UNO Attack

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UNO Attack (called Uno Extreme in the United Kingdom and Canada) is one of many variations on the popular Mattel card game UNO. It includes 112 cards as well as an electronic card shooter. The main difference between UNO Attack and the original UNO is that instead of drawing cards, players press a button on the card shooter, which shoots out a random amount of cards.


[edit] Electronic Card Shooter

UNO Attack comes with a special electronic card shooter that runs on 3 "c" batteries. The card shooter contains a receptacle where the deck of cards is placed, and a button on the front, known as the "Launcher Button". When the rules call for a player to "Hit" the card shooter, the player presses the button on the card shooter. An electronic chime sounds, and a random number of cards (usually from 2-8) shoot out. As many as 12 cards have been known to shoot out. At times, the shooter may not shoot out any cards, as it is designed not to do so every time. Numerous tests have shown that it will shoot out cards at least once every four button presses. (Note: this is not always the case. Reports have been seen of the shooter going as many as 10 passes without shooting any cards out.) However, it rarely shoots out cards more than twice in succession.

[edit] Differences to Original Uno

In UNO Attack, there are a number of differences to the original card game.

[edit] Different Cards

UNO Attack includes different cards than the original UNO.

  • "Draw Two" is replaced by "Hit Two", which causes the next player to hit the Launcher button twice, however if the next player has a two times card, then this is used as a trump and the next player presses the Launcher four times.
  • "Wild Draw-Four" is replaced by "Wild Hit Fire", in which the next player must hit the launcher button until it fires. "Hit Fire" can only be played if the player using the card does not have the color being played in their hand.
  • "Trade Hands", allows the person playing the "trade hands" card to trade his hand for another player's. A player cannot go out on a "trade hands" card.
  • "Discard All", which, when played, allows the player to discard all cards of the color of the "Discard All" card.
  • "Wild All Hit", which requires every player, except the one that played the card, to hit the Launcher button, is added. "All Hit" can only be played if the player using the card does not have the color being played in their hand.
  • The Uno Attack deck contains no 0 cards.

[edit] Other Variations

UNO Attack varies from original UNO in a number of its rules.

  • When a player does not have a playable card in the original game, they are forced to draw a card. UNO Attack's rules call for the player to press the Launcher button once instead.
  • When a player plays their second-to-last card, thereby reducing their hand to one card, they must shout, "Uno!" If they do not, and another player catches it, they are forced to draw two penalty cards in the original game. UNO Attack, however, calls for the player to press the Launcher button twice instead. In addition, a player who calls "Uno!" when they have more than one card must hit the Launcher button twice as a penalty.
  • A player may choose not to play a playable card in their hand. If so, the player must hit the Launcher button once, rather than drawing a card as in the original. This is known as "Reneging."
  • Any player making a card suggestion to another player must hit the Launcher button two times, instead of drawing two penalty cards as in the original.
  • Pressing the Launcher button any amount of times ends a player's turn.
  • If any cards are left sticking out of the Launcher after cards are shot out, the player who pressed the Launcher button must take these cards into their hand with the ones that managed to clear the launcher.
  • Regular wilds, reverses, and skips are still the same, but with new pictures. Note this is not a rule, just a clarification.

[edit] Cards

The cards included in the game are as follows:

  • Two 1's,2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's, 7's, 8's, and 9's of each color (red, blue, green, and yellow).
  • Two reverses of each color.
  • Two skips of each color.
  • Two "Hit twos" of each color.
  • One "Trade hand" of each color.
  • One "Discard all" of each color.
  • Four Wilds.
  • Two "Wild Hit Fires".
  • And Two "Wild All Hit".

[edit] References

Game Finder

UNO Attack Rules