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The Ukit is a tribe found in Sarawak, Borneo. They are a small minority people who until recently were nomads in the rain forests of Borneo. Some were settled at Rumah Ukit on the upper reaches of the Batang Balui or Balui River. Most of the Ukits are found in the Upper Rajom and Tatau rivers, Baleh, Sarawak. Ukit's population is small in numbers and suffer potential extinction due to many of the tribesmen being killed a long time ago. Heavy losses in war to stronger Dayak tribes in Borneo (Iban, Kayan & others) resulted them being chased out of their homelands (believed to be the Saribas, Kalaka and Krian areas). Intermarriages with other tribes is also another factor for their decreasing population. Today, the Ukit population is estimated to be only about 120. However there may still be an unknown number of Ukit living in their traditional way as forest nomads.

Reference: Into The Heart of Borneo by Redmond O'Hanlon, pages 143-4; 171-183 published by Salamander Press 1984 and Penguin 1985