Template:US Demographics/perlscript

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This template makes a table of US state demographics in the form specified by Template:US DemogTable. The template was constructed by the following script, which extracts numbers from US census data files from http://www.census.gov/popest/states/asrh/tables/

To generate a table for a specified state

  • {{US Demographics|state=<state>}}

To generate a table for the state based on the pagename

  • {{US Demographics}}

These tables use the "single or in combination" numbers, so some rows sum to more than 100%.

When new census estimates come out, please either use the script below to update the template, or ask User:Gimmetrow or User:ClairSamoht (mostly retired) for support.

[edit] Please click on EDIT to grab a copy of this script


# You will need a copy of Perl on your PC. You can
# download a copy at http://www.activestate.com/
# and install it in about ten minutes.

# This script is indented one space in order to display
# properly at Wikipedia. You'll need to outdent that space
# in order to make the perl here-docs function properly.

# Download all the CSV files. They will be located at
# http://www.census.gov/popest/states/asrh/tables/
# with filenames like SC-EST2005-03-42.csv
# The EST2005-03 indicates which file series is being used.
# The 42 indicates the state being referenced.

# File formats are going to change. The "7" in year 2000
# get_data calls indicates that the desired data is in
# column 7.  When the 2006 estimates come out, it'll probably
# shove everything over, so you would changes that to 8.

# You'll also need to change the value of SC-EST2005- to whatever
# the new filename is.

# Put all the CSV files in the same directory with this script,
# and execute this script. It will generate a file named
# template.txt, which is the data which needs to be inserted
# in Template:US Demographics

# It's a quick-and-dirty script, which is what Perl was
# intended for. You will want to check your data, to make
# sure you're grabbing the right numbers from the file.
# Otherwise, you're going to get some mighty strange tables.

# This script is NOT subject to the GNU Free Documentation
# License, as it expressly prohibits alteration, and this
# script will be useless if NOT altered.

# Script copyright by user ClairSamoht, August 2006.
# You may download it, modify it, and execute it ONLY for
# maintaining Wikipedia's Template:US Demographics
# You may NOT republish or redistribute this script, or
# use it for any purpose other than intended.
# But then, it's an awfully simple script. If you're
# smart enough to figure out how to modify it for other
# purposes, you can write the script you need from scratch
# in less time than to modify this script.# HOW TO USE THIS SCRIPT:

# You will need a copy of Perl on your PC. You can
# download a copy at http://www.activestate.com/
# and install it in about ten minutes.

# This script is indented one space in order to display
# properly at Wikipedia. You'll need to outdent that space
# in order to make the perl here-docs function properly.

# Download all the CSV files. They will be located at
# http://www.census.gov/popest/states/asrh/tables/
# with filenames like SC-EST2005-03-42.csv
# The EST2005-03 indicates which file series is being used.
# The 42 indicates the state being referenced.

# File formats are going to change. The "7" in year 2000
# get_data calls indicates that the desired data is in
# column 7.  When the 2006 estimates come out, it'll probably
# shove everything over, so you would changes that to 8.

# You'll also need to change the value of SC-EST2005- to whatever
# the new filename is.

# Put all the CSV files in the same directory with this script,
# and execute this script. It will generate a file named
# template.txt, which is the data which needs to be inserted
# in Template:US Demographics

# It's a quick-and-dirty script, which is what Perl was
# intended for. You will want to check your data, to make
# sure you're grabbing the right numbers from the file.
# Otherwise, you're going to get some mighty strange tables.

# This script is NOT subject to the GNU Free Documentation
# License, as it expressly prohibits alteration, and this
# script will be useless if NOT altered.

