United States Minister to Hawaii

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John L. Stevens, United States Minister to Hawai'i, ordered the landing of the United States Marine Corps on O'ahu to forcibly dethrone Queen Lili'uokalani.
John L. Stevens, United States Minister to Hawai'i, ordered the landing of the United States Marine Corps on O'ahu to forcibly dethrone Queen Lili'uokalani.

The Minister to Hawai'i was an office of the United States Department of State to the Kingdom of Hawai'i during the period of 1810 to 1893. Appointed by the President of the United States with the consent of Congress, the Minister to Hawai'i was equivalent in rank to the present-day ambassador of the United States to foreign governments. As principal envoy of the United States government to the monarch of Hawai'i, the Minister to Hawai'i often dealt in affairs relating to economic, military and political matters affecting both nations. The Minister to Hawai'i also represented the interests of American citizens residing and working in Hawai'i, conveying their concerns over United States foreign policy to the President of the United States.

Two Ministers to Hawai'i became paramount figures in the history of Hawaiian Islands. John L. Stevens, appointed by President Benjamin Harrison, was accused of being a conspirator in the overthrow of the monarchy of Queen Lili'uokalani. James Henderson Blount, appointed by President Grover Cleveland, investigated the overthrow, submitting a report on July 17, 1893, resulting in the dismissal of Stevens from his foreign service career and the recommendation by Cleveland to restore the monarchy. Following Blount's report, and the refusal of the Provisional Government to abide by Cleveland's wishes, a Senate committee appointed by Cleveland to further investigate the matter exonerated Stevens and the U.S. peacekeepers from any role in the Hawaiian Revolution, submitting the Morgan Report on February 26, 1894. Following that final investigation on the matter, Cleveland rebuffed further requests from the queen for interference, and engaged in normal diplomatic relations with both the Provisional Government and the Republic of Hawaii.

[edit] List of Ministers

This is a list of American Ministers to the Kingdom of Hawaii from 1853 to 1893.

[edit] External links