Urban Institute Press

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The Urban Institute Press publishes analytical and reference works on U.S. social policy, with the goal of sharpening public debate on social policy issues and programs by providing new information and cogent analyses. The UI Press is the publishing arm of the nonprofit Urban Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based nonpartisan social and economic policy research organization. The press promotes high-caliber scholarship and the free exchange of ideas.

[edit] Authors

UI Press authors are among the most respected scholars and academicians in their fields. Approximately one-third of press authors are affiliated with the Urban Institute.

[edit] Scope of Influence

UI Press titles have been adopted by colleges and universities nationwide including Harvard, Stanford and Columbia. UIP books are consistently recognized as Outstanding Academic Titles by Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries magazine. Timely, high-profile titles such as the recent Black Males Left Behind, Medicare: A Policy Primer, and Reconnecting Disadvantaged Youth have been referenced by a swath of policymakers and media outlets across the country, from the New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, and The Chicago Tribune, to Voice of America and NPR.

[edit] Links

UIP web site