Universidade Federal da Bahia

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The Universidade Federal da Bahia ("Federal University of Bahia" or UFBA) is a public university located mainly in Salvador, state of Bahia, Brazil. It is the most important university in that state. Students can study there without having to pay, as it is a public university, but in order to join the university, they must perform well on an examination that happens once a year known as the vestibular. Once they manage, they can study at the university for free.


[edit] Vestibular

Vestibular is often used as a method to evaluate the students that wish to join a university at Brazil. Every university usually has its own exam. UFBA's exam is know to be one of the hardest from the entire country, so the students who enter (and manage to complete the school course) are given a lot of value in the business market. UFBA's examination is characterized by two phases:

  • The first is generic, that is, it evaluates students' abilities in all areas of knowledge (literature, history, geography, the natural sciences, foreign language and mathematics).
  • If their results meet the criteria, students move on to the second phase exams, more specific to the course to which they are applying. For example, students applying to the medicine program (the most common) who do well on the first level proceed to a second level exam demanding proficiency in biology, chemistry, physics and writing.

[edit] Statistics (2005)

Number of campuses: 3
Applied Candidates: 40,299
Number of Vacancies: 4,026
Candidates per Vacancy (average): 10.0 [1]

[edit] Schools

Escola de Administração
Escola de Agronomia
Escola de Belas Artes
Escola de Dança
Escola de Enfermagem
Escola de Medicina Veterinária
Escola de Música
Escola de Nutrição
Escola Politécnica
Escola de Teatro
Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Faculdade de Comunicação
Faculdade de Ciências Contabéis
Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas
Faculdade de Direito
Faculdade de Educação
Faculdade de Farmácia
Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Faculdade de Medicina
Faculdade de Odontologia
Instituto de Biologia
Instituto de Ciência da Informação
Instituto de Ciências da Saúde
Instituto de Física
Instituto de Geociências
Instituto de Letras
Instituto de Matemática
Instituto de Química
Instituto de Saúde Coletiva

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ UFBA statistics (in portuguese)

[edit] External links
