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This article is about the Tyndale family. For the translator of the bible, see William Tyndale. For other uses, see Tyndale (disambiguation).
The arms of the Tyndale family of Deane and Hockwald..
The arms of the Tyndale family of Deane and Hockwald.[1].

Tyndale (the original spelling, also Tyndall, Tindale, Tindall, Tindal, Tindle and Tindell) is the name of an English family taken from the land they held as tenants in chief of the Kings of England and Scotland in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries: Tynedale, or the valley of the Tyne, in Northumberland. With origins in the ancient Anglo Saxon nobility of Northumbria, the Royal Scottish House of Dunkeld and the Anglo-Norman nobility, they have contributed courtiers, judges, writers, historians, sailors, airmen, scientists and philosophers to the history of England, Ireland and the new world. Two members of the family were offered, and declined, the throne of Bohemia in the 15th century and one of their number, William Tyndale, was the first modern translator of the bible into English and one of the most important figures in the evolution of the modern language. The family is spread today throughout the British Isles and the English speaking world.


[edit] Origins

Donald III, King of Scots, father in law of Uchtred, Lord of Tyndale
Donald III, King of Scots, father in law of Uchtred, Lord of Tyndale

The first member of the family known by this name was Uchtred, Lord of Tyndale, who married Bethoc Canmore, daughter of Donald III, King of Scots from 1093-1099.[2] His name, the period of his life and his lands and position suggest a kinship with the Anglo Saxon Earls of Northumbria, one of whom was Uchtred the Bold, Earl from 1006 to 1016. These Earls, in turn, were descended from the Saxon Kings of Northumbria. Whilst the Tyndales soon adopted the use of the Norman 'de', this does not necessarily suggest the family was Norman in the male line; the Saxon family of Woolesley, for example, used 'de' throughout this period.[3] Nevertheless, the Tyndales married and integrated into the Norman nobility within the earliest period of their recorded history.

[edit] Barony of Tindale

The earliest feudal records indictate that an Adam de Tindale was the feudal Baron of South Tyne-dale and of Langeley/Langley Castle, both in the county of Northumberland. The pipe rolls are written in Latin, which explains the use of 'i' rather than 'y' in the name. The Barony had been held by his father or grandfather by the service of one knight's fee, in the time of Henry I. Considering the dates, his position and territorial designation, it is probable that this Baron was either the son or grandson of Uchtred, Lord of Tyndale and Princess Bethoc of Scotland. Adam was succeeded by his son, Adam, who held the Barony during the reign of Richard I of England, paid 100 pounds for his relief, with livery of his land, in 1194 and appears to have died in 1224.[4] He left two daughters, who became co-heirs to the Tindale Barony and to Langley Castle. The elder, Philippa, married Adam Nicholas de Bolteby and conveyed to her husband the Barony of South Tyne-dale. It passed through inheritance in the female line to the family of Lucy and, later, to the Earls of Northumberland. The Barony of Langley and its associated manor continue to modern times as an originally-feudal Prescriptive Barony (not a Peerage), and an extensive series of baronial and manorial records are maintained in the National Archives (UK).

[edit] "Tynedale" in the Peerage

The Parliamentary Barony, Baron Scott of Tynedale in Northumberland, was created in 1663 for the ill fated Duke of Monmouth, and 1st Duke of Buccleuch, James Scott, the illegitimate son of King Charles II. This title was put under attainder, upon his execution for treason in 1685, but later restored, together with theEarldom of Doncaster in 1743. There is, however, a legend that King James II did not have him executed but exiled to France, where he became known as the Man in the Iron Mask.[5]

Another Barony of Tyndale was created in 1688 as the junior title of the Radclyffe Earl of Derwentwater and fell under attainder on his execution for treason for his part in the 1715 Rising in 1716.

[edit] The Middle Ages and Tudor Periods

The second son of the first Baron Adam de Tindale, Robert, settled at Tansover in Northamptonshire in the time of Edward I. Most of the (later) genealogies and secondary sources for the family from this period are written in English and use 'Tyndale', for the reasons posited above.[6] The family later enlarged their Northamptonshire estates by marrying into the Deane family.

