University of Dubuque

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University of Dubuque

Motto: Mancherlei Gaben und Ein Geist
Established: 1852
Type: Private University
Endowment: US $47.1 million (2006) NACUBO
President: Rev. Jeffrey Bullock
Students: 1,559[1]
Location: Dubuque, Iowa, USA
(42.498460, -90.692194)
Campus: Urban
Colors: Royal Blue and White
Nickname: Spartans
Affiliations: Presbyterian Church (USA)
The arches from the former Steffens Hall. Blades Hall and the Dunlap Technology building are also visible.
The arches from the former Steffens Hall. Blades Hall and the Dunlap Technology building are also visible.
Charles C. Myers Library
Charles C. Myers Library

The University of Dubuque is a Presbyterian university located in Dubuque, Iowa, with a general attendance of approximately 1,600 students. The school offers both undergraduate and graduate degree programs. It is one of three four-year post-secondary institutions in the City of Dubuque, and is commonly referred to as UD (you dee). The Greek system (of fraternities) is historically present.


[edit] Accreditation

The school is accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, the State of Iowa Department of Education, the Council on Aviation Accreditation, and the Association of Theological Schools in North America. [2]

[edit] Academics

The University of Dubuque is represented by four schools:
School of Business
Business Administration
Computer Information Systems
School of Liberal Arts
Department of Natural and Applied Science
School of Professional Programs
Flight Operations
Aviation Management
Computer Graphics/Interactive Media
Nursing (B.S.N)
Teacher Education
Physical Education
Theological Seminary

[edit] Famous Alumni

Tony Danza, actor/TV Show host

[edit] Background

[edit] History

The institution currently known as the University of Dubuque was founded by the Rev. Adrian Van Vliet in 1852 to train ministers to serve the influx of immigrants to the upper midwest. Van Vliet believed the large number of immigrants - particularly German farmers and miners - would need ministers of the gospel for the communities they were establishing. He began by training two young men, conducting classes in his home. Although Van Vliet was Dutch, until 1896 all classes were conducted in German.

Initially the school was Van Vliet's independent endeavor. In 1864 the Presbytery of Dubuque assumed control of the institution, and it became known as The German Theological School of The North West. In 1870 the Presbyterian Church of the United States took control of the school. In 1871, following the death of Van Vliet, Jacob Conzett was selected to lead the school. In 1872 the school moved to a brick building on the north side of 17th street, where it would remain for the next 35 years.

In 1901 Cornelius Martin Steffens came on board as financial secretary. He proved to be an outstanding fund raiser. He also helped the school expand its curriculum. A liberal arts college and academy were added to the school, and the first college degrees were granted in 1906. It was Steffens's idea to move the school to larger quarters. Property on the western edge of the city was acquired in 1905 for that purpose. Steffens served as school president from 1908 to 1924.

The school moved to its present location on University Avenue in 1907. The first buildings constructed at this new location were the Administration Building (1907, later renamed Steffens Hall), Severance Hall (1911), the University Bookstore (1912), McCormick Gymnasium (1915), Peters Commons (1916), and Van Vliet Hall (1926). All except Steffens Hall are still standing. Steffens Hall was demolished in 1980 and replaced with Blades Hall, but the some of its archways were preserved and can be seen today.

In 1911 the college became coeducational. In 1916 the school, known then as the Dubuque German College and Seminary, dropped the word "German" from its name, due in part to anti-German sentiment inflamed by the First World War, and became known as Dubuque College. However, present-day Loras College, located just down the street, also wanted to call itself Dubuque College. In the end, neither school kept that name. The Roman Catholic school took the name of Mathias Loras, first archbishop of Dubuque, while the Presbyterian school became the University of Dubuque.

The school has been involved in intercollegiate sports for many decades. The teams are called the Spartans, and the school colors are royal blue and white. There was a brief period, from 1925-28, when UD withdrew from intercollegiate sports and focused on intramural competition. This was done because University president Karl Wettstone was opposed to the commercialization of sports and the recruiting of athletes with offers of free tuition, room, and board. There also were concerns about the salaries some coaches had received, which were felt to be excessive compared to the compensation paid other department heads. Following the reinstatement of intercollegiate competition, UD joined the Iowa Conference (IIAC) in 1929.

The University of Dubuque is a member of NCAA Division III, and is part of the Iowa Intercollegiate Athletic Conference - which, in addition to the University of Dubuque, currently includes Buena Vista University, Coe College, Central College, Cornell College, Luther College, Loras College, Simpson College, and Wartburg College. Men's varsity sports include football, basketball, cross country, golf, soccer, indoor and outdoor track, tennis, and wrestling. Women's varsity sports include basketball, soccer, golf, cross country, softball, volleyball, track, and tennis.

Shown here is the new Meyers Teaching and Administrative Center currently being built at the University of Dubuque.
Shown here is the new Meyers Teaching and Administrative Center currently being built at the University of Dubuque.

In the 1950s and '60s, during the administration of Dr. Gaylord Couchman, a number of building projects took place: the Seminary Library (1955), Smith Hall, a seminary residence (1956), Goldthorp Science Hall (1959), Aitchison Hall, a women's residence (1963), Ficke-Laird Library (1966), Cassat Hall, a men's residence (1966), and Donnell Hall, another men's residence (1967).

