User:United Countries of the World

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I screwed things up "royally" literally and lost all our content which I think I will have to rebuild from scratch but have no fear everyone "I'm on top of that Rose!" Don't Tell Mom the Babysitters Dead movie. The movie was based on my life which surprised me. (a hint)

Fool me once, shame on you(my fault the 1st time though), fool me twice, shame on me! I sought the help of all experts of Wikipedia this time.

One can't turn a dog into a god can they?


[edit] United Countries of the World - DEVELOPMENT PROJECT

2004 World Map, 2004 World Map, 2004. From wikipedia, posted June 8, 2008.
2004 World Map, 2004 World Map, 2004. From wikipedia, posted June 8, 2008.

[edit] Understanding the BIG picture.

What do we ALL need to survive in and on this World we call PLANET EARTH?

The answer lies in the palm of your hand: (using your fingers for counting)

1) food
2) shelter
3) clothing
4) fair health(care)- I guess survival of the fittest does make sense at the start
5) fun & happiness - if you don't get any fun out of life you might as well be dead (so funs important)

The more you spend on the first four (1,2,3,4) the less you get for (5) fun and happiness
And without lots of (5) fun and happiness one might as well be dead.

[edit] We need everyone to be able to participate in this project, even if only to read along with our progress.

[edit] "P.K." President Kennedy said it with the grace of a King - "ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country"

I have picked up where those that came before me have met their death and vowed to carry on in the march toward a world composed of ALL countries united in peace. My name is PK(Mr.) James Randal Colbert - I am no one and I am someone. The PK in front of my name comes from a character in the movie "The Power of One" The movie was and is the personification of my life told as the story of PK. The movie was instrumental in providing me the guidance I needed to follow my dreams to change the world where I live for the betterment of all living things - how exactly I'm going to do it is still yet to be determined.

PK James Randal Colbert, self-pic, 2008. From my home computer, birthday June 6, 1967.
PK James Randal Colbert, self-pic, 2008. From my home computer, birthday June 6, 1967.

Who am I? I am a quadriplegic in a wheelchair from a 1991 farming accident in which I broke my neck. Similar to that of the late Christopher Reeves although I am far more fortunate in that I have pretty good use of my arms and hands which Christopher did not. My heart went out to him as I learned of his devastating injury and although tragic as Christopher's injuries were, he met the burden put upon him with the grace of the King.

He accomplished in the 10 years he lived after his accident, more for the cause of spinal cord research than all those that came before him combined. He was the supermodel and poster child that we all needed in our hearts and our minds to move spinal cord research to the front of our consciousness and get the ball rolling to help find a cure.

As much as I would like to see a cure for spinal cord injuries, there are more important problems to solve in this world that can't wait another second. This is where my priorities lie.

[edit] Knowledge Is Priceless - get as much as you can handle

To reach every country in the world one must first know where every country is in the world. Luckily it's fun to learn them all with the help of web sites like; and once you know all the countries then you start adding capital cities and so on until you know a lot about the entire world. I learned every country and many of their cities in 3 days of using the game listed above. It was fun and easy and I now use the knowledge I gained in everyday life.

I've read more than once that if the top 5% of the wealthiest people in the world gave 1% of their income to a Food, Shelter, Clothing, Health care Distribution Foundation then NO ONE on EARTH would go HUNGARY for one more second from that point forward.

I say "screw that non sense" if 100% of the people in the world give .01% of their income ($24,000 x .01% = $240) to a Food, Shelter, Clothing, Health care Distribution Foundation then NO ONE on EARTH would go HUNGARY, go without SHELTER, go without CLOTHING, OR go without HEALTH CARE for one more second, period. The $240 is also tax deductible.

Are you aware that ALL Fortune 500 companies throughout the World have Foundations setup in the names of their companies in Panama to avoid unnecessary taxes! And what maybe surprising to everyone is that they are a GOOD THING for the World.

A public Foundation is for the benefit of the public.

The "United Countries of the World Foundation" is an organization controlled by the people of earth for the people of earth. 1 person = 1 vote.
It is destined to dwarf ALL other Foundations both public and private combined.

By signing up for an account with the "United Countries of the World Foundation" you help secure the global financial system by holding your own small piece of the gold bullion that establishes the foundation of the global financial currency system. 1 once of gold could finance the world - It is then not at risk of ANY government willfully debasing its currency by over printing its monetary notes. It will rectify the errors of our past and once again tie our current fragile financial system solidly to gold bullion (the ultimate currency anchor).

