United States federal courts

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The United States federal courts are the system of courts organized under the Constitution and laws of the federal government of the United States. See also United States federal judge.


[edit] Categories

The courts are a branch of government, and include:

While federal courts are generally created by the U.S. Congress under the constitutional power described in Article III, many of the specialized courts are created under the authority granted in Article I.

Greater power is vested in Article III courts because the greater control that exercise over Article I courts would threaten the balance of power between the branches of government.

Article III requires the establishment of a Supreme Court and permits the U.S. Congress to create other federal courts, and place limitations on their jurisdiction. In theory, Congress could eliminate the entire federal judiciary except for a single Supreme Court Justice (who would be the Chief Justice by default). However, the first Congress immediately established a system of lower federal courts through the Judiciary Act of 1789.

[edit] Levels of U.S. federal courts

The Federal District Courts are the general federal trial courts, although in many cases Congress has passed statutes which divert original jurisdiction to the above-mentioned specialized courts or to administrative law judges (ALJs). In such cases, the district courts have jurisdiction to hear appeals from such lower bodies.

The Federal Courts of Appeals are the intermediate appellate courts. They operate under a system of mandatory review which means they must hear all appeals from the lower courts.

Finally, the United States Supreme Court is the court of last resort. It generally operates under discretionary review, meaning that it can pick and choose cases (through grants of writ of certiorari) and hear only the non-frivolous appeals that present truly novel issues. In a few unusual situations (like lawsuits between state governments or some cases between the federal government and a state) it sits as a court of original jurisdiction. Such matters are generally referred to a designated individual (usually a sitting or retired judge or well-respected attorney) to sit as "Special Master" and report to the Court with recommendations.

[edit] Related organizations

The Judicial Conference of the United States is the policymaking body of the U.S. federal courts. The Conference is responsible for creating and revising federal procedural rules pursuant to the Rules Enabling Act.

The U.S. Marshals Service is responsible for providing protection for the federal judiciary and transporting federal prisoners.

The Supreme Court Police provide security for the Supreme Court building.

[edit] Limitations on U.S. Federal Courts

The Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution as placing some additional restrictions on the federal courts. For example, the doctrines of mootness, ripeness and standing prohibit district courts from issuing advisory opinions. Other doctrines, such as the abstention doctrines and the Rooker-Feldman doctrine limit the power of lower federal courts to disturb rulings made by state courts.

[edit] Study of U.S. Federal Courts

Most U.S. law schools offer an elective course that focuses specifically on the powers and limitations of U.S. federal courts, with coverage of topics such as justiciability, abstention doctrines, the abrogation doctrine, and habeas corpus.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links