Vandiver's conjecture

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In mathematics, Vandiver's conjecture concerns a property of algebraic number fields. Although attributed to American mathematician Harry Vandiver,[1] the conjecture was first made in a letter from Ernst Kummer to Leopold Kronecker.

Let K=\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)^+, the maximal real subfield of the p-th cyclotomic field. Vandiver's conjecture states that p does not divide hK, the class number of K.

For comparison, see the entry on regular and irregular primes.

A proof of Vandiver's conjecture would be a landmark in algebraic number theory, as many theorems hinge on the assumption that this conjecture is true. For example, it is known that if Vandiver's conjecture holds, that the p-rank of the ideal class group of \mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p) equals the number of Bernoulli numbers divisible by p (a remarkable strengthening of the Herbrand-Ribet theorem).

Vandiver's conjecture has been verified for p < 12 million.[2]

[edit] References

  1. ^ O'Connor, John J. & Robertson, Edmund F., “Henry Schultz Vandiver”, MacTutor History of Mathematics archive 
  2. ^ Buhler, Joe (1999-04-16). Re: Vandiver's conjecture. NMBRTHRY mailing list. Retrieved on 2008-01-15.

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