Taking the total (above ground) supply of gold in the world and the average yearly production addition per year and then dividing it by the total world population you get 0.58 onces of gold per person. If you do the calculation again saying only 1/3 of the worlds population is wealthy enough to afford buying gold you get 1.7 onces of gold per person. Are you aware that there are gold components in almost every electronic device we buy today ie. cellphones, tv's, computers, and that's not counting anything for jewelry. The day of atonement is coming are you ready? An article on gold and one on silver and one on platinum

By signing up for an account you have control to vote for your position(s) on the world stage, manage your assets, access the tools you need to survive in this world and stay informed about what is happening around the world.

I came across an article that caught my attention the moment I saw it. Jeffrey Sachs is a name we all should remember. He is changing the world for the betterment of everyone:

Property going for less than $5,000 in Detroit! Where is the stampede to get a piece? Did no one see the movie "Far And Away" with Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman? Wake up people there is a gold mine out there right under your nose. This guy saw it!

Did you see the movie "The Devil Wears Prada" The importance of "Prada" - the highest quality merchandise made in the world hit me after seeing that movie. Our world is faltering because of the crap selling through Wal-mart. Wal-mart should be stocked with "Prada" merchandise BUT the prices for the "Prada" should be the same as the crap they sell now. The world is producing to much crap and not enough "Prada". I, like everyone, want quality but without having to pay a king's ransom to get it (ever heard of designer knock-offs). There lies the answer to a riddle and a riddle with an answer will change the world. Wake up people there is a gold mine out there right under your nose.

The mysterious activities of the Bilderberg Group has come to my attention a number of times in the last few years. The folks that are paranoid about the inner workings of this organization should take a small bit of their time and read the first few chapters of the book "The Origin of Wealth" . The world changes by the hands of billions and NOT by the hands of governments or a hand full of 125 wealthy people. Although their hands help a little as well.

"The BIG Fat Lie" - an article worth its weight in gold.

Although plastic is a great product it is being used incorrectly in our society today. I've read 95+% of ALL plastic ever created on earth is still here floating around in society and way to much already sitting inside landfills and garbage dumps. If glass is an option use it. Glass came from sand and it can be returned to sand. How about we pump city/town/village sewage through clear plastic and reflective aluminum pipes on top of the ground say between railway tracks between towns and cities and let the powerful properties of the sun turn what is a human waste product into an asset to the environment. Designed properly, even if the pipes freeze in winter the plastic can cope with freezing, glass and steel can not.

Revamp our railways beds for two sets of tracks, one set for travel in each direction and the coming electric cars can grab a rail and travel effortlessly from town to town, city to city. Once in big cities, one could park the electric car and board a high speed train destined for even bigger cities. Using more and more boring machines around the world, we will eventually put a project together to build a world wide transportation grid that will handle both people and products. By building the tunnels to work in a vacuum and using maglev for frictionless trains, speeds of over 5,000 km/hour can be achieved. Imagine going anywhere in the world in just a few hours. It's coming now it's just a question of how fast it gets here.

Are you aware, asphalt, over its lifetime leaches a lot of environmentally unfriendly by products into the environment. The environment has to cope with them cuz we all would go no where without roads. Imagine how much of the world is covered in asphalt and all that asphalt is slowly dieing over time. It is mind boggling. Funny how ALL railway beds are just plain old gravel and wood ties and steel rails, not to bad environmentally speaking. Under the right conditions, who needs all that asphalt?

Using the palm of our hand and its five fingers as the guide, I will start with a lesson.

The Top five nursery rhythms and stories we all learned as children.

1) the little boy that cried wolf
2) the three little pigs and the big bad wolf
3) Alice in Wonderland
4) Hansel and Gretel
5) little Red Riding Hood

The Top five Bible stories we all learned as children.

1) David and Goliath
2) Noah's Ark
3) The Garden of Eden
4) Sodom and Gomorrah (cities of sin)
5) The story of Moses and the Ten Commandments

Imagine the image of the Electromagnetic (EM) Spectrum. Our eyes can only see visible light at the center of the spectrum. There are two opposite ends of the EM spectrum: (Short Wavelengths) gamma ray to ultraviolet, visible light, infrared to Aircraft and Shipping bands (Long Wavelengths)

We only see with our naked eyes a very small band of the wavelengths in the the visible light region of the entire Electromagnetic spectrum.

 with some of us saw it and some of us didn't but that's ok too.  Because now I am aware it and so are all of you.  So the code words I'm now looking for, wherever I go are the ones that will instantly show me they are right by my side as my Guardian Angel(s) in the fight to the finish.  

