51, 2 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] No, I'm not dead

I'm coming over to London with a Vöestalpine class in June (the 9th to the 12th) and it would be great to meet for an hour. Me, a member of The Angry Northern Gits... andreasegde 20:42, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Nice to see your Barnstars back. Keep well, you accident-prone fireman hero type-chap. andreasegde 20:13, 2 April 2007 (UTC)
You just gave me my first laugh for ages (Uhh-err Missus, I'm having a touch of the hot flushes don't you know, but it's to be expected at my age, Mrs. Brown... I'd best be off and buy some nice bacon for me husband before he gets home from the night shift at the "Garden Gnomes for every occasion" packing plant. :) Keep well. andreasegde 21:04, 2 April 2007 (UTC)
If your lovely wife looks like this photo you put on my page [2], then you are the absolute opposite of the saying, "Lucky in life - unlucky in love", because you have a wonderful family, but you can't resist the urge to wait around for a steel girder to fall on your yer bonce... :)) mr andreasEgde 20:01, 9 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] I am dead, but rise of a night to feast on the living and contribute to an internet encyclopedia database

Aye, I think we should all step back from The Beatles for the time being. Go back as and when we feel like it so its gradual. If we all go back now, all at once, there'll just be a massive smashing of heads again. I've realised my Dad's wedding ring makes a really cool thumb ring. I may try and break up their marrage to get hold of it. Nyah!--Crestville 22:53, 2 April 2007 (UTC) P.s. Of course I'm bloody right, I always am. 'Cept that time I thought to capital of India was Bangladesh. I was wrong about that.

Did you (Vera) just read Crestville's page? If you didn't, then this is spooky! andreasegde 17:26, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Heh

Just had to say...I love your username! Cheers, Kukini hablame aqui 17:40, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

Very kind. Your's is gear an' all like! Vera, Chuck & Dave 17:43, 3 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The George

Strictly as an aside, I read the article and this sentence jumped out at me: "In undress uniform or on occasions when the medal ribbon alone is worn, a silver rosette is worn on the ribbon to indicate each bar." as I pictured all of you Georgies running around without any clothes, wearing just the ribbon, but hopefully with its rosette in place. Hey, you earned it, you wear it however the hell you want. Tvoz |talk 15:35, 8 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Brian Epstein

Hey, this is really good stuff - look at Brian's page, because it's the Battle of the Year, and more intellectually stimulating than the The. I think I have found a twat/sockpuppet who is a gobshite, and a Trojan Horse. Uhh.. I'm starting to enjoy it. andreasegde 00:11, 10 April 2007 (UTC)

Andre has been banned (for 24 hours) regarding the above. I know me and him have had a falling out but I think he needs some mates with some calming words asap. LessHeard vanU 21:13, 10 April 2007 (UTC)
I think he might be becoming un-wikistable (that's right, I made up a term). Read the discussion under the history section of the Epstien talk page. It's funny, but he makes really wierd accusations. Still, like the R.E.M song says: "Everybody Get Blocked Off Wikipedia For Doing Something Wot Seems Really Funny At The Time, And Later, But Not When You're Actually Blocked".
For more information on being blocked, please see any given square inch of my talk page archive.--Crestville 21:36, 10 April 2007 (UTC)
Who's Steve?--Crestville 11:26, 11 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The the

I have just realised that there is an excellent way of solving the "The" problem, and it's very easy. Put the name of the band at the start of a sentence, and it is totally correct. I will give you an example:

There you go - job done, and nobody can complain :)) andreasegde 20:18, 18 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Attack

What can I say? It was 4am and I'd been drinking. Gin makes me fighty. I then spent and hour trying to get out of some lasses apartment block because I didn't have a key and EVERY fucking door was locked. Good times.--Crestville 12:59, 20 April 2007 (UTC)

Way ahead of you buddy.--Crestville 13:03, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
Crestville drinks Gin? Bloomin' eck - 'Mother's Ruin' and guaranteed to make you go blind without masturbating. I once drank (first and last time) a half bottle of Gordon's at a rehearsal and then rode home on my bycyle. I never felt so pissed in all my life, whilst still being able to think in a strangely haphazard way. P.S. Why does the stuff taste of flowers?(Hic...) andreasegde 18:31, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
One has read that the holder of The George Medal rolls ciggys. Yours truly is astounded by this fact, as yours truly also rolls the Virginian stuff in small pieces of French-produced paper. It saves one a lot of financial 'resources', but also takes one longer to make than it does one to light, hold, inhale, exhale, and then relight. These missives could greatly contribute to the articles about various homeless people who (whilst rolling their own cancer-inducing products) ask one for "20p for a cuppa tea". That wasn't in code, and I wish you the best, me old mucca... The Sean de Garde 19:00, 20 April 2007 (UTC)
As the main article is called The Beatles, why should one be forced to write the Beatles with a link to The Beatles? This means extra work, and is a waste of time. I would suggest (as Kingboyk has also suggested) that the main article should be renamed "Beatles" (although I am obviously being flippant here...) That nutter who won't shut his gob 03:31, 21 April 2007 (UTC)

