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Twilightfreak was born in the American Hospital of Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, on the 30th of December, 1986, to American parents who at the time were evangelical missionaries in France. Because of the mobile nature of her parents' profession, she was raised successively in the Paris area (1986-1989), Turlock, California (1989-1991; 1997-1998), Ecully, France (1991-1997) and Annecy, France (1998-2004). The frequent uprooting related to such moves led to chronic feelings of loneliness and disconnection, which are sometimes found in Missionary Kids. Twilightfreak has currently completed the second year of the three-year Licence program at the Université Lumière in Lyon, France (also known as Lyon-II), and is majoring in German studies, with no real desire to teach German. She is also actively involved in the evangelical Christian student organization Agapé Campus (the French branch of Campus Crusade for Christ).