User:Ultratomio/Keiba B1

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[edit] Sire Line

Ottoman flag Byerley Turk 1680
Flag of the United Kingdom Jigg 1705
 |Flag of the United Kingdom Partner 1718
  |Flag of the United Kingdom Tartar 1743
   |Flag of the United Kingdom Herod 1758   ---↓Horod Line
    |Flag of the United Kingdom Florizel 1768
    ||Flag of the United Kingdom Fidget 1783
    ||Flag of the United Kingdom Diomed 1777   ---↓Diomed Line
    | |Flag of the United States Duroc 1806
    | ||Flag of the United States American Eclipse 1814
    | |Flag of the United States Sir Archy 1802
    |  |Flag of the United States Timoleon 1814
    |   |Flag of the United States Boston 1833
    |    |Flag of the United States Lexington 1850   ---↓レキシントン系
    |     |Flag of the United States Optimist 1857
    |     |Flag of the United States Pat Malloy 1865
    |     |Flag of the United States Gilroy 1862
    |     |Flag of the United States Norfolk 1861
    |      |Flag of the United States Emperor of Norfolk 1885
    |      |  |Flag of the United States Cruzados 1899
    |      |   |Flag of the United States Lantados 1918
    |      |    |Flag of the United States Rey El Tierra 1945
    |      |     |Flag of the United States El Tesoro 1961
    |      |      |Flag of the United States Peerless 1977
    |      |       |Flag of the United States Conquering Elk 1987
    |      |Flag of the United States Americus 1892
    |Flag of the United Kingdom Woodpecker 1773   ---↓Woodpecker Line
    ||Flag of the United Kingdom Buzzard 1787
    | |Flag of the United Kingdom Castrel 1801
    | ||Flag of the United Kingdom Bustard 1813
    | |||Flag of the United Kingdom Heron 1833
    | || |Flag of the United Kingdom Fisherman 1853
    | ||Flag of the United Kingdom Merlin 1815
    | |||Flag of the United Kingdom Lamplighter 1823
    | || |Flag of the United Kingdom Phosphorus 1834
    | ||Flag of the United Kingdom Pantaloon 1824
    | | |Flag of the United Kingdom The Libel 1842
    | | ||Flag of the United Kingdom Traducer 1857
    | | | |Flag of New Zealand Sir Modred 1877
    | | | |Flag of the United Kingdom Cheviot 1879
    | | |Flag of the United Kingdom Windhound 1847
    | |  |Flag of the United Kingdom Thornanby 1857
    | |   |Flag of the United Kingdom Atlantic 1871
    | |    |Flag of France Le Sancy 1884
    | |     |Flag of France Le Sagittaire 1892
    | |     |Flag of France Le Samaritain 1893
    | |      |Flag of France Isard 1910
    | |      ||Flag of France Belfonds 1922
    | |      |Flag of France Roi Herde 1904
    | |       |Flag of Ireland The Tetrarch 1911 ---↓The Tetrarch Line
    | |        |Flag of the United Kingdom Polemarch 1918
    | |        ||Flag of Argentina Vino Puro 1934
    | |        |Flag of the United Kingdom Salmon Trout 1921
    | |        ||Flag of the United Kingdom King Salmon 1930
    | |        |Flag of France Bacteriophage 1929
    | |        ||Flag of France Teleferique 1934
    | |        | |Flag of France Alizier 1947
    | |        |  |Flag of France Tapalque 1965
    | |        |   |Flag of Japan As You Like 1979
    | |        |Flag of the United Kingdom Tetratema 1917
    | |         |Flag of the United Kingdom Theft 1932
    | |          |Flag of Japan Hayatake 1939
    | |          |Flag of Japan Cyma 1944
    | |          ||Flag of Japan Dainana Hoshu 1951
    | |          |Flag of Japan Clack Theft 1945
    | |          ||Flag of Japan Schuzlosberger 1962
    | |          |Flag of Japan Takakurayama 1947
    | |          |Flag of Japan Wizard 1947
    | |          |Flag of Japan Issei 1948
    | |          |Flag of Japan Tokino Minoru 1948
    | |          |Flag of Japan Bostonian 1950
    | |Flag of the United Kingdom Selim 1802
    |  |Flag of the United Kingdom Langar 1817
    |  ||Flag of the United Kingdom Epirus 1834
    |  | |Flag of the United Kingdom Pyrrhus the First 1843
    |  |Flag of the United Kingdom Sultan 1816
    |   |Flag of the United Kingdom Glencoe 1831 ---↓Glencoe Line