The Deanes were, from the earliest generations, intimately connected with the Tyndale family. The elder son of Robert de Tyndale of Talsover married the heiress of that family and inherited the lands of Deane, which remained in the family for many generations.[7][8] The Deane arms have been quartered with those of Tyndale ever since and were adopted as the only arms of the Tindal branch of the family from the seventeenth century (and can be seen, below, under the portrait of Rev Nicolas Tindal).[9]

[edit] The Tyndales at Court

Subsequent Tyndales married well, inheriting the estates of Hockwald in Norfolk and Mapplestead Magna in Essex in marriages with heiresses of the de Montford and Fermor families. Several heads of the family were knighted and many appear to have been prominent at court. A William Tyndale was Lancaster Herald under King Edward IV. Sir William Tyndale of Hockwald and Deane was created Knight Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath on 29 November 1489, on the creation of Prince Arthur as Prince of Wales in the reign of Henry VII. He was a Herald of the King, first as Guisne Pursuivant and later as Rouge Dragon.[10]

His son, Sir Thomas Tyndale, was admitted to the Order of the Bath following the coronation of Queen Anne Boleyn. Through marriage to the Felstead family, he became co-heir to the Barony of Scales, the daughter of the last Baron Scales having died without issue. He shared this distinction with the then Earl of Oxford.[11]

[edit] The Tyndale Family and the Throne of Bohemia

When King Richard II married Anne of Bohemia, daughter of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV, she brought with her her first cousin, Margaret of Treschen, daughter of Litvaticus, Duke of Tescen in modern Silesia by his wife Elizabeth, sister of Charles IV and daughter of John the Blind, King of Bohemia. This lady married Sir Roger de Felstead (or Bigod), of Felstead in Essex, a standard bearer at the coronation of Richard II and their daughter, Margaret, married Sir Thomas de Tyndale of Talsover and Deane.

It has already been related that, through the Felsteads, the Tyndales came to be co-heirs to the Barony of Scales with the Earls of Oxford. However, a more regal dignity descended through Margaret of Treschen when the House of Luxemburg died out with the death of Sigismund, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Bohemia (1368-1437) and Sir William Tyndale became one of the heirs to the elective throne of Bohemia. John Nichols relates that a delegation of Bohemian boyars were sent to England to offer him the throne but that he refused, the Habsburgs succeeding to a throne they held (with one interruption) until 1918.[12]

There was an oral tradition at the University of Cambridge that Humphrey Tyndale, brother of Sir John Tyndale of Mapplestead and uncle (or great uncle) of the eminent deist Dr Matthew Tindal, was again offered the throne by the Protestant party in Bohemia in 1620. This Humphrey was Dean of Ely and President of Queen's College, Cambridge.[13] Humphrey refused, saying that "he had rather be Queen Elizabeth's subject than a foreign Prince".[14], leading to the ill-fated Frederick V, Elector Palatine (married to Sophie, daughter of James I and ancestor of the present Queen) becoming King for a year - a development that was a principal cause of the thirty years war.

[edit] William Tyndale

William Tyndale
William Tyndale

The most eminent member of the family, William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536), was the first translator of the Bible into modern English. His great work was also one of the first vernacular Bibles to be derived from the primary Hebrew and Greek texts. Its effect on the English church was electrifying, leading to thousands of Bibles being smuggled into England; Tyndale's individual contribution to the modern English language perhaps ranks as second only to that of Shakespeare. Aside from his life work, Tyndale was a prodigious pamphleteer, propounding a Protestant agenda that was significantly more radical than his protector, Martin Luther. His radicalism, prodigious output and written battles with Thomas More eventually led to his capture near Antwerp, after which he was burnt at the stake as a heretic. He is regarded as a martyr in the Church of England and his death is commemorated in the Book of Common Prayer. Born in Gloucestershire, Tyndale is known to have been the nephew of Edward Tyndale of Pull Court, Gloucestershire, receiver to the lands of Lord Berkeley. This Edward Tyndale is recorded in two genealogies as having been the brother of Sir William de Tyndale of Deane and Hockwold, thus connecting him to the main branch of the family.[15][16]

[edit] The Tindal/Tindal-Carill-Worsley Family

[edit] Derivation

The principal branch of the English Tyndale family, last seated at Mapplestead Magna in the 17th century, died out in the male line in the 17th century and in the female line over a hundred years later. The senior English branch is thus the Tindal (now Tindal-Carill-Worsley) family, whose history is related in the 1973 volume of Burke's Landed Gentry. This family derived from Rev John Tindal, Rector of Bere Ferris, Devon, in the mid 17th century, said (in the Nichols genealogy) to have been the younger son of Sir John Tyndale of Mapplestead, the brother of Humphrey Tyndale, President of Queen College, Cambridge and Dean of Ely.

