
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Similar templates at English sister projects [edit]
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[edit] Usage

This utility is a typing saver for use on talk pages to link another users's talk page. This template takes one or two parameters.

[edit] What to enter

Parameter 1 (username)
The second must be a username as exists in the project's User talk namespace (not a signature nor a nickname).
Parameter 2 (nickname)
The second parameter is optional. Any string is acceptable.

[edit] The result

The direction of the link
The link will be directed to a page in the User talk namespace as specified in parameter 1.
What is displayed
  • If a second parameter has been specified, then this will be what is displayed.
  • Where no second parameter is specified the username as specified in parameter 1 is displayed.

[edit] Examples

This produces [[User talk:Fudgebucket|Fudgebucket]] i.e.
  • a link to User talk:Fudgebucket
  • displaying Fudgebucket.
{{Ut|Fudgebucket|Mr Fudge}}
This produces [[User talk:Fudgebucket|Mr Fudge]] i.e.
  • a link to User talk:Fudgebucket
  • displaying Mr Fudge.