    |   ||Flag of the United States Vandal 1850
    |   | |Flag of the United States Virgil 1864
    |   |  |Flag of the United States Hindoo 1878
    |   |   |Flag of the United States Hanover 1884
    |   |    |Flag of the United States Halma 1892
    |   |    |Flag of the United States Hamburg 1895
    |   |    ||Flag of the United States Burgomaster 1903
    |   |    |Flag of the United States Blackstock 1899
    |   |     |Flag of the United States Mentor 1906
    |   |      |Flag of the United States Wise Counsellor 1921
    |   |Flag of the United Kingdom Bay Middleton 1833
    |    |Flag of the United Kingdom The Flying Dutchman 1846
    |     |Flag of France Dollar 1860
    |      |Flag of France Upas 1883
    |      |Flag of France Androcles 1870
    |       |Flag of France Cambyse 1884
    |        |Flag of France Callistrate 1890
    |        |Flag of France Gradefeu 1895
    |         |Flag of France Chouberski 1902
    |          |Flag of France Bruleur 1910
    |           |Flag of France Ksar 1918
    |            |Flag of France Tourbillon 1928   ---→Tourbillon Line
    |Flag of the United Kingdom Highflyer 1774   ---↓Highflyer Line
     |Flag of the United Kingdom Delpini 1781
     |Flag of the United Kingdom Noble 1783
     |Flag of the United Kingdom Skycraper 1786
     |Flag of the United Kingdom Sir Peter Teazle 1784
      |Flag of the United Kingdom Haphazard 1797
      ||Flag of the United Kingdom Filho-da-Puta 1812
      | |Flag of the United Kingdom Colwick 1828
      |  |Flag of the United Kingdom Attila 1839
      |Flag of the United Kingdom Walton 1799   ---↓Walton Line
      ||Flag of the United Kingdom Phantom 1808
      |||Flag of the United Kingdom Middleton 1822
      ||Flag of the United Kingdom Partisan 1811
      | |Flag of the United Kingdom Venison 1833
      | ||Flag of the United Kingdom Alarm 1842
      | ||Flag of the United Kingdom Kingston 1849
      | |Flag of the United Kingdom Glaucus 1830
      | ||Flag of the United Kingdom The Nob 1838
      | | |Flag of the United Kingdom The Nabob 1849
      | |  |Flag of France Vermouth 1861
      | |   |Flag of France Perplexe 1872
      | |Flag of the United Kingdom Gladiator 1833
      |  |Flag of the United Kingdom Sweetmeat 1842
      |   |Flag of the United Kingdom Macaroni 1860
      |   ||Flag of the United Kingdom Macgregor 1867
      |   |Flag of the United Kingdom Parmesan 1857
      |   ||Flag of the United Kingdom Cremorne 1869
      |   ||Flag of the United Kingdom Favonius 1868
      |   | |Flag of the United Kingdom Sir Bevys 1876
      |   |Flag of France Fitz Gladiator 1850
      |    |Flag of France Orphelin 1859
      |    |Flag of France Vertugadin 1862
      |    ||Flag of France Saxifrage 1872
      |    |Flag of France Compiegne 1858
      |     |Flag of France Chamant 1874
      |Flag of the United Kingdom Sir Paul 1802 ---↓Sir Paul Line
       |Flag of the United Kingdom Paulowitz 1813
        |Flag of the United Kingdom Cain 1822
         |Flag of the United Kingdom Ion 1835
          |Flag of the United Kingdom Wild Dayrell 1852
           |Flag of the United Kingdom The Rake 1864
           |Flag of the United Kingdom Buccaneer 1857   ---↓Buccaneer Line
            |Flag of the United Kingdom See Saw 1865
            ||Flag of the United Kingdom Bruce 1879
            ||Flag of the United Kingdom Loved One 1883
            ||Flag of France Little Duck 1881
            |Flag of Hungary Kisber 1873
            |Flag of Germany Waisenknabe 1872
             |Flag of Germany Flibustier 1867
              |Flag of Germany Trachenberg 1879
               |Flag of Germany Hannibal 1891
                |Flag of Germany Fels 1903
                 |Flag of Germany Laland 1913
                  |Flag of Germany Mio d'Arezzo 1929
                  ||Flag of the United States Mioland 1937
                  |Flag of Germany Weserland 1938
                   |Flag of Poland Wampir 1953