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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Cotingidae
Genus: Cephalopterus
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire,E, 1809

Umbrellabird or Cephalopterus is a genus of the cotinga family. They live in the tropical forests of the Americas. Any of three species of bird of tropical South and Central America, family Cotingidae, order Passeriformes, about 45 cm/18 in long. The Amazonian species Cephalopterus ornatus, the ornate umbrella bird, has an inflatable wattle at the neck to amplify its humming call, and in display elevates a long crest (12 cm/4 in) lying above the bill so that it rises umbrella-like above the head. These features are less noticeable in the female, which is brownish, while the male is blue-black.

In the long-wattled umbrella bird C. penduliger, the wattle is covered with black feathers and may reach a length of 28 cm/11 in. The wattle of C. glabricollis is short, bare, and red.

[edit] Species
