United States Senate elections, 1924

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The U.S. Senate election, 1924 was an election for the United States Senate which coincided with the re-election of Republican President Calvin Coolidge. The strong economy and Coolidge's popularity helped Republican candidates increase their majority by four, although several interim appointments had worsened their numbers since the 1922 election anyway.

The Republicans took open seats in Colorado and Oklahoma, and defeated incumbents Augustus O. Stanley (D-KY), David I. Walsh (D-MA), and Magnus Johnson (FL-MN), but Democrats defeated Holm O. Bursum (R-NM).

[edit] Senate contests in 1924

State Incumbent Party Status Opposing Candidates
Alabama J. Thomas Heflin Democrat Re-elected, 75.2 - 24.8 F. H. Lathrop (Republican)
Arkansas Joseph T. Robinson Democrat Re-elected, 73.5 - 26.5 Charles F. Cole (Republican)
Colorado Lawrence C. Phipps Republican Re-elected, 50.2 - 43.9 - 5.0 Alva B. Adams (Democrat)
Morton Alexander (Independent)
Colorado1 Alva B. Adams Democrat Retired: Republican victory, 50.2 - 43.7 - 5.5 Rice W. Means (Republican)
Morrison Shafroth (Democrat)
Charles T. Phelps (Independent)
Connecticut2 Frank B. Brandegee Republican Died: Republican victory, 60.4 - 38.6 Hiram Bingham III (Republican)
Hamilton Holt (Democrat)
Delaware L. Heisler Ball Republican Defeated in primary: Republican victory, 59.4 - 40.6 T. Coleman du Pont (Republican)
James M. Tunnell (Democrat)
Georgia William J. Harris Democrat Re-elected, unopposed
Idaho William E. Borah Republican Re-elected, 79.5 - 20.1 Frank Martin (Democrat)
Illinois Medill McCormick Republican Defeated in primary: Republican victory, 63.5 - 35.4 Charles S. Deneen (Republican)
Albert A. Sprague (Democrat)
Iowa3 Smith W. Brookhart Republican Re-elected, 50.0 - 50.0 Daniel F. Steck (Democrat)
Kansas Arthur Capper Republican Re-elected, 70.1 - 25.2 James Malone (Democrat)
Kentucky Augustus O. Stanley Democrat Defeated, 51.6 - 48.4 Frederic M. Sackett (Republican)
Louisiana Joseph E. Ransdell Democrat Re-elected, unopposed
Maine Bert M. Fernald Republican Re-elected, 60.4 - 28.2 Fulton J. Redman (Democrat)
Massachusetts David I. Walsh Democrat Defeated, 50.3 - 48.6 Frederick H. Gillett (Republican)
Michigan James Couzens Republican Re-elected, 74.3 - 24.6 Mortimer E. Cooley (Democrat)
Minnesota Magnus Johnson Farmer-Labor Defeated, 46.5 - 45.5 - 6.4 Thomas D. Schall (Republican)
John J. Farrell (Democrat)
Mississippi Pat Harrison Democrat Re-elected, unopposed
Montana Thomas J. Walsh Democrat Re-elected, 52.8 - 42.4 Frank B. Linderman (Republican)
Nebraska George W. Norris Republican Re-elected, 62.4 - 37.6 J. J. Thomas (Democrat)
New Hampshire Henry W. Keyes Republican Re-elected, 59.8 - 40.2 George E. Farrand (Democrat)
New Jersey Walter E. Edge Republican Re-elected, 61.8 - 33.7 Frederick W. Donnelly (Democrat)
New Mexico Holm O. Bursum Republican Defeated, 49.9 - 47.4 Sam G. Bratton (Democrat)
North Carolina Furnifold M. Simmons Democrat Re-elected, 61.6 - 38.5 A. A. Whitener (Republican)
Oklahoma Robert L. Owen Democrat Retired: Republican victory, 61.6 - 35.4 William B. Pine (Republican)
John C. Walton (Democrat)
Oregon Charles L. McNary Republican Re-elected, 66.0 - 24.7 - 7.7 Milton A. Miller (Democrat)
F. E. Coulter (Progressive)
Rhode Island Jesse H. Metcalf Republican Re-elected, 57.6 - 41.8 William S. Flynn (Democrat)
South Carolina Nathaniel B. Dial Democrat Defeated in primary: Democratic victory, unopposed Coleman L. Blease (Democrat)
South Dakota Thomas Sterling Republican Defeated in primary: Republican victory, 45.4 - 33.1 - 12.1 - 7.2 William H. McMaster (Republican)
U. S. G. Cherry (Democrat)
Tom Ayres (Farmer-Labor)
George Egan (Independent)
Tennessee John K. Shields Democrat Defeated in primary: Democratic victory, 57.3 - 42.6 Lawrence D. Tyson (Democrat)
H. B. Lindsay (Republican)
Texas Morris Sheppard Democrat Re-elected, 85.4 - 14.6 T. M. Kennerly (Republican)
Virginia Carter Glass Democrat Re-elected, 73.1 - 24.2 W. N. Noak (Republican)
West Virginia Davis Elkins Republican Retired: Republican victory, 50.9 - 47.7 Guy D. Goff (Republican)
William E. Chilton (Democrat)
Wyoming Francis E. Warren Republican Re-elected, 55.2 - 44.8 Robert R. Rose (Democrat)

1 special election held due to death of Samuel D. Nicholson (R-CO). Interim Senator Alva B. Adams (D-CO) unsuccessfully ran for the other Senate seat.

2 special election held due to death of Frank B. Brandegee (R-CT)

3 Steck contested the election, and although Brookhart was initially seated in the Senate, eventually he was unseated in favor of Steck. This is the only time a Senate election has been overturned after one candidate had already been seated.

[edit] See also

[edit] Senate composition before and after elections

68th Congress Senate Composition   69th Congress Senate Composition
Color Key:   = Republican   = Democratic   = Farmer-Labor