Unitary operator

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In functional analysis, a branch of mathematics, a unitary operator is a bounded linear operator U : H → H on a Hilbert space H satisfying

U * U = UU * = I

where U is the adjoint of U, and I : H → H is the identity operator. This property is equivalent to the following:

  1. The range of U is dense, and
  2. U preserves the inner product 〈  ,  〉 on the Hilbert space, i.e. for all vectors x and y in the Hilbert space,
\langle Ux, Uy \rangle = \langle x, y \rangle.

To see this, notice that U preserves the inner product implies U is an isometry (thus, a bounded linear operator). The fact that U has dense range ensures it has a bounded inverse U−1. It is clear that U−1 = U.

Thus, unitary operators are just automorphisms of Hilbert spaces, i.e., they preserve the structure (in this case, the linear space structure, the inner product, and hence the topology) of the space on which they act. The group of all unitary operators from a given Hilbert space H to itself is sometimes referred to as the Hilbert group of H, denoted Hilb(H).


[edit] Examples

  • On the vector space C of complex numbers, multiplication by a number of absolute value 1, that is, a number of the form ei θ for θR, is a unitary operator. θ is referred to as a phase, and this multiplication is referred to as multiplication by a phase. Notice that the value of θ modulo 2π does not affect the result of the multiplication, and so the independent unitary operators on C are parametrized by a circle. The corresponding group, which, as a set, is the circle, is called U(1).
  • More generally, unitary matrices are precisely the unitary operators on finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, so the notion of a unitary operator is a generalisation of the notion of a unitary matrix. Orthogonal matrices are the special case of unitary matrices in which all entries are real. They are the unitary operators on Rn.

[edit] Notes

For the sake of independency in the unitary definition the linearity requirement can be dropped, because it can be derived from the linearity of the scalar product.

 \langle \lambda\cdot Ux-U(\lambda\cdot x), \lambda\cdot Ux-U(\lambda\cdot x) \rangle
  = \| \lambda \cdot Ux \|^2 + \| U(\lambda \cdot x) \|^2 - \langle U(\lambda\cdot x), \lambda\cdot Ux \rangle - \langle \lambda\cdot Ux, U(\lambda\cdot x) \rangle
 = |\lambda|^2 \cdot \| Ux \|^2 + \| U(\lambda \cdot x) \|^2 - \overline{\lambda}\cdot \langle U(\lambda\cdot x), Ux \rangle - \lambda\cdot \langle Ux, U(\lambda\cdot x) \rangle
 = |\lambda|^2 \cdot \| x \|^2 + \| \lambda \cdot x \|^2 - \overline{\lambda}\cdot \langle \lambda\cdot x, x \rangle - \lambda\cdot \langle x, \lambda\cdot x \rangle
= 0
Analogously you obtain \langle U(x+y)-(Ux+Uy), U(x+y)-(Ux+Uy) \rangle = 0 .

[edit] Properties

  • The spectrum of a unitary operator U lies on the unit circle. That is, for any complex number λ in the spectrum, one has |λ|=1. This can be seen as a consequence of the spectral theorem for normal operators. By the theorem, U is unitarily equivalent to multiplication by a Borel-measurable f on L²(μ), for some finite measure space (X, μ). Now U U* = I implies |f(x)|² = 1 μ-a.e. This shows that the essential range of f, therefore the spectrum of U, lies on the unit circle.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  • Lang, Serge (1972). Differential manifolds. Reading, Mass.–London–Don Mills, Ont.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc..