Ulmus 'Bea Schwarz'

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'Bea Schwarz'

The elm cultivar 'Bea Schwarz' was cloned (as No. 62) at Wageningen, the Netherlands ostensibly from a selection of Ulmus minor found in France in 1939. Although more resistant to Coral Spot fungus Nectria cinnabarina than its forebear 'Christine Buisman', it had poor growth and shape, and commercial production was discontinued soon after its release in 1948 [1] [2] [3]. Nevertheless, its moderate resistance to Dutch elm disease saw it, or its selfed progeny, successfully used in later Dutch hybridizations, notably 'Nanguen' (Lutèce TM). Specimens of the tree in the UK and the USA are treated as Ulmus × hollandica cultivars (after Fontaine [4]).


[edit] Hybrid cultivars

[edit] Arboreta etc. accessions

[edit] North America

[edit] Europe

[edit] Etymology

The tree is named for Marie Beatrice Schwarz, the Dutch phytopathologist who identified Dutch elm disease in the 1920s.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Heybroek, H. M. (1983). Resistant Elms for Europe. In Burdekin, D. A. (Ed.) Research on Dutch elm disease in Europe. For. Comm. Bull. 60. pp 108 - 113.
  2. ^ Heybroek, H. M. (1993). The Dutch Elm Breeding Program. In Sticklen & Sherald (Eds.)(1993). Dutch Elm Disease Research, Chapter 3. Springer Verlag, New York, USA
  3. ^ Went, J. C. (1954). Tijschr. Plantenziekten 60: 109-127, 1954.
  4. ^ Fontaine, F. J. (1968). Dendroflora No. 5, 37-55, 1968.
  5. ^ Johnson, Owen (ed.) (2003). Champion Trees of Britain & Ireland. Whittet Press, ISBN 9781873580615.