those that are dieing this very minute in the hands of Doctors trying to help those less fortunate than themselves which makes them my Hero's but they are also simultaneously my Guardian Angel and the wolf at the door of my womb preparing to do what they do day in and day out which is save peoples lives while at the same moment in time tear off the limbs of living babies in the wombs of their mothers who feel themselves in such desperation and fear and ironically being the Guardian Angels that they are and are unaware of they crack and agree to the Doctors tearing off the limbs of there babies not that unlike Jeffery Dahmer how ironic but I think we are all safe from the loving hands of our monster even though I realize he was my Guardian Angel as well but just cracked under the fear and pressure of society around him and became the woman on her back in the hands of her Doctor who is only going to tear the legs and arms off a living fetus or baby or young man or old man oh while he's at it he might as well have some of one of the babies arm for lunch oh thats my arm your eating while I sit here and type with not a pain in the world coming from the tears in my flesh from the bytes because Thank God I'm paralyzed and I can't feel a thing below my nipples although seeing myself being eaten is pretty graphic and gruesome, but painless to me which is ironic because to me the horror of the image in my mind about how the baby is being torn apart is not that different from whats going on right in front of my bloody eyes but I still have the strength to take it and keep typing. I got to go my new students from Columbine are coming for lunch and maybe just this once I will have one to eat.

like a baby floating safely and securely in their mothers warm water womb in an act of sensing great danger upon itself from a outside force unknown, tries to push away and avoid the venomous snake that has just entered the womb apart from writhing in all directions to avoid confrontation with the venomous snake, the snake in seconds tears the growing babies two legs from its torso and then consumes the babies torso and head in three ring piercing shocks of severe pain, the baby, thank god, has succumbed to its violent intended death by the finish of the second chunk of its torso being torn off, it is unfathomable to me how any Guardian Angel of a child or any other living thing could not see this for what it is, a gruesome and barbaric way to inflict ones own darkest fears and hate on someone else, death at the end of a gun’s bullet to the head or a painless death at the end of a needle would be far more humane than the first option still being used today, it is unacceptable period.

And those words are these:

I am aware. I am aware. I am FULLY aware. (my spelling has been bad since I can remember but I instantly remember the girl that amazed me with her innate ability to spell anything instantly and she became my Hero and she likely didn't even see it in herself. My friend and Guardian Angel Patricia Bell has had tough times in her life but she is still my guiding light that keeps me on my alto mite goal to solve everyones problems in the world simultaneously so we can all live each in our own private utopia or as I have recently started calling it each our own little "Garden of Eden". So now I say:

I am at war in this world that I live in to fight for those in society to meek and to mild and to gripped in fear to fight for themselves.

I see buy the time on the clock on the wall I'm late and I need to run (how ironic) to another appointment before it's to late and he misses his plane ride to the land of milk and honey which would also make it his personal "Garden of Eden."

So be aware. So be aware. That when I knock on your door I could be either a wolf in sheep's clothing or the 2nd coming of Christ or your Guardian Angel only you have the Power to see through the rose colored glasses right on your face.

I tend to babble a lot but I'm still learning.


[edit] Lesson 1 to learn

a baby floating safely and securely in their mothers warm water womb in an act of sensing great danger upon itself from a outside force unknown, tries to push away and avoid the venomous snake that has just entered the womb apart from writhing in all directions to avoid confrontation with the venomous snake, the snake in seconds tears the growing babies two legs from its torso and then consumes the babies torso and head in three ring piercing shocks of severe pain, the baby, thank god, has succumbed to its violent intended death by the finish of the second chunk of its torso being torn off, it is unfathomable to me how any Guardian Angel of a child in a womb or any other living thing could not see this for what it is, a gruesome and barbaric way to inflict ones own darkest fears and hate on someone or something else, death at the end of a gun’s bullet to the head or a painless death at the end of a needle would be far more humane than the this first option still being used today, it is unacceptable period

this is the same siring and ring piercing sizzle feeling of skin melting under the burning flame of a blow torch felt by a male baby undergoing the barbaric cultural or religious ritual of circumcision, it is unfathomable to me how any Guardian Angel of a child or any other living thing could not see this for what it is, a gruesome and barbaric way to inflict ones own darkest fears and hate on an innocent victim, death at the end of a gun’s bullet to the head or a painless death at the end of a needle would be far more humane than the the first option still be used today, it is unacceptable period

the pain is the same for females undergoing the barbaric cultural or religious ritual of female circumcision, it is unfathomable to me how any Guardian Angel of a child or any other living thing could not see this for what it is, a gruesome and barbaric way to inflict ones own darkest fears and hate on an innocent victim, death at the end of a gun’s bullet to the head or a painless death at the end of a needle would be far more humane than the first option still be used today, it is unacceptable period

the 1st lesson here is this ... if Mother nature put something out there in the world, it's there for a reason, if it doesn't belong to you, you leave it alone ... if you want to hurt someone please hurt me and not your children or others, please do to me what you think you want to do to them ... I'm crippled and can't fight that makes me your perfect victim. And if you think hurting a cripple is fun and important in life you might as well be dead. Pleasure from hurting others is unacceptable anywhere on earth and beyond.