# Script copyright by user ClairSamoht, August 2006.
# You may download it, modify it, and execute it ONLY for
# maintaining Wikipedia's Template:US Demographics
# You may NOT republish or redistribute this script, or
# use it for any purpose other than intended.
# But then, it's an awfully simple script. If you're
# smart enough to figure out how to modify it for other
# purposes, you can write the script you need from scratch
# in less time than to modify this script.

 use Text::ParseWords;

 sub pct
 $inval =$_[0];
 $base  =$_[1];

 $inval = stripcommas ($inval);
 $base = stripcommas ($base);
 if ($base < 1)
         return "0.0";
 $portion = 100 * $inval/$base;
 $retval = sprintf (" %6.2f", $portion);
 return $retval;

 sub stripcommas
 $val = $_[0];
 $sc_retval = '';

 @sc_parts = split (/\,/, $val);
 foreach $sc_pit (@sc_parts)
         $sc_retval .= $sc_pit;
 return $sc_retval;

 sub get_data
 $useline = $_[0];
 $item_number = $_[1];

 @parts = parse_line(",", 0, @lines[$useline]);

 $data = stripcommas($parts[$item_number]);
 return $data;

 sub make_table
 foreach $val (sort keys %DATA)
         $DATA{$val} = '';

 $DATA{'fname'} = $_[0];

 open (FILE, "< $DATA{'fname'}");
 @lines = <FILE>;
 close (FILE);
 $count = @lines;

 print "$DATA{'fname'} has $count lines\n";

 $DATA{'state'} = @lines[1];
 @parts = split (/ for /, @lines[1]);
 $DATA{'state'} = $parts[1];
 @parts = split (/: /, $DATA{'state'});
 $DATA{'state'} = $parts[0];

 $DATA{'tot2005'}     = get_data ( 4,1);

 $DATA{'white2005'}   = get_data (13,1);
 $DATA{'black2005'}   = get_data (14,1);
 $DATA{'AIAN2005'}    = get_data (15,1);
 $DATA{'asian2005'}   = get_data (16,1);
 $DATA{'NHPI2005'}    = get_data (17,1);

 $DATA{'nh_white2005'} = get_data (27,1);
 $DATA{'nh_black2005'} = get_data (28,1);
 $DATA{'nh_AIAN2005'}  = get_data (29,1);
 $DATA{'nh_asian2005'} = get_data (30,1);
 $DATA{'nh_NHPI2005'}  = get_data (31,1);

 $DATA{'h_white2005'}  = get_data (41,1);
 $DATA{'h_black2005'}  = get_data (42,1);
 $DATA{'h_AIAN2005'}   = get_data (43,1);
 $DATA{'h_asian2005'}  = get_data (44,1);
 $DATA{'h_NHPI2005'}   = get_data (45,1);

 $DATA{'tot2000'}     = get_data ( 4,8);

 $DATA{'white2000'}   = get_data (13,8);
 $DATA{'black2000'}   = get_data (14,8);
 $DATA{'AIAN2000'}    = get_data (15,8);
 $DATA{'asian2000'}   = get_data (16,8);
 $DATA{'NHPI2000'}    = get_data (17,8);

 $DATA{'nh_white2000'} = get_data (27,8);
 $DATA{'nh_black2000'} = get_data (28,8);
 $DATA{'nh_AIAN2000'}  = get_data (29,8);
 $DATA{'nh_asian2000'} = get_data (30,8);
 $DATA{'nh_NHPI2000'}  = get_data (31,8);

 $DATA{'h_white2000'}  = get_data (41,8);
 $DATA{'h_black2000'}  = get_data (42,8);
 $DATA{'h_AIAN2000'}   = get_data (43,8);
 $DATA{'h_asian2000'}  = get_data (44,8);
 $DATA{'h_NHPI2000'}   = get_data (45,8);

 if (0)
 print OFILE "tot2005     $DATA{'tot2005'}     \n";

 print OFILE "white2005   $DATA{'white2005'}   \n";
 print OFILE "black2005   $DATA{'black2005'}   \n";
 print OFILE "AIAN2005    $DATA{'AIAN2005'}    \n";
 print OFILE "asian2005   $DATA{'asian2005'}   \n";
 print OFILE "NHPI2005    $DATA{'NHPI2005'}    \n";

 print OFILE "hwhite2005  $DATA{'h_white2005'}  \n";
 print OFILE "hblack2005  $DATA{'h_black2005'}  \n";
 print OFILE "hAIAN2005   $DATA{'h_AIAN2005'}   \n";
 print OFILE "hasian2005  $DATA{'h_asian2005'}  \n";
 print OFILE "hNHPI2005   $DATA{'h_NHPI2005'}   \n";

