Ulmus 'Nigrescens'

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The cultivar 'Nigrescens' was identified by Pynaert [2] as Ulmus campestris betulaefolia nigrescens. The tree was described as having leaves like those of the Birch, and with a darker and more persistent hue than the Wych Elm cultivar 'Purpurea'. Considered by Green [1] to be "probably Ulmus carpinifolia (: minor), but said to have been raised from seed of Purpurea". The tree is not known to remain in cultivation.

NB. Nigricans: Bailey & Bailey, Hortus 625, 1930, as U. (americana) nigricans, name in synonymy for U. americana f. nigrescens, not U. campestris betulifoliae nigrescens Pynaert.

[edit] Synonymy

Ulmus campestris betulaefolia nigrescens: Pynaert, in Tijdschr. Boomteelt Bull. Arb. Flor. Cult. Potag. 1879: 57, 1879.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Green, P. S. (1964). Registration of cultivar names in Ulmus. Arnoldia, Vol. 24. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University. [1]