Talk:University of Victoria

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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the University of Victoria article.

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[edit] Stockwell Day

Consideration should be given to removing Mr. Day from the alumni list as he did not actually graduate from UVic. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:05, 10 January 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Rabbit photo?

Why is there a rabbit at the top of this page? It scares me... 00:09, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

I think it is just because rabbits are everywhere in the campus. I was personally shocked by about fifteen rabbits when I turned a corner. It does not have to be at the top of this article, but it is sad somebody deleted the picture....--Orcano 07:23, 28 February 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Board, Govenors, President, Senate

Currently I am translating this article into Japanese. I have a question on a paragraph about the University Act in 1963.

In granting autonomy to the University of Victoria, the University Act of 1963 vested administrative authority in a Chancellor elected by the Convocation of the University, a Board of Governors, and a President appointed by the Board; academic authority was given to a Senate which was representative both of the Faculties and of the Convocation.

I do not understand two words.

1.a Board of Governors

I thought the Board is like board of education.
I misunderstood that the Governors meant local government PM while I forgot there are no such Governors in Canada. Then, what are Govenors and what's a a Board of Governors. I felt that it needs knowledge about Canadian education.

2., and a President appoint by the Board

I completely don't understand this part. Plus the ,(comma) confuses me....

3.a Senate

Is a Senate person who is chosen by people in a electoral district or anthing else?

I would appreciate it if you would help.--Orcano 18:08, 1 March 2007 (UTC)


Universities in BC are granted autonomy via the University Act which UVic is member of. Senate in this case, refers to:

The University Senate is the body that governs all academic matters for the university. They rule on matters such as programs, standards and course content. The senate is comprised of ten members, including 16 student representatives. Nominations are being sought for student representatives on Senate.[1]

Students have election votes to elect members of both Senate and BoG and at the same time, there are ex-officio members appointed by the university.

Board of Governors : The Board of Governors manages the university's financial matters. They are responsible for the maintenance and construction of buildings, the appointment of staff and faculty and the establishment of faculties and departments based on the recommendations of the Senate. It determines all fees and student aid, administers university assets and approves the university budget. [2]

President is the one who represents the university and is in charge of all affairs of the university. You can think of it as President of a country, but in a sense of a institution-based one.

Hope this helps--Cahk 21:54, 6 March 2007 (UTC)

It helps and giving me citation helps more, thanks. I can find my translation on that part was basically different from what it means in English.... --Orcano 06:39, 8 March 2007 (UTC)

[edit] HELP

Hello my name is Andrea, i am a student from Mexico City. Me and my team are doing a project in which we need to contact someone from an university abroad in order to get some information, because we are interested in going abroad to study. We will really appreciate your help.Thank you!Blueapple23 00:15, 17 September 2007 (UTC)Blueapple23

there is also a school of environmental studies! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:18, 16 October 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Other Notable Professors

Micheal M'Gonigle copy and pasted from the uvic website "Dr. M’Gonigle holds the Eco-Research Chair in Environmental Law and Policy, and is cross-appointed between the School of Environmental Studies and the Faculty of Law. A political economist and environmental lawyer, Dr. M’Gonigle has an extensive background in environmental activism, including as a co-founder of Greenpeace International, SmartGrowth BC, Forest Futures (Dogwood Initiative) and as a founding co-director of the Sierra Legal Defense Fund. As Chair of the Board of Greenpeace Canada, he initiated the Greenpeace forest campaign in 1990. Most recently he was a member of the Legal Mechanisms Experts Team devising innovative legal mechanisms for aboriginal and community-based management of British Columbia’s Central and North Coasts."

Also, Nancy J. Turner- recent recipient of the order of British Columbia. "Nancy J. Turner of Victoria is an internationally-distinguished scholar and scientist who has devoted her life to documenting the endangered knowledge of First Nations. As a pioneer in ethnobiology, her more than 25 years of research have focused on the diverse interactions of First Peoples in British Columbia with the ecosystems they depended on and the critical role of plant resources for foods, medicines and materials. Her research will be seen as a most valuable compendium of aboriginal culture and plant lore in British Columbia."

[edit] Dr. Weaver's Nobel Prize?

The link to the UVic news release doesn't give any info on a co-award of the prize, and the Nobel Peace Prize article doesn't list Dr. Weaver as a co-recipient. What's the deal? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 17:57, 24 April 2008 (UTC) (talk) 08:04, 21 November 2007 (UTC)