Hit the nail on (-) head. That phrase (a small but well built Milkman) has always bothered me... :) andreasegde 15:27, 21 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] A statement

As I am not a member of The Beatles project, I see no reason to abide by its policy rules, as it does not represent Wikipedia as a whole, but insists on enforcing its own self-determined policy on contributors. I truly believe that this is dictatorial, and does not have anything to do with the true purpose of Wikipedia. The Beatles' project is a break-away group, and should be reminded of what Wikipedia really is. andreasegde 18:03, 22 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] The 'Enigma' machine

They're gonna go bananas about that spouting off, but I don't give a monkey's uncle. After putting in lots of elbow grease and then getting one in the knackers for writing that The Dad is not the Dad (and not the uncle Fred) makes me head go all funny, like... We have to pull up our shirtsleeves and get stuck in. This is one bash that I'm not gonna let go of, even if the scuffers/boys in blue don't want it to be so. Mimi is up for FA, and Brian for GA (both with absolutely no small cups of 'tee', if you get my meaning) and if they get it (Brian will, without a doubt, and Mimi is getting close) then I will be as happy as Larry. Justice for The 96! A tall, determined hetrosexual with a girl's name 18:46, 22 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Invitation to rejoin WikiProject The Beatles

Dear esteemed editor and former member of WikiProject The Beatles,

Debate over "policy" recently overheated, to the detriment of the WikiProject and Wikipedia. As part of the fallout, you resigned from the Project.

I now believe, thanks in part to your input, that the WikiProject doesn't need "policy", so I have tagged the page as historical and blanked it. I would like to invite you to:

  • Rejoin the project
  • Edit and trim the project page and template mercilessly, to reflect a new focus of working to produce featured content on The Beatles (or "the Beatles", it's your choice)
  • Help bring the next newsletter up to date and get it released.

It's your Project, please consider taking it back and shaping it into the Project you want it to be.

If it turns out that people aren't interested in rejoining and refocussing the Project I'm perfectly happy with that, and will resign myself and suggest tagging the Project as inactive. My role has always been primarily organisational, and if I don't have the support of good editors like yourself it's totally pointless carrying on. Lar and I started the Project because we felt one were needed, it is not and has never been a vanity exercise and we both have other things we could be doing.

PS: Mine's a London Pride. --kingboyk 12:40, 23 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] There you go

Having a very nice, intelligent and concerned Admin/admin who knows how to do the right thing is a wonderful thing. (Mine (BTW) is a pint of "John Smith's Smooth" - get yer hands out of yer pockets). Yes, I know I'm a daft northerner wot likes hand-pulled pints by a bird with big biceps, but I will drink a pint to you, and salute you. We not only pulled a pint, we pulled it off. Have one on me... The thing about 'The thing' is over, at last. I'm so happy I could buy a round. We stuck by our guns, and defended the logic. Cheers, La. andreasegde 01:42, 24 April 2007 (UTC)

"You want deplorable?" Not any more... andreasegde 18:19, 25 April 2007 (UTC)

Watch these: [[3]] - [[4]] andreasegde 08:34, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