There is, however, support for the contention that Rev. John was the son of Sir John's elder son Dean.[17] Rev John's migration to Devon (after his studies for Holy Orders) was typical of the many migrations of the Tyndale/Tindal family since the late 15th c. The use of 'Tindal' represents a more Latinised usage which was common amongst many literary figures in this era and may first have been adopted by his son, Matthew.[18] Rev John Tindal married Ann Hals, who was descended from the Fortescue and Clifford families and was the first cousin of Thomas, Lord Clifford, Lord High Treasurer of England to Charles II. Through this connection and Diana Pocklington, the wife of Capt George Tindal, RN, Lord Chief Justice Tindal (see below) was descended from Lords Chief Justices Sir William Yelverton and Sir John Fortescue and from Sir Roger Manwood, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.[19]

[edit] The Philosopher, the Historian and the Judge

Dr Matthew Tindal
Dr Matthew Tindal

Dr Matthew Tindal, a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, where he lived for most of his life, was an important figure in the early English Enlightenment. Born during the Commonwealth to the above mentioned Rev John Tindal, he appears to have been an opportunist in his youth, turning to Rome under James II. However, he later wrote the foundation of English deist thought, Christianity as Old as the Creation, later known as the "Deist's Bible". This seminal tract, which had enduring interest on German deism in particular, represented that no true religion could rely on any doctrines that could not be divined through human reason. Thus, Christianity, if a true religion, has no need of revelation in order to support its dogmas and must be as old as the Creation. His writings provoked scandal and his book was burned by the public hangman, in addition to provoking a number of replies.[20][21]

Rev Nicolas Tindal.  The Tindal arms shown are those of Deane, whom the Tindal/Tyndale family represent, together with the ancient crest of Tyndale
Rev Nicolas Tindal. The Tindal arms shown are those of Deane, whom the Tindal/Tyndale family represent, together with the ancient crest of Tyndale

Dr Tindal's nephew, Rev Nicolas Tindal, was the translator and continuer of the History of England by Paul de Rapin. Very few comprehensive histories existed at the time and Tindal wrote a three volume "Continuation", a history of the Kingdom from the reign of James II to that of George II. Something of a controversialist, he was also known for having been defrauded of his uncle's inheritance by Eustace Brugnell, leading to some lines of Alexander Pope. Rector of two livings, Chaplain of Greenwich Hospital and a Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford[22], Tindal was sufficiently prosporous to allow his son, Capt George Tindal RN to settle in Coval Hall, Chelmsford.[23]

Statue of Sir Nicolas Tindal
Statue of Sir Nicolas Tindal

Capt George's grandson, Sir Nicolas Conyngham Tindal, was Lord Chief Justice from 1829 to 1845. His career first came to public notice when he acted for Queen Caroline in the famous attempt of George IV to divorce her in the House of Lords. Shortly afterwards, he was elected to Parliament, serving as Solicitor General for five years. Whilst Lord Chief Justice, he sat in the famous case of Daniel M'Naghten, who had attempted to assassinate Robert Peel, and derived from the common law the defence of insanity.[24][25]

[edit] Australian Tindals

Sir Nicolas's youngest brother, Charles, a commander in the Royal Navy, is the ancestor of the Australian Tindals (although several Australian Tyndalls descend from the Irish branch of the family). His son, Charles Grant Tindal, was a successful businessman and landowner who settled at Ramorlie, New South Wales. Amongst his descendants was Wing Cmdr Archibald Tindal who was killed during the bombing of Darwin on 19 February 1942, becoming the first RAAF airman to be killed on the Australian mainland during World War II. After the war, Carson's Airfield, located approximately 320 km (199 mi) south-east from Darwin, was renamed RAAF Base Tindal in his honour.[26][27]

[edit] The modern era

Sir Nicolas ultimately left no descendants in the male line, though a branch of the Bosanquet family are his descendants and Reginald Bosanquet, the broadcaster for ITN, was his great great grandson. Members of the main branch of the English family descend from his brother, Thomas Tindal of Aylesbury, Clerk of the Peace for Buckinghamshire. His son, Acton Tindal, Lord of the Manor of Aylesbury, married Henrietta Euphemia Harrison, an eminent poet[28]. Acton's son, Nicolas, married Elizabeth Carill-Worsley, heiress of Platt Hall near Manchester and the family adopted the name Tindal-Carill-Worsley.[29] Elizabeth was a descendant of Erasmus Darwin and of Major General Charles Worsley of Platt, one of Oliver Cromwell's most important Lieutenants to whom was entrusted the Mace when Cromwell famously cried 'rid me of that bauble' in expelling the House of Commons in 1652.[30]

The current head of the English family is Charles Tindal of Ballyloughan (he does not use 'Carill-Worsley'), son of Group Captain Nicolas Tindal-Carill-Worsley, a bomber pilot during World War II and one of the organisers of the "Great Escape" from Stalag Luft III. His brother, Anthony, son, Matthew and niece and nephew William and Harriet together run Tindal Wines in England and Ireland (www.tindalwine.com, www.tindalwines.co.uk).

