UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences

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The UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (commonly referred to by students as the "College of Ag" or "Ag-and-E") established in 1922 is one of nine colleges on the campus of the University of California, Davis. It offers undergraduate degrees in forty different majors and graduate degrees in thirty (combined count for M.S. and Ph.D.). Since 1999 the College has been overseen by Dean Neal van Alfen.

[edit] Divisions

The College is organized into three divisions, which are then further sub-divided into twenty-two departments, as follows:

Agricultural Sciences Division

  • Animal Science
  • Biological and Agricultural Engineering
  • Entomology
  • Nematology
  • Plant Pathology
  • Plant Sciences
  • Agronomy and Range Science
  • Environmental Horticulture
  • Pomology
  • Vegetable Crops
  • Viticulture and Enology

Environmental Sciences Division

Human Sciences Division

  • Agricultural and Resource Economics
  • Environmental Design
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Human and Community Development
  • Nutrition
  • Textiles and Clothing

[edit] External links