Usora (region)

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Throughout the Dark Ages/medieval period, name Usora represented a bannate/dukedom of its own, and it related to the territory that was stretching roughly from Kulasi and Prnjavor area to the west,Srebrenik and Lukavac area to the east, river Sava to the north and Zepce to the south. Usora had many strong fortresses and cities on its territory, the most famous ones being Doboj (12/13th ct.), Srebrenik (1333), Dobor (1387), Glaz (12th ct.), Soko (14th ct.), Tesanj (14th ct.), and Maglaj (15th ct.). Also, due to its geographical location(Pannonian plateau) as the northernmost Bosnian land and its richness, Usora was, more often than not, a most common battleground between Bosnian kingdom and Hungarian empire. The most famous battles include Battle of Srebrenik (1363), Battle of Dobor (1394 & 1408), and Battle of Doboj (1415). Several times this dukedom/bannate had been separated from the rest of Bosnian kingdom (and attached to Hungary, bannate of Slavonia) temporarily, only to be reunited once again.

Today, this name belongs to a river in northern Bosnia and a southern suburb of the city of Doboj in Republika Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina.