Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad

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depiction of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad's henchmen about to throw Muslim ibn Aqeel from a tower in Kufa
depiction of Ubayd-Allah ibn Ziyad's henchmen about to throw Muslim ibn Aqeel from a tower in Kufa

Ubayd Allah was a son of Ziyad ibn Abi Sufyan. Ziyad had maintained a brutal command over Basra and Kufa until his death in 673. At this point Ubayd Allah became governor and tried to continue his father's Draconian policies. He also minted coinage, which survives to this day.

In 680, Yazid I ordered Ubayd Allah to keep order in Kufa as a reaction to grandson of Prophet, Husayn ibn Ali's popularity there. Ubayd Allah appointed his brother Uthman as deputy and marched to Kufa. Ubayd Allah executed Hussain ibn Ali’s cousin Muslim ibn Aqeel and put out the right eye of Hussain ibn Ali’s supporter Mukhtar. He was also one of the leaders of the army of Yazid I during the battle of Karbala.

Yazid left a vacuum in Iraq upon his death in 683. Ubayd Allah abdicated the governor's mansion in Basra and took up shelter with Mas'ud ibn Amr al-Azdi. The Azd were a Yemenite tribe who then supported the Umayyads against the rebellion of Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr. But Basra's new governor Abd Allah ibn al-Harith sided with Ibn al-Zubayr, and had Mas'ud killed the following spring; some traditions add, probably accurately, that Ubayd Allah and Mas'ud had complained about Ibn al-Harith's corruption (again, probably accurately - but the Basrans did not then care) with a view to regaining for Ubayd Allah his command. Ubayd Allah fled the city for Syria - leaving his wife and family behind. (Madelung pp. 301-303)

While Ubayd Allah was in Syria, he persuaded Marwan ibn al-Hakam not to recognise Ibn al-Zubayr. Meanwhile the messianic rebel Mukhtar wrested Kufa from Ibn al-Zubayr in 685. Seeing his chance, or so he thought, Ubayd Allah sent an army against Mukhtar. According to contemporary historian John bar Penkaye, Mukhtar met [Ubayd Allah] Ibn Ziyad's legions with a militia composed of 13000 lightly-armed freedmen on foot at the river Khazir near Nineveh. Ubayd Allah died in that battle. (Brock pp. 65-6)

Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad has been cursed upon by some Sunnis:

"May Allah curse the son of Ibn Sumiyya (Ibn Ziyad, la’natullahi ‘alayh)!"ref

[edit] See also

[edit] Bibliography

  • Brock, Sebastian P. "Book XV of Ris Melle" in Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam 9. 1987. pp.52-67.
  • Madelung, Wilferd. "Abd Allah b. al-Zubayr and the Mahdi" in the Journal of Near Eastern Studies 40. 1981. pp.291-305.

[edit] External links