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Spoken in: Italy
Total speakers: 10,000
Language family: Indo-European
        Western Lombard
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: roa
ISO 639-3: lmo – Lombard

Vallassinese is variety of Western Lombard language spoken in Vallassina valley (about 6,000 speakers). It belongs to the Comasco-Lecchese group and it has many subdialects.

Asso subdialect resembles to Canzés (Brianzoeu group), but it has some characteristics from Valbrona dialect.

Valbrona subdialect has influences from Lecchese (Comasco-Lecchese group)

In Sormano, Caglio, Rezzago there are influences from dialect of Pian del Tivano (north), which has isolated characteristics (like the presence of ò instead of stressed a in all closed syllables, phaenomenon that you can sometimes see in Northern Brianzoeu but only in syllables closed by l) and from Laghée.

In Lasnigo, Barni, Magreglio and Civenna there are influences from Laghée.
