Two steps forward one step back

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For the book written by Lenin, see One Step Forward, Two Steps Back.

"Two steps forward one step back..." is a catchprase reflecting on an anecdote about a frog trying to climb out of a water well; for every two steps the frog climbs, it falls back by one step, making its progress arduous.

The phrase is sometimes cynically rearranged to "One step forward, two steps back..." to reflect a situation where, seemingly for every attempt to make progress in a task, an actual retrograde performance is achieved.

Instead of quoting this phrase ("Two steps forward one step back...") sometimes it is summed up with the briefer exclamation of "Frog in a well". [1] This tale should not be confused with another tale with a different meaning, but also sometimes titled Frog in a well, which refers to having seemingly small aspirations in comparison with compatriots [2] [3] [4] [5].

The phrase One Step Forward, Two Steps Back was used as a title of a 1904 revolutionary pamphlet by Vladimir Lenin.

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