Ulmus americana 'Brandon'

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Ulmus americana
Lacombe Nurseries, Alberta, Canada

'Brandon' is a cultivar of the American Elm Ulmus americana, raised by Lacombe Nurseries, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada, before 1969. It may be synonymous with another cultivar from the same source, known as 'Patmore'. 'Brandon' (or 'Patmore') differs from most American Elms in possessing a smaller, more compact form bearing roughly-toothed foliage. The tree performed very well in government trials [1] in Alberta, Canada, emerging as 'Highly Recommended'. It remains abundant in cultivation across the Prairie Provinces. 'Brandon' also remains in cultivation in the city of Bozeman, Montana, where it is prized as an amenity tree by the Forestry Division [2], and in California. However, 'Brandon' is susceptible to Dutch elm disease (Alberta is free of the disease) and other malaises typical of the American Elm.

The tree is not known to have been introduced to Europe or Australasia.


[edit] Arboreta etc. accessions

None known.

[edit] Nurseries

[edit] Synonymy

  • 'Brandon Ascending': Proc. 27th Ann. Mtg. Western Canad. Soc. Hort., Manitoba,, 1971, as Brandon Ascending, from Patmore Nurseries, Brandon, Manitoba.
  • ?'Patmore': Anon.

[edit] External links