Tukdoji Maharaj

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Rashtra Saint Tukdoji Maharaj (1909-11 October 1968) born in Amravati District of Maharashtra state in central India. He died on 11th October 1968 at 4.58 pm. Many of the development programs started by him are still working efficiently in the state of Maharashtra.Saint Tukdoji was is one of the shining sants of India.


[edit] Family Background

He was born in poverty ridden family of tailors in Yavali Village near Amravati. Due to poverty he could not afford education and due to his intelligence he was invited by his Guru Aadkoji Maharaj to preach people. He used to spend time in nature searching for meaning of life and truth. Finally he returned to his village with greater realization of life, from where began his saintly journey.

[edit] Social Reforms

He was involved in social reforms for villages. He personally took part in construction of roads and infrastructure. He has attended World Religions and World Peace Conference in Japan where he played his Khanjeri, a traditional musical instrument. Saint Tukdoji skills on Khanjeri instrument were unparalleled and he used sung introductory songs at World Religious Conferences.

[edit] Gramgeeta

He wrote Gramgeeta, the bible for village development. This book has been the backbone for village development specially in Maharahstra. He had amazing skill sets such as playing variety of musical instruments, ridding a Enfield bullet and composing songs.

[edit] External links