Tuyuhun Kingdom

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Asia in 565 AD, showing Tuyuhun and its neighbors.
Asia in 565 AD, showing Tuyuhun and its neighbors.

The Tuyuhun Kingdom (traditional Chinese: 吐谷渾, also known as 'A-zha in Tibetan, Henanguo 河南國 and Bailan 白蘭 in China) was a kingdom ruled by a powerful nomadic tribe in the Qiling mountains and upper Yellow river (ranging across the current south Qinghai, south Gansu, and north-west Sichuan PRC provinces). It seems to have been established in 285 by tribes related to the Xianbei, and flourished from the 4th-7th centuries. Its power was weakened and the tribe forced to submit to China by forced of the Tang dynasty in 634. What remained was eventually wholly destroyed in 670 by rising Tufan Empire (Tibetan Empire).


[edit] Beginnings and Golden Age

The tribe was named after its founder, Murong Tuyuhun (慕容吐谷渾), an older brother of the Former Yan's ancestor Murong Hui. Their tribe was organized around 285 by Murong Tuyuhun.

The tent-dwelling Tuyuhun were experts in horse breeding, but also practiced agriculture. As a realm just between the Chinese empires in the east (Northern Wei, and the Southern Dynasties) and other steppe tribes such as the Rouran and the Gaoche, the Tuyuhun acted as envoys and traders, while many Buddhist missionaries and travelers crossed their country.

In the 6th century, the Tuyuhun chieftain, Murong Kualü, adopted the title of Khagan (可汗) and challenged the armies of the Chinese empire.

[edit] The defeat of 634 and subsequent decline

Tang campaign

The rise of the Tang Dynasty and, soon after, Emperor Tang Taizong's campaign led to a comprehensive defeat in 634, which allowed the Tang to control and administer the Tuyuhun territory. They did this by installing khagans of their choice. The authority of the Tuyuhun was shaken, the tribe, caught between new Tang Empire in the East and the rising Tufan Empire (Tibetan Empire) to the south-west, submitted the following year 635.

Tufan pressure

Tufan nomadic groups exerted continuous pressure on Tuyuhun from the south side while diplomatic envois kept Tang neutral, in that the Tufan sent presents regularly Chang'an as symbols of submission. In 663 the Tibetan Tufan empire destroyed the Tuyuhun capital Fuqi (伏俟) (west of Qinghai Lake) and quickly came to Chang'an to apoligize and explain that this attack was not a revolt, nor an attack on the Chinese Empire, but simply a Tuyuhun-Tufan dispute (both vassal of Tang), which had now ended. By 670, profiting from a moment of internal instability at Chang'an, Tufan openly attacked Tuyuhun despite Tang's opposition. By 672 Tuyuhun lands were seized by the Tufan, and the last Tuyuhuns escaped to the north and were resettled by the Tang government in the areas of modern Ningxia and northern Shaanxi. The last Tuyuhun khagan, Murong Nuohebo, became a Tang Dynasty general.

[edit] Rulers

Temple names Regal names Family names and given name Durations of reigns Era names and their according durations
Chinese convention: for those who have unique regal names, use regal names; otherwise, use family name and given name, or use given name + "Khan"
Did not exist Henan Wang (河南王) 慕容吐谷渾 Mùróng Tǔyùhún 284-317 Did not exist
Did not exist Henan Wang (河南王) 慕容吐延 Mùróng Tǔyán 317-329 Did not exist
Did not exist Tuyuhun Wang (吐谷渾王) 慕容葉延 Mùróng Yèyán 329-351 Did not exist
Did not exist Tuyuhun Wang (吐谷渾王) 慕容碎奚 Mùróng Suìxī 351-371 Did not exist
Did not exist Bailan Wang (白蘭王) 慕容視連 Mùróng Shìlián 371-390 Did not exist
Did not exist Tuyuhun Wang (吐谷渾王) 慕容視羆 Mùróng Shìpí 390-400 Did not exist
Did not exist Da Chanyu (大單于) 慕容烏紇褆 Mùróng Wūgētí 400-405 Did not exist
Did not exist Wuyin Khan (戊寅可汗)/
Da Chanyu (大單于)/
Wu Wang (武王)
慕容樹洛干 Mùróng Shùluògān 405-417 Did not exist
Did not exist Bailan Wang (白蘭王) 慕容阿柴 Mùróng Āchái 417-424 Did not exist
Did not exist Hui Wang (惠王)/
Longxi Wang (隴西王)
慕容慕璝 Mùróng Mùguī 424-436 Did not exist
Did not exist Henan Wang (河南王) 慕容慕利延 Mùróng Mùlìyán 436-452 Did not exist
Did not exist Henan Wang (河南王)/
Xiping Wang (西平王)
慕容拾寅 Mùróng Shíyín 452-481 Did not exist
Did not eixst Henan Wang (河南王) 慕容度易侯 Mùróng Dùyìhóu 481-490 Did not exist
Did not exist Did not exist 慕容伏連籌 Mùróng Fúliánchóu 490-540 Did not exist
Did not exist Khan 慕容夸呂 Mùróng Kuālǔ 540-591 Did not exist
Did not exist Khan 慕容世伏 Mùróng Shìfú 591-597 Did not exist
Did not exist Busabo Khan (步薩鉢可汗) 慕容伏允 Mùróng Fúyǔn 597-635 Did not exist
Did not exist Zhugulüwugandou Khan (趉故呂烏甘豆可汗)/
Daning Wang (大寧王)/
Xiping Jun Wang (西平郡王)
慕容順 Mùróng Shùn 635 Did not exist
Did not exist Wudiyebaledou Khan (烏地也拔勒豆可汗)/
Heyuan Jun Wang (河源郡王)
慕容諾曷鉢 Mùróng Nuòhébō 635-672 Did not exist

[edit] Links