[edit] Lesson 2 to learn

There are many people in prison all over the world. The spectrum of criminals: murders:Just for walking across the street(J walker) But are you aware how Lesson 1 applies to Lesson 2 ...

People in prison get what of Lesson 1 for free: 1) food, 2) shelter, 3) clothing, 4) health(care) if available

so they get nothing for (5) fun and happiness the most important one of all so they might as well be dead. People kill for fun and happiness so I guess that's why they are in prison they've killed and now where is there fun and happiness? It's outside the prison walls. Oh how ironic, they killed to get into a place with no fun and happiness. Does that make sense to anyone? Now they'll kill to get out for the fun and happiness they killed to go in for. Sounds to my like a vicious circle with no winner but lots of dead bodies for getting in and getting out with no fun and happiness on either side of the equation or prison wall ... maybe just give them what they want the fun and happiness which we all want together and there won't be a need or want to kill. Because as in economics, no want = no need.

[edit] Lesson 3 to learn

Learn to use your thinking cap ... imagine in your minds eye (2) white twin pails

Now (1) pail is 90% full, the other is 100% full that leaves 10% missing

Would you believe the missing 10% is all the evil of all the world and if you just filled pail (1) with whats missing the world would be a utopia - paradise. I can see it in your face from here where I sit you don't believe me.

We all need to wake up to the fact chasing after money that isn't there in the first place is stupid. The 10% of the missing pail your chasing after is your own money. The other 90% of the pail belongs to the wealthy folks in society. Thats where the money is. So why do the wealthy have almost all the money in society and the poor in society 'slave' away every year for 10% of the pot. Because the wealthy follow the rules of the game and know the answer to the riddle:

And the riddle has 2 parts:

Part 1 'slaves'work for their money : wise men get their money to work for them True freedom from 'slavery'lies with the latter.

Part 2 spend LESS than you make (whatever you make!) even peanuts

Whatever you did not spend can be put to work for you ... money makes money makes money makes money money ....... How many "m" in "money" = 1 but how many "m" in the wealthy mans side "money makes money makes money makes money makes money" = 9

So you get m x 1 = m1 and the wealthy guy gets m x 8 = m8

If m = $10 then m1 = $10 x 1 = $10 but the wealthy mans is m = $10 then m9 = $10 x 9 = $90

you get 10% of the pot $10 the wealthy guy gets 90% of the pot $90

And the wise wealthy man that spends less than he makes (whatever he makes) always wins the game.

Now the wealthy man will take the investment challenge every time and always beat you at the game BUT

if you say I'll DONATE ALL my 10% money to a public FOUNDATION if you DONATE ALL his 90% money to the same public FOUNDATION with 10% + 90% = 100%

within 5 yrs each is paying 50% each which is even steven ... the only fair way.

Well you might say, but I can't afford to give my 10% away I'll starve. NOPE Foundations distribute funds based on need not ownership.

Everybody wins if you all give it all away and start focusing where its going in the first place.

How much food do you need to survive ... not much if the prices are reasonable

How much shelter do you need to survive ... not much if the prices are reasonable

How much clothes do you need to survive ... not much if the prices are reasonable

How much health(care) do you need to survive ... not much if the prices are reasonable

How much fun & happiness do you need LOTS ... not much if the prices are reasonable

[edit] Are you aware. Are you aware. Are you FULLY aware ...

Are you aware that when you go to your local supermarket that the moment you step through the grocery store door you have physically entered just 1 of thousands of the modern day equivalent (a copy)of the original Noah's Ark and they are located all around the world, in every local community on earth and the Ark mankind seeks is being hidden right before your very eyes in your very own community. The grocery store is also 1 of many thousands of modern day equivalents of the original test plot of the "Garden of Eden."

So we ALL live in thousands of copies of the original version of "a Garden in Eden".

Both are true simultaneously right before your very eyes. Box 688 Swan River, Manitoba, Canada R0L 1Z0 Email: