Ulmus × hollandica 'Tricolor'

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Ulmus × hollandica
Hybrid parentage
U. glabra × U. minor

Ulmus × hollandica 'Tricolor' was first listed as U. suberosa tricolor by C. de Vos [2] in Woordenbeck 137, 1867. Described as beautifully silver-variegated, with the leaves near the tips of growing branches coloured red. The tree was not a rapid grower, however [1]. The tree was known to have been marketed (as U. montana 'Tricolor') in Poland in the 19th century by the Ulrich nursery [2], Warsaw, and may still survive in Eastern Europe; it is not known to have been introduced to North America or Australasia.

[edit] Synonymy

  • Ulmus campestris elegans foliis argenteo variegatis Hort.: Goeschke [3], Bunte Geholze 46, 1900.
  • Ulmus suberosa tricolor: C. de Vos [4] in Woordenbeck 137, 1867.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Green, P. S. (1964). Registration of cultivar names in Ulmus. Arnoldia, Vol. 24. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University. [1]
  2. ^ Ulrich, C. (1894), Katalog Drzew i Krezewow, C. Ulrich, Rok 1893-94, Warszawa