(See also Darwin - Wedgwood family)

[edit] Irish branch and distinguished individuals

[edit] Derivation

A branch of the family settled in Ireland in the Middle Ages, and manuscript genealogical records of these exist in Trinity College Dublin.[31] The family originated in Gloucestershire and were closely related to William Tyndale, the bible translator. Another William Tyndall is mentioned in the 1659 census as living in Duganstowne, Catherlagh (County Carlow), co-owned by him and a Richard Andrewes as tituladoes. Similarly, a John Tyndall came from Gloucestershire to Ireland during the Wars of Rebellion and had a grant of land confirmed to him in 1668. He married Isabelle de Rinzy of County Wexford.

Amongst the landed gentry in Ireland in the 1800s, Tyndalls appeared established with estates and seats at Ballyanne House, and Berkeley Forest, both in New Ross, County Wexford, and Prospect Hall, County Kilkenny, as well as in County Carlow, and Kildevin, County Westmeath, and Dublin City. Samuel Tyndall served as Lord Mayor of Dublin from 1826 to 1827.

[edit] Prominent Irish Tyndalls

John Tyndall
John Tyndall

John Tyndall (1820-1893) from Leighlinbridge, County Carlow, Ireland, was a well-known physicist from Ireland, who discovered the Tyndall effect, explaining why the sky is blue.[32][33] A relative, another John Tyndall of Newcastle ran a forge, coachmaking and saddlery, in the middle of the 1800s, and his grandson, David P. Tyndall (1890-1970), from Chapelizod, became a prominent Irish businessman in the 20th century, who founded the firm D. Tyndall & Sons, as well as several other companies, and consolidated and modernised the wholesale trade sector, introducing the SPAR chain into Ireland.

Other lines of the Irish branch of the family have spread to Australia and the USA.

[edit] Tyndall-named institutions and places

  • New Zealand, The Tyndall name has lent itself to an important investment fund management enterprise.
  • A crater on Mars is named after John Tyndall.

