Uto Ughi

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Diodato "Uto" Ughi (b. 21 January 1942, Busto Arsizio, Italy) is an Italian violinist and conductor. He was the music director of l'Orchestra dell'Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia from 1992-1997. He is considered one of Italy's greatest living violinists and is also active in the promotion of classical music in today's culture.

Uto has at one time or another possessed five antique violins: the Van Houten-Kreutzer of 1701, and the Sinsheimer-General Kyd-Perlman of 1714 crafted by Antonio Stradivari; as well as the Kortschak; ex-Wurlitzer of 1739, the Ole Bull of 1744, and the Cariplo-Hennel-Rosé of 1744 made by Giuseppe Guarneri del Gesù.