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Venika Parhar is born in India and moved to Canada when she was 11 years old. She lived Vancouver Island, British Columbia for 3 years and then moved to Vancouver Mainland, B.C. Being raised in a western culture, it was challenging for her to move and adopt to and indian cultureand live there for 2 years. She went to college there and finished her 11th and 12th grades.One of her hobbies include reading a popular novel, The American Novel by Carl Van Doren.

Venika has been living in Seattle, Washington for past five years. Currently, she is a student in University of Washington, Bothell. After graudating from a community college with an Associate Degree in Science, she is currenty purpusing her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Technology & Innovation Management and Marketing. She will be graduating in spring 2006. Her future goals are to work at a well-renowned company such as Microsoft and Deloitte holding a senior position in her field. She believes that, "In Leadership, Dreams Are The Stuff That Great Results Are Made Of" (Brent Filson Leadership Results Article).

Please visit Washington MBAfor the requirements of MBA at University of Washington, Bothell