Bugger, I just had the biggest shock - some vandal put a "blocked indefinitley for being a sock puppet" on my talk page, which scared the pants off me. Look at my talk page history and you will see it. Another user reverted it within seconds, but I'll have to get some fresh undies out. andreasegde 17:36, 26 April 2007 (UTC)
Do you know the "invisible ball in the paper bag" trick? Your girls would love it. andreasegde 17:46, 26 April 2007 (UTC)
  • OK, here it is. Find a biggish crispy paper bag (not plastic, although it almost works). Hold the bag in front of you and make sure the front of the bag is slightly higher than the back part (next to you) which is where you will hold it.
  • Remember how to click your fingers? Hold the bag between your thumb and middle finger (curling up your other fingers - al la finger snapping) and then you're ready.
  • This is the important part, because you have to distract the little dears. Ask them to take out the invisible ball from the bag. They won't believe you at first, but when they go for it, they will holding an invisble ball in their hands, and concentrating on it.
  • Then ask them to throw the ball in the air and you catch it in the bag. This is the most important bit, because you have to look up in the air and watch the ball come down, which you catch in the bag. You have to juggle the bag around a bit, as if you don't know if you can catch it. As the supposed ball hits the bag you click your fingers. Voila!
  • The hardest bit is timing the ball coming down, but remember how you can head a football when it's not really there...
  • Don't tell them how you did it (even adults won't know at first) but get them to do it again. Make sure nobody is standing at the side of you BTW, or they'll see the trick.
  • There are all sorts of little extra things you can say to keep them distracted, like holding the ball yourself and then slowly placing it inside the bag.
  • If you do it outside, it can last ages while the ball is in the air, and they will all be looking into the sky and not at the bag.

There you go - hours of fun... Oh, never do it three times.... andreasegde 18:03, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

"How - do you do the (password-protected thingy) that you do to me - I wish I knew"... andreasegde 19:12, 26 April 2007 (UTC)
Second comment (copied from some comedy show somewhere) is this: You have wonderful dreams that one day your lovely child will say the words, "I accept this Nobel prize/Oscar on behalf of my parents"... and the other version is, "Do you want fries with that Big Mac?" Sorry, La, I couldn't resist it... :) Actually, it's probably a good thing to tell any kid that. It might make them think. Nobel prize, or Fries? When they show you their grades, as the Americans are wont to say. andreasegde 19:21, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] News Time

WikiProject The Beatles Newsletter
Issue 012 – April 2007

Beatles News
  • On Friday 30th March, a deranged fan was held after attempting to force his way into Paul McCartney's mansion. See here for more details.
  • Apple Corps continues to make news, after the recent settlement with Apple Computer over the use of the Apple trademark. On April 10th, the company announced that long-time chief executive Neil Aspinall had stepped down and had been replaced by American Jeff Jones. It was also announced that another long term dispute, this time with EMI over royalties, had been amicably settled prior to Aspinall's departure.[5][6]
Project News
  • The article "Jeff Jones (music industry executive)" suddenly becomes of top importance in the Apple sphere of Beatledom. User:Kingboyk has created a stub on the man, but the article needs urgent beefing up (including basic biographical data such as date and place of birth) and, if possible, a photograph of the new Apple chief executive.
  • With the debate over "the Beatles" vs "The Beatles" continuing to cause ill feeling and a number of resignations from the project from advocates on both sides, Kingboyk attempted to diffuse the situation by blanking the Project Policy page and tagging it as {{historical}}. Although this unilateral action hasn't been reverted as of the time of writing, the reaction was mixed, with two members rejoining the project and others stating their disagreement. With the issue still not resolved, the page was sent to Miscellany for Deletion, for the wider community (and WikiProject The Beatles members) to consider the issue.
Member News
  • The membership list has been trimmed, with inactive members listed seperately to help gauge the status of the project. If you've been incorrectly listed as inactive, please don't be offended - just move yourself back to the main list.
The Rutles: The legendary group who inspired lesser imitators like "The Beatles". WikiWorld, March 2007
The Rutles: The legendary group who inspired lesser imitators like "The Beatles". WikiWorld, March 2007
From the Editors

This has been a tumultuous month for the project yet again.

We need your input on how the project should work and what it's role should be. And we need to start getting Featured Articles, folks! :)

Next issue

This is your newsletter and you can be involved in the creation of the next issue (Issue 013 – May 2007). Any and all contributions are welcome. Simply let yourself be known to any of the undersigned, or just start editing!

Contributors to this Issue

Want to help on next month's newsletter? Don't want to receive these in future? Don't want it subst'd next time? – It's all here.
BetacommandBot 23:59, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

[edit] I've been Googled!

Bugger, I have just done it, and I found pages (like Wikitravel/Urban dictionary) that I forgot that I ever worked on! Feaces, this is freekin' scary... (Hmmm.. wait a minute, how about trying someone else? Your little girls are friggin' geniuses... give 'em the Prize now.... I'm gob-smacked.) andreasegde 18:28, 27 April 2007 (UTC)

Ah-hah! [Crestville drugs!], and [Your own web page!] andreasegde 18:38, 27 April 2007 (UTC)

Damn! Scupperd!--Crestville 16:13, 29 April 2007 (UTC)