United American Committee

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The flag of the United American Committee.
The flag of the United American Committee.

The United American Committee (commonly called the UAC) is a non-partisan non profit 501c(3) organization which promotes awareness of threats which face America from within. The UAC is dedicated to educating the nation about the current threats that they believe are confronting the U.S., with the primarily focus on confronting Islamic extremism. The UAC claims to champion the fight in the ideological aspects of the War on Terror, and bring support for the War on Terror to the grassroots level.

The UAC monitors threats which face America and encourages U.S. citizens to become involved in national security issues. Adherents of the beliefs of the United American Committee believe that citizens must take a role in the activities of the nation. The UAC is also known to promote a sense of American patriotism, and encourages America to awaken to the threats of Islamic extremism and work to implement the agenda laid out in the UAC Platform through educational campaigns. Founded in December 2004, the United American Committee counts its members in the thousands[1]


[edit] Key elements of the United American Committee

The United American Committee follows the UAC Platform which focuses on a wide range of topics, including educating the nation's citizens regarding alternative energy, and educating the public on the nature of Islamic militancy. The 10 point platform also stresses the issues of national security, border security, immigration, as well as other topics which face the nation that they believe American citizens to be inadequately informed on. Their primary focus is on countering the threats of Islamic extremism.

The Seal of the United American Committee.
The Seal of the United American Committee.

[edit] UAC Platform

The UAC Platform, also referred to as 10 point platform, was written to formulate the primary policies of the United American Committee. Finalized in 2005, the platform lays out the foundation of the UAC. Focusing on countering the spread of Islamic extremism in America, the platform promotes beliefs held by members of the United American Committee, and encourages a tough stance on the issue of terrorism and Islamic extremism in the United States.

[edit] The Platform

  • 1. "Our goal is the unity of all Americans, against the threats of Islamic extremism which face our nation and a goal of ensuring a secure future for America. We will accomplish our goals set forth through the following actions: Educate our society on the natures of our enemies. Inform the American people on issues which must be resolved."
  • 2. "Our goal is that freedom for all religious faiths continues, insofar as they do not endanger the American people, or the existence of democracy."
  • 3. "Our goal is the education of the American people regarding the philosophies and activities of our enemies which are operating from within the United States borders. Furthermore, it is the duty of every American to report to authorities any activities observed which may inflict harm upon the American people."
  • 4. "We will promote awareness of the dangers in lenient sentencing of terrorists and the benefits of harsh sentences in regards to terrorist activities."
  • 5. "We will educate the nation regarding how our enemies may use our immigration policies against us."
  • 6. "Our nation's security shall come first and foremost. The United American Committee is dedicated to protecting the American people, and allowing them to live safe and comfortable lives, without the threats of Islamic extremism and terrorist activities. We feel a key to accomplishing this is by maintaining a secure border. Our goal is to promote citizen involvement in this issue, through showing support for border patrol and immigration agents as well as assisting by encouraging on the ground support through volunteer activism."
  • 7. "We encourage close scrutinization of the funding of any organization from a foreign source, and are dedicated to bringing attention to the American people of any foreign funded organization which may pose a threat to the existence of democracy."
  • 8. "Our goal is to work towards ending dependency on oil, and educating the American people on the dangers of importing oil from countries tied to Islamic extremism. The United American Committee also encourages automotive corporations to pursue alternative fuels in order to help decrease the funding of foreign regimes which have known ties to Islamic extremism."
  • 9. "The United American Committee believes education is a key to a bright future. We desire for the education system of America to teach our youth the facts, and the true nature of our extremist enemies. We hope to encourage our nations educators so that they shall not feel pressure to withhold vital information for fear of reprimand due to political correctness. Our youth are our nation's future. We must hold their education to the highest level of importance."
  • 10. "Our goal is to encourage Muslim Americans to embrace democratic ideals, and the American way of life. All citizens are equal and are entitled to the rights granted by the United States constitution. These rights may only be revoked when an individual, regardless of creed or race, commits an act against his/her fellow American or against the American populace, whether by action or intent. We encourage American Muslims to denounce the ideals of our extremist enemies, and to stand against our enemy's terrorist actions."

[edit] Agenda of the UAC

Current projects include a campaign to stop Al Jazeera broadcasting in English due to its purported "friendly" relationships with Al Qaeda and other radical organizations. In addition to the UAC Platform, the United American Committee strongly stresses vigilance within U.S. borders. The UAC encourages Americans to keep a watchful eye on their surroundings, particularly in monitoring suspected Islamic extremist activities. The United American Committee's other topics include women's rights, which the UAC believes are often violated by some Islamic regimes, and efforts to educate Americans on this issue.

[edit] References

[edit] External links