Venire facias de novo

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Venire facias de novo Latin literally "(you)cause to come anew". Venire facias (literally "(you) cause to come")is a writ issued by an official of the court summoning prospective jurors. Venire facias de novo is a legal term which the court uses when there has been some impropriety or irregularity in the jury, or where the verdict is so imperfect or ambiguous that no judgment can be given upon it, and so a new jury must be chosen.

-Definition adopted from Mississippi Bar

Example case decided venire facias de novo:
United States Supreme Court,
15 U.S. (2 Wheat.) 178 (1817)

Chief Justice Marshall
"...the judgment must be reversed, and the cause remanded to the district court of Louisiana, with direction to award a venire facire de novo"