United States House Committee on Accounts

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The United States House Committee on Accounts is a former committee of the United States House of Representatives from 1803 to 1927.

[edit] History

The committee was created on December 27, 1803, and was made a standing committee in 1805.

In 1911 the functions of the Committee on Ventilation and Acoustics were transferred to the Committee on Accounts, and in 1927 the functions of the Committee on Mileage were similarly transferred.

In 1947, the duties of the Committee on Accounts were moved into the newly-formed Committee on House Administration.

[edit] Jurisdiction

Its jurisdiction covered all subjects "touching the expenditure of the contingent fund of the House, [and] the auditing and settling of all accounts which may be charged therein to the House." In addition, the committee was responsible for the accountability of officers of the House, the procurement of rooms for the use of House committees and for the Speaker, and for recommending and authorizing the employment of such persons as stenographers, reporters of debates, janitors, and clerks and staff assistants for committees, members and senators.

[edit] External links