Vastus intermedius muscle

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Vastus intermedius muscle
Muscles of lower extremity
Gray's subject #128 471
Origin antero/ lateral femur
Insertion    patellar ligament
Artery: femoral artery
Nerve: femoral nerve
Action: extends leg

The Vastus intermedius (Crureus) arises from the front and lateral surfaces of the body of the femur in its upper two-thirds and from the lower part of the lateral intermuscular septum. Its fibers end in a superficial aponeurosis, which forms the deep part of the Quadriceps femoris tendon.

The Vastus medialis and Vastus intermedius appear to be inseparably united, but when the Rectus femoris has been reflected a narrow interval will be observed extending upward from the medial border of the patella between the two muscles, and the separation may be continued as far as the lower part of the intertrochanteric line, where, however, the two muscles are frequently continuous.

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