 print OFILE "nhwhite2005 $DATA{'nh_white2005'} \n";
 print OFILE "nhblack2005 $DATA{'nh_black2005'} \n";
 print OFILE "nhAIAN2005  $DATA{'nh_AIAN2005'}  \n";
 print OFILE "nhasian2005 $DATA{'nh_asian2005'} \n";
 print OFILE "nhNHPI2005  $DATA{'nh_NHPI2005'}  \n";

 print OFILE "tot2000     $DATA{'tot2000'}     \n";

 print OFILE "white2000   $DATA{'white2000'}   \n";
 print OFILE "black2000   $DATA{'black2000'}   \n";
 print OFILE "AIAN2000    $DATA{'AIAN2000'}    \n";
 print OFILE "asian2000   $DATA{'asian2000'}   \n";
 print OFILE "NHPI2000    $DATA{'NHPI2000'}    \n";

 print OFILE "hwhite2000  $DATA{'h_white2000'}  \n";
 print OFILE "hblack2000  $DATA{'h_black2000'}  \n";
 print OFILE "hAIAN2000   $DATA{'h_AIAN2000'}   \n";
 print OFILE "hasian2000  $DATA{'h_asian2000'}  \n";
 print OFILE "hNHPI2000   $DATA{'h_NHPI2000'}   \n";

 print OFILE "nhwhite2000 $DATA{'nh_white2000'} \n";
 print OFILE "nhblack2000 $DATA{'nh_black2000'} \n";
 print OFILE "nhAIAN2000  $DATA{'nh_AIAN2000'}  \n";
 print OFILE "nhasian2000 $DATA{'nh_asian2000'} \n";
 print OFILE "nhNHPI2000  $DATA{'nh_NHPI2000'}  \n";

 $template = <<EOHEADER;
 | state = {{US DemogTable{{!}}state{{!}}fname{{!}}=

 $state = $DATA{'state'};
 $fname = $DATA{'fname'};

 $p_white2000 = pct ($DATA{'white2000'},    $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $p_black2000 = pct ($DATA{'black2000'},    $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $p_AIAN2000  = pct ($DATA{'AIAN2000'},     $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $p_asian2000 = pct ($DATA{'asian2000'},    $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $p_NHPI2000  = pct ($DATA{'NHPI2000'},     $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $h_white2000 = pct ($DATA{'h_white2000'},  $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $h_black2000 = pct ($DATA{'h_black2000'},  $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $h_AIAN2000  = pct ($DATA{'h_AIAN2000'},   $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $h_asian2000 = pct ($DATA{'h_asian2000'},  $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $h_NHPI2000  = pct ($DATA{'h_NHPI2000'},   $DATA{'tot2000'});
 $p_white2005 = pct ($DATA{'white2005'},    $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $p_black2005 = pct ($DATA{'black2005'},    $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $p_AIAN2005  = pct ($DATA{'AIAN2005'},     $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $p_asian2005 = pct ($DATA{'asian2005'},    $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $p_NHPI2005  = pct ($DATA{'NHPI2005'},     $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $h_white2005 = pct ($DATA{'h_white2005'},  $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $h_black2005 = pct ($DATA{'h_black2005'},  $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $h_AIAN2005  = pct ($DATA{'h_AIAN2005'},   $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $h_asian2005 = pct ($DATA{'h_asian2005'},  $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $h_NHPI2005  = pct ($DATA{'h_NHPI2005'},   $DATA{'tot2005'});
 $d_white = pct ($DATA{'white2005'} - $DATA{'white2000'},$DATA{'white2000'});
 $d_black = pct ($DATA{'black2005'} - $DATA{'black2000'},$DATA{'black2000'});
 $d_AIAN  = pct ($DATA{'AIAN2005'}  - $DATA{'AIAN2000'}, $DATA{'AIAN2000'} );
 $d_asian = pct ($DATA{'asian2005'} - $DATA{'asian2000'},$DATA{'asian2000'});
 $d_NHPI  = pct ($DATA{'NHPI2005'}  - $DATA{'NHPI2000'}, $DATA{'NHPI2000'} );
 $x_white = pct ($DATA{'nh_white2005'} - $DATA{'nh_white2000'},$DATA{'nh_white2000'});
 $x_black = pct ($DATA{'nh_black2005'} - $DATA{'nh_black2000'},$DATA{'nh_black2000'});
 $x_AIAN  = pct ($DATA{'nh_AIAN2005'}  - $DATA{'nh_AIAN2000'}, $DATA{'nh_AIAN2000'} );
 $x_asian = pct ($DATA{'nh_asian2005'} - $DATA{'nh_asian2000'},$DATA{'nh_asian2000'});
 $x_NHPI  = pct ($DATA{'nh_NHPI2005'}  - $DATA{'nh_NHPI2000'}, $DATA{'nh_NHPI2000'} );
 $h_white = pct ($DATA{'h_white2005'} - $DATA{'h_white2000'},$DATA{'h_white2000'});
 $h_black = pct ($DATA{'h_black2005'} - $DATA{'h_black2000'},$DATA{'h_black2000'});
 $h_AIAN  = pct ($DATA{'h_AIAN2005'}  - $DATA{'h_AIAN2000'}, $DATA{'h_AIAN2000'} );
 $h_asian = pct ($DATA{'h_asian2005'} - $DATA{'h_asian2000'},$DATA{'h_asian2000'});
 $h_NHPI  = pct ($DATA{'h_NHPI2005'}  - $DATA{'h_NHPI2000'}, $DATA{'h_NHPI2000'} );