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ These arms, those of Sir William Tyndale of Deane, Cheshire Herald, may only be borne by his lineal descendants; and, undifferenced, by his heir male. (Source: Visitation of Essex (1632) 'Tyndall'). That family also quartered their arms with those of Deane, now borne by the Tindal family (see below, within the illustration of Rev Nicolas Tindal). Image created by Martin Goldstraw, Cheshire Heraldry
  2. ^ Young, Alan, Robert the Bruce's Rivals: The Comyns, 1213-1314, (East Linton, 1997), pp15 -
  3. ^ Burke's Peerage (2005) 'Woolesley Baronets'
  4. ^ National Archives (UK): Pipe Rolls for Northumberland
  5. ^ Shaw, Samuel in 'Duke of Monmouth: Man in the Iron Mask' in Oxford Journals (Oxford, 1870) Vol s4-V, No 120.
  6. ^ Rudder, Samuel (1779) A New History of Gloucestershire. However, the Nichols genealogy uses 'Tindale for this period.
  7. ^ Burke, John (1838, London) Burke's Landed Gentry (1863) 'Tyndale of Haling'
  8. ^ Nichols, JohnLiterary Anecdotes (18th c), Vol IX: 'Genealogy of the Family of Tindal of Northumberland, Devon & Essex'
  9. ^ Rapin de Thomas, Paul (trans by Nicolas Tindal) History of England: Portrait of Rev Nicolas Tindal in frontispiece of one volume, with arms of Deane and ancient crest of Tyndale
  10. ^ Nichols genealogy
  11. ^ Proceedings before the House of Lords Privileges Committee (1850s) relating to a claim for the Barony of Scales]]
  12. ^ Nichols genealogy
  13. ^ History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Ely, p 229
  14. ^ Quote taken from the brass plaque adjacent to Humphrey Tyndale's gravestone at Ely Cathedral
  15. ^ Nichols, John Literary Anecdotes, Vol XI (18th century)
  16. ^ Burke's Landed Gentry (19th c editions) "Tyndale of Haling"
  17. ^ The Visitation of Essex of around 1632 records Deane Tyndale as having, amongst other issue, Francis and John. Francis is recorded in the Nichols genealogy and in depositions submitted at the time of a claim to the Barony of Scales in the 19th c as having had daughters whose line died out three generations later. Further support comes from the dates. Rev John married in 1655 yet Francis was born as early as 1614. It is far more likely that Francis was John's brother than his nephew.
  18. ^ The arms of Rev John and his successors, a fesse dancette gules below three crescents of the last, are the arms of the family of Deane; though his crest, a plume of five ostrich feathers charged with an ermine spot out of a ducal coronet of five oak leaves, is that of the Tyndales of Deane, Hockwald and Mapplestead. The main branch were the heirs general of the Deane family, having inherited Deane in 13th c, and quartered their arms directly after the Tyndale arms. The adoption of their arms, together with the Tyndale crest, provides strong further evidence of Rev John's descent (in addition to the genealogies in Nichols and the Visitation), notwithstanding the possible inaccuracy of the former (regarding Rev John' brother or father Deane Tyndale).
  19. ^ Burke's Landed Gentry (1863): 'Tindal of Chelmsford'.
  20. ^ Lalor, Stephen (Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd., 2006) Matthew Tindal, Freethinker: An Eighteenth-century Assault on Religion, ISBN 0-8264-7539-6
  21. ^ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) (Oxford, 2004)
  22. ^ ibid
  23. ^ Monument to Capt George Tindal in Chelmsford Cathedral.
  24. ^ The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol.XXVI (1846) p.199
  25. ^ DNB (2004)
  26. ^ Tindal: A history. Air Force News. Retrieved on 2008-05-11.
  27. ^ Territory Images External Search: 15378. Northern Territory Library and Information Service. Retrieved on 2008-05-11.
  28. ^ Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (2006)
  29. ^ Burke's Landed Gentry (1973) Tindal-Carill-Worsley, formerly of East Carleton & Platt
  30. ^ Booker, Rev J History of Birch Chapel (19th c) pp 48/49.
  31. ^ Manuscript genealogies: see MS. vols. F.3.23, F.3.27, F.4.18 in Trinity College Library, Dublin
  32. ^ Brock, WH, and Mollan, RC (ed) (Royal Dublin Society 1981) John Tyndall – Essays on a Natural Philosopher.
  33. ^ Dublin Almanacks, 1830, 1840, & 1860.

[edit] References

  • Langley Barony Records at the National Archives (UK) (from ADM 74/3/11 of 13 Charles I to QCD/17 of 1954)
  • Rudder, Samuel (1779) A New History of Gloucestershire
  • Burke, John (1838, London) A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Dictionary of National Biography - entries include William Tyndale, Dr Matthew Tindal, Rev Nicolas Tindal, Sir Nicolas Conyngham Tindal, Henrietta Euphemia (nee) Harrison (Mrs Acton Tindal).
  • Burke's Landed Gentry: 19th century editions: Tyndale of Haling, 'Tindal of Chelmsford' (1863); Tindal-Carill Worsley of Platt (1973)
  • Burke's Colonial Gentry: Tindal of Ramorlie.
  • John Nichols (printer)Literary Anecdotes (18th c), Vol IX
  • Bence-Jones, Mark (Constable & Co, 1988) A Guide to Irish Country Houses, pp 19 and 41.
  • Coller, DW (1861) 'A People's History of Essex'
  • Lalor, Stephen (Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd., 2006) Matthew Tindal, Freethinker: An Eighteenth-century Assault on Religion, ISBN 0-8264-7539-6
  • Eve, AS, and Creasey, CH (Macmillan, 1945) Life and Work of John Tyndall
  • Manuscript genealogies: see MS. vols. F.3.23, F.3.27, F.4.18 in Trinity College Library, Dublin
  • Haydn, Joseph (Allen, 1894) The Book of Dignities
  • Fairbairn, James (Jack, London, 1905) Fairbairn's Book of Crests of Families of Great Britain and Ireland
  • Vicars, Sir Arthur (Dublin, 1897) Prerogative Wills of Ireland (1536-1810) - Index.
  • Brock, WH, and Mollan, RC (ed) (Royal Dublin Society 1981) John Tyndall – Essays on a Natural Philosopher.
  • Dublin Almanacks, 1830, 1840, & 1860.

[edit] External links

  • Tyndall National Institute (Ireland) [1]
  • Tyndall Center for Climatic Change Research (UK) [2]
  • Tyndall Air Force Base (USA) [3]
  • [www.tindalwine.com Tindal Wines]