United Conservative Party

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The United Conservative Party (Spanish: Partido Conservador Unido) was a right-wing Chilean party founded in December 1953 after the merger of the Traditionalist Conservative Party and parts of the Social Christian Conservative Party, issued from the Conservative Party. It supported for the 1958 presidential election the candidacy of Jorge Alessandri and participated, along with the Liberal Party, in its government. In 1962, it participated to the Democratic Front of Chile center-right coalition which opposed the left-wings FRAP coalition and supported for the 1964 presidential election Julio Durán (who obtained less than 5% of the votes).

Following the low results obtained at the 1965 legislative elections, the Untied Conservative Party merged in 1966 with the Liberal Party and the Partido Acción Nacional (founded in 1963 by Jorge Prat Echaurren, who had been Minister of Finances in 1954 in Carlos Ibáñez del Campo's cabinet), thus creating the National Party.


[edit] Electoral results

  • 1957 legislative election (21 deputies on a total of 147) — 13,8% of the votes [1]
  • 1961 legislative election (17 deputies on a total of 147) — 14,3% of the votes [1]
  • 1967 legislative election (03 deputies on a total of 147) — 05,2% of the votes [1]

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ a b c Cruz-Coke, Ricardo. 1984. Historia electoral de Chile. 1925-1973. Editorial Jurídica de Chile. Santiago

[edit] Further reading

  • Cruz-Coke, Ricardo. 1984. Historia electoral de Chile. 1925-1973. Editorial Jurídica de Chile. Santiago.
  • Gil, Federico. 1969. El sistema político de Chile. Editorial Andrés Bello. Santiago.
  • Pereira, Teresa. 1994. El Partido Conservador: 1930-1965, ideas, figuras y actitudes. Editorial Universitaria. Santiago de Chile.
  • Sanfuentes Carrión, Marcial. 1957. El Partido Conservador. Editorial Universitaria. Santiago.

[edit] See also