 $fname =~ s/SC-EST2005-//i;
 $template =~ s/state/$state/gi;
 $template =~ s/fname/$fname/gi;

 $template =~ s/p_white2000/$p_white2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_black2000/$p_black2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_AIAN2000/$p_AIAN2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_asian2000/$p_asian2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_NHPI2000/$p_NHPI2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_white2000/$h_white2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_black2000/$h_black2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_AIAN2000/$h_AIAN2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_asian2000/$h_asian2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_NHPI2000/$h_NHPI2000/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_white2005/$p_white2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_black2005/$p_black2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_AIAN2005/$p_AIAN2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_asian2005/$p_asian2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/p_NHPI2005/$p_NHPI2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_white2005/$h_white2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_black2005/$h_black2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_AIAN2005/$h_AIAN2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_asian2005/$h_asian2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_NHPI2005/$h_NHPI2005/gi;
 $template =~ s/d_white/$d_white/gi;
 $template =~ s/d_black/$d_black/gi;
 $template =~ s/d_AIAN/$d_AIAN/gi;
 $template =~ s/d_asian/$d_asian/gi;
 $template =~ s/d_NHPI/$d_NHPI/gi;
 $template =~ s/x_white/$x_white/gi;
 $template =~ s/x_black/$x_black/gi;
 $template =~ s/x_AIAN/$x_AIAN/gi;
 $template =~ s/x_asian/$x_asian/gi;
 $template =~ s/x_NHPI/$x_NHPI/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_white/$h_white/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_black/$h_black/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_AIAN/$h_AIAN/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_asian/$h_asian/gi;
 $template =~ s/h_NHPI/$h_NHPI/gi;

 print OFILE $template;

 opendir(DIR, ".") or die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
 @files = readdir (DIR);
 closedir (DIR);

 $outfile = "template2.txt";
 open (OFILE, "> $outfile");
 <noinclude>{{esoteric}}For documentation see [[/perlscript]]
 </noinclude><includeonly>{{#switch: {{{state|{{PAGENAME}}}}}

 $quit = 0;
 foreach $val (@files)
         if (($val =~ m/csv/i) && ($quit < 1))
                 make_table ($val);

 print OFILE <<EOFILE;
 [[Category:Templates using ParserFunctions|{{PAGENAME}}]]
 [[Category:Demographics of the United States|*]]

 close (OFILE);