McCormick Gymnasium was expanded in 1967. Another large addition to it, named the Stoltz Sports Center, was made later. The original building was also renovated to include a new indoor swimming pool, racquetball courts, a hall of fame, and a multi-purpose area.

Notable graduates of the University of Dubuque include Edward A. "Sol" Butler, a track star who set national and world records, competed in the 1920 Olympics, and was one of the first black players in the National Football League, and actor Tony Danza, a star of the TV sitcoms "Taxi" and "Who's the Boss?". Danza returns to visit the school from time to time. George O'Leary, current football coach at the University of Central Florida played football at UD in the 1960's but did not graduate. O'Leary gained notoriety when he was hired then dropped as Notre Dame head coach when it was discovered that he fabricated his resume. Another Florida coach, Jim Leavitt of South Florida, was an assistant football coach at UD in the late seventies.

In 1999, the University informed 14 professors, 10 of whom held tenured positions, that they would lose their positions due to a financial crisis [3]. A report by The American Association of University Professors raised concerns about this action, but the AAUP did not end up censuring the university [4]. The University was granted a provisional six-year accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools due to concerns about academics in the wake of the financial crisis. In 2005, however, the university was granted a full accreditation after a lengthy review process. [5].

In 2003 the University received an endowment to implement the Lester G. Wendt and Michael Lester Wendt Character Initiative, currently overseen by the Wendt Center for Character Education, which among other tasks encourages ethical character development of University students and integration of the same into the university curriculum [6]. Also associated with the Wendt name was a Wendt University Professorship, granted in 2005 to Dr. Paul Jeffries, a professor of philosophy. As the Wendt professor, Dr. Jeffries was to oversee the initiative and "speak broadly" about it in the University and external community.

During the same year, Dr. Jeffries came up for a new tenure contract. The university offered him a contract, but he objected to a provision restricting negative speech about the University, which he felt could interfere with his objectivity in speaking about ethics and character. The offer of tenure was immediately revoked and Dr. Jeffries was dismissed from the University, an action that stirred considerable unrest among students and faculty [7]

[edit] Moving Forward

The school has constructed a number of new buildings, including the Dunlap Technology Center, a major expansion of the library, and a significant addition to the Goldthorp Science Hall. The Dunlap Technology Center offers computer labs, classroom space, faculty offices, and a large auditorium. When the Ficke-Laird Library was remodeled and expanded, it was renamed the Charles C. Myers Library. The science hall addition and the Myers Teaching and Administrative Center are under construction at this writing (2006).

The university has completed building additional student housing on land adjacent to Dodge Street, the main east-west thoroughfare through the city. This property remained vacant for many years until these new apartments were built. These units are typically only available to upperclassmen.

The university is also putting plans into motion to build a music and performing arts building to accommodate the choir, band, drama department, and comedy club. Additional areas of the building will be open to all students.

[edit] Alcohol Policies

In recent years, there have been many efforts to curb the amount of underage drinking present at the University of Dubuque. The UD is a dry campus, however, like many colleges and universities across the US, drinking is still common on and off campus. Fines have increased in recent years for drinking in the dorms, and the University is known to take administrative action against students for underage drinking tickets received off campus. Efforts have stepped up even more this year, as it has been announced that alcohol will be banned from all off-campus UD events, including Homecoming. The only events that are deemed necessary for alcohol use are those that the President says. This "exemption" policy was strongly opposed by SGA (Student Government Association) in the form of an open letter to the President and his cabinet. These "wet" events include but are not limited to the annual President's Gala that occurs right after students leave for winter break.

[edit] Field of Dreams movie location

Along with other places in Dubuque County, the University was used as a shooting location for the motion picture Field of Dreams. The Seminary Library, Blades Hall, and Van Vliet Hall were used in a scene where Kevin Costner's character is researching Terrance Mann. The movie made it appear the library was located in Van Vliet Hall, which is incorrect. Van Vliet is currently an office building, although a new administration building was recently completed. Also, the spot where Annie parked the family pickup truck was and still is in a "no parking" zone.

[edit] References

  1. ^ University of Dubuque 2007-2008 Fact Sheet.
  2. ^ University of Dubuque: Education for a Changing World.
  3. ^ McDonald, Julia (April 7, 1999). Crisis at the University of Dubuque (HTML) (English). Iowa State University. Retrieved on 2007-01-09.
  4. ^ Smallwood, Scott (September 26, 2001). AAUP Finds Fault With U. of Dubuque; University Says Report Is Flawed (HTML) (English). Iowa State University. Retrieved on 2007-01-09.
  5. ^ University of Dubuque Viewbook.
  6. ^ The Wendt Character Initiative.
  7. ^ The Story Thus Far.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

The new portion of the Goldthrop Science Hall, under construction in March of 2006. A portion of the original building can be seen at the right rear of the image.
The new portion of the Goldthrop Science Hall, under construction in March of 2006. A portion of the original building can be seen at the right rear of the image.