
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hey this sandbox is for my newbie peeps who want to get to some serious sandboxing! My newbie peeps, you can edit below this message!! But if you have a question don't ask me here, ask here (Talk to me!)

Or in other words, this is a test page for new users (that I have welcomed) to test out stuff on, it doesn't matter if they screw this page up or anything!!


[edit] Life, The Universe, and Everything

As per your suggestion, I'll ask on this page the question that can not be answered without being a true acedemic of the theory of the communities of Galactic Encyclopedias. --Ohadaloni 13:32, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Please fill in the measures where musical notes are missing, but do not accidetally mess up the pauses

Its almost like The Big Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog. There are already three species of encylopeidas that are extant for some time with a high chance of lasting long into the future of their evolution. They are: The Slaves, The Guide, and the Terminal Shock in Your Eyes.

All relevant Wiki internal links are riddled. Please do not change original text, just add the links. I will make this line very colorful soon if no one else does.

If you also know how to follow instructions for not accidentally doing something, then please, do tell..

[edit] Original Thought - Guide or Galactica?

The Internet game of wiki is about stiching human knwoledge for the purpose of better arriving at it later. Wikipedia is nothing but a better search algorithm than google, with the entire wikipedia but a small single backup tape on the google virtual shelves of knowledge. Its like the Guide and the Galactica compared.

We improve this algorithm by stiching URL synapses across this enourmous brain.

I forget from comuter science theory the name of this algrithm, and someone please help, but it goes like this: You have a search tree, and whatever structure you use and respective algorithm, after a search occuured, stitch the root with the result, so next time the search will flow instantaniously (at hash speed). At google, if you type the word galactica, you will just get whatever page is ready for this search. Think of it as the last time someone searched, except its a recursive definition. But google can follow your instructuions to search their cache, but only if they care to, and possibly after they have already delivered to you the search results. With wikipedia, its the same, but the order of magnitude is closer to that of the human brain than to the best computer algorithms on earth, and hence its power. --Ohadaloni 15:17, 12 June 2007 (UTC)

[edit] Evolution Mathematics

The mathmatical principles for which Nature is but an example, can be applied to the survival of copies of pages in the Wikipedia. As we copy ideas from page to page, making slight changes initially, creating Evolution-style low variance mutations, and as we drop over time all duplicate such knowledge by the gradual process of changing such copies to fit their new environment, selecting those copies who best fit, discarding all else as poor junior wiki tryouts, thereby artificially selecting the better knowledge, and while rewriting history time and again, we are perfecting it. Wiki is young, much like mankind, and the individual pages have high variance as long as they evolve, and low variance once they mature. At that stage, evolution will call it a perfect page, with Darwin's strict limitations on the concept of perfection: Just as perfect as needed to survive.

By the way, the high math of evolution goes about like this: If replication with low variation exists in high quantities and said high quantities mostly die, never re-replicating, then bla, bla, bla -- bla, bla -- bla, bla... (The Simpsons Arresting Crusty The Clown). With nature, replication has geometrical growth which implies the rest.