Václav Kosmák

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Václav Kosmák
Václav Kosmák

Václav Kosmák (September 5, 1843 - March 15, 1898) was a Czech novelist.

Kosmák was a priest as well as a writer. Notable for his realism and humor, Kosmák's short stories sketch the provincial life of Moravia. His collected works were published in 1883-1884; a second, more complete edition was published after his death. Notable of his works include "Kukatko and Kukatek", "Jak Martin Chlubil Bloudil A Na Pravou Destu Opet Se Vratil" and "Pokoj Lidem Dobre Rule". The Roman Catholic church where he was a priest, in Martinkov, outside of Prague, bears a monument in remembrance of his contribution to church, community, and the public. His writings were until recently required reading in many Czech schools.

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