University of Bahrain

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UoB Logo

The University of Bahrain was founded in 1986. The roots of the University go back to the late 1960s when the Higher Institutes for male and female teachers were established. These institutes later developed into the University College of Arts, Sciences, and Education in accordance with the Amiri Decree no. (11) for 1978. The Gulf Technical College was established in 1968. It was later renamed the Gulf Polytechnic by the Amiri Decree no. (2) of 18th February 1981. These two colleges remained independent and offered Bachelor’s degrees in the various disciplines of Arts, Science, Education, Business Administration and Engineering. On 24th May 1986, His Highness the Amir issued Decree no. (12) for 1986, establishing the University of Bahrain by merging the two colleges. The funds, assets, and liabilities of the two aforementioned colleges were transferred to the University. On 18th April 1999 an Amiri decree no (18) was issued, amending some provisions of the decree no. (12) for 1986. The University of Bahrain now comprises the following colleges:

  • Business and Administration
  • Information Technology
  • Engineering
  • Education
  • Science
  • Arts
  • Law
  • Applied Science


[edit] The University Logo

Each of the two merged colleges – the University College for Arts, Sciences and Education and the Gulf Polytechnic – had their own logos:


Following the foundation of the University of Bahrain in 1986, the University Administration invited proposals for a new logo by means of a competition. Eventually, the present logo was selected and after some modification, it was formerly accepted as the University Logo.

[edit] Fundamental Aims

The University of Bahrain, in accordance with its by-laws and in line with the decisions of its Board of Trustees, aims at carrying out activities concerned with higher education and scientific research in its colleges, institutions, research centers and its units to disseminate, develop and preserve knowledge and making it accessible to members of society through:

  • Fostering artistic talents and encouraging scholarship through teaching and research.
  • Providing the country with professionals, technocrats and experts in a variety of fields.
  • Nurturing individuals and inculcating both Islamic values and Arab heritage. Such individuals can then participate effectively in the development of their own country and the Arab and Moslem world at large.
  • Carrying out and promoting scientific research in addition to encouraging independent thinking and personal initiative on the part of students.
  • Preserving and spreading Arab and Islamic culture, as well as developing an interest in national and universal culture.
  • Developing technology and harnessing it to the service of society.
  • Cementing cultural and educational ties with other universities.
  • Organizing social services, including non-credit and non-degree educational programs.
  • Encouraging students to take part in public service outside the University.

[edit] Educational and Administrative Supervision

His Highness the Amir of Bahrain is the Supreme President of the University of Bahrain. The governance and administration of the University is undertaken by the following councils. These councils manage their responsibilities and perform their duties in accordance with the University’s rules, regulations and by-laws.

Administrative Councils of the University:

  • The Board of Trustees
  • The University Council
  • College councils
  • Departmental councils

The responsibilities and functions of the above councils are defined in the Amiri Decree No. (12) 1986 and was amended by the Amiri Decree no. (18) for the year 1999.

[edit] The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees administers the University, supervises its activities and monitors the work of the colleges. It is also responsible for decision-making and for applying procedures designed to achieve the goals of the University.

The University is overseen by a Board of Trustees comprising twelve members, including the Minister of Education, as Chairman, and the President of the University of Bahrain. The Board of Trustees is appointed by an Amiri Decree and serves a renewable four-year term.

[edit] The Board has the following responsibilities

To formulate the general policy for university education and scientific research and also to organize, direct and implement this policy in accordance with the needs of the country and its development. To formulate executive, financial, administrative and technical by-laws for the university, as well as internal by-laws for the different colleges and institutes within the University. To approve contracts and agreements of which the University constitutes a party, including the acquisition or purchase of real estate and commodities and the management of assets and revenues. To receive and accept donations form various sources, provided the terms of the donations do not contradict the University aims and objectives. To approve the University budget, its financial plans and end-of-year balance and to adopt the auditor’s report. To formulate the necessary rules and regulations for the investment and management of the University funds and, in so doing, to agree with qualified auditors with regard to book-keeping and financial controls. To fix the University fees. To set up academic and administrative posts and petitions for appointment purposes and to specify the terms and conditions of appointment, in addition to devising criteria for the appointment and promotion of faculty and formulating rules for transfer, leave, loans and termination of contract. To approve the bestowing of academic degrees and diplomas upon the recommendation of the University Council To set up colleges or new institutes related to the University, in addition to reorganizing or merging existing departments or colleges within the University. Also, to approve the transfer of faculty members from such colleges or institutes to the University and to grant them the same privileges that their colleagues enjoy. To take up any other areas of responsibility in accordance with the by-laws and regulations of the University. The University Council is the executive board of the University, which assists the President in the administration of the institution’s academic and scientific affairs. The function of the Council is to ensure the smooth running of the academic programs of the University, to advance academic standards, and to suggest by-laws or amendments to by-laws, to be approved by the Board of Trustees. It is also responsible for approving academic programs, for sending Bahrainis abroad for further studies, and for arranging contracts with non-Bahraini academic staff.

[edit] The University Council consists of

  • The University President Chairman
  • Vice-presidents Members
  • Deans Members

It also includes not more than three extramural members who must have relevant experience and academic competence. Extramural members are appointed by the Board of Trustees for a three-year term, renewable only once.

[edit] College Councils

Each of the seven colleges of the University has its own council, which is its highest executive committee. The main task of the college councils is to supervise the academic programs of the college, to monitor the work of the college departments, to improve academic standards, to deal with students matters, and to execute the decisions of the University Council and Board of Trustees.

Each council consists of the dean of the college as chairperson, the departmental chairpersons, and an additional representative from each department. The councils may also include up to three extramural members representing the social and economic sectors most closely associated with the activities of the college.

[edit] Departmental Councils

Each of the academic departments of the University – the major units of the colleges – has its own council consisting of the academic staff of the department of the rank of lecturer and above. The councils hold regular meetings chaired by the head of the department to discuss the department’s academic programs, teaching methods, learning resources, course offerings and student registration.

[edit] The Academic Year

The Academic Year is divided into two semesters (fall and spring) and a summer session. The duration of each semester is 16 weeks. The first semester starts in the third week of September and ends in the first week of January. The second semester starts in the third week of February and ends in the last week of June. The summer session starts at the end of June and finishes at the end of August.

[edit] External links
