Unsigned band

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An unsigned band is a rock band that has not been signed to a record label. Bands that release their own material on self-published CDs can also be considered unsigned bands. Often unsigned bands primarily exist to perform at concerts.

In more recent years, the internet has helped promote the music of unsigned bands. Artists often post their music as MP3's on websites such as MySpace, PureVolume, iSound, MusicForte, Overplay, GarageBand.com, DMusic, BBC One Music, all4artists.com, Indie911, SoundClick and yourdub.

[edit] Internet Promotion

Internet promotion has been the key for some bands for getting popular. Bands like the Arctic Monkeys and Solo artist like Lily Allen have gained popularity through Myspace, although the Arctic Monkeys did not even know what Myspace was, and claimed that fans made it for them! In 2007 unsigned bands have become more popular with Internet users and have been able to break into the main stream charts this year, Koopa the band in question entering the official download chart at position 21. Unsigned Bands are now finding many resources across the Internet to promote, market and sell their music almost free of charge. Unsigned charts are now being promoted on almost all the underground music site's and this year has seen many of the domain owners spending large amounts of money on developing these charts to bring bands to them. A number of these are now additionally registered with the official charts.