Ulmus americana 'Independence'

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Ulmus americana
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

The American Elm Ulmus americana cultivar 'Independence' was raised by Eugene B. Smalley and Donald T. Lester at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from a crossing of the American Elm cultivar Moline and American Elm clone W-185-21, to become one of the six clones forming the American Liberty series, and the only one to be patented (U. S. Plant Patent 6227). However, it has proven only moderately resistant to Dutch elm disease after inoculation with the causal fungus, and is also susceptible to Elm Yellows [1].

The tree is not known to have been introduced to Europe or Australasia.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Townsend, A. M., Bentz, S. E., and Douglass L. W. (2005). Evaluation of 19 American Elm Clones for Tolerance to Dutch Elm Disease. Journal of Environmental Horticulture, March 2005, Horticultural Research Institute, Washington, D.C.

[edit] External links