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Are we talking Ultima the man, or Ultima the personality?

Ultima the man is the character created by one Austin Allard to represent himself on webforums, chatrooms, in stories, and in MMORPGs.He is a shapeshifter; as such, I am not adequetly supplied with knowledge as to describe his true form. It is believed that when he first entered the scene, he was tall, around 6'1", pale complection with white hair and violet eyes, though there is no evidence that this was his real appearence. He is skilled with any medieval weapon, but is exceedingly deadly with the Rapier and Polearm, much like his inventor. He is in love with Cassandra, the character of a dear friend of Austin's, but she doesn't return his affections: much is the same in real life.

Ultima the personality is an aspect of Mr. Allard that has been living inside him since birth. Austin was always a nice, polite, if not sophistocated young man. However, when somebody provokes him to violence or rage, the other aspect of his personality takes over. Ultima is ruthless, quick, and near unstoppable. He is prone to fighting, and if no violence is involved, he will fume, curse, rage, and boil for hours, even days. As such, Austin tries his hardest to control these urges. Lately, Ultima has started to meld into Austin's being, creating a more normal, less quiet, approachable human being. Unfortunatly, his table manners have suffered for it =P

Ultima is a Latin word meaning "the last" or "the final."
Ultima is a magic spell common to most of Square Enix's Final Fantasy games.

                                                              ♠ Ultima ♥