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In the geologic timescale, Valanginian is a stage of the Early Cretaceous epoch. It spanned between 140.2 ± 3.0 Ma and 136.4 ± 2.0 Ma (million years ago). The Valanginian stage succeeds the Berriasian stage of the Early Cretaceous and precedes the Hauterivian stage of the Early Cretaceous. It is named after Valangin, a small town north of Neuchâtel in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland.


[edit] Fauna

[edit] Birds

Birds of the Valanginian
Taxa Presence Location Description Images

[edit] Crocodylomorphs

Crocodylomorphs of the Valanginian
Taxa Presence Location Description Images

[edit] Pterosaurs

Pterosaurs of the Valanginian
Taxa Presence Location Description Images

[edit] Sauropods

Sauropods of the Valanginian
Taxa Presence Location Description Images

[edit] Stegosaurs

Stegosaurs of the Valanginian
Taxa Presence Location Description Images

[edit] Theropods

Theropods of the Valanginian
Taxa Presence Location Description Images

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ a b c d e f g h Dating uncertain.
  2. ^ a b Only known from this stage.
Cretaceous period
Lower/Early Cretaceous Upper/Late Cretaceous
Berriasian | Valanginian | Hauterivian
Barremian | Aptian | Albian
Cenomanian | Turonian | Coniacian
Santonian | Campanian | Maastrichtian