User:TUF-KAT/Hornbostel-Sachs index

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  • 2: Instruments in which sound is produced through a vibrating membrane
    • 21: Instruments in which the membrane is struck
      • 211: Instruments in which the membrane is struck directly, such as through bare hands, beaters or keyboards
        • 211.1: Instruments in which the body of the drum is dish- or bowl-shaped (kettle drums)
          • 211.11: Single instruments
          • 211.12: Sets of instruments
        • 211.2: Instruments in which the body is tubular (tubular drums)
          • 211.21: Instruments in which the body has the same diameter at the middle and end (cylindrical drums)
            • 211.211: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
              • 211.211.1: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is open
              • 211.211.2: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is closed
            • 211.212: Instruments which have two usable membranes
              • 211.212.1: Single instruments
              • 211.212.2: Sets of instruments
          • 211.22: Instruments in which the body is barrel-shaped (barrel drums)
            • 211.221: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
              • 211.221.1: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is open
              • 211.221.2: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is closed
            • 211.222: Instruments which have two usable membranes
              • 211.222.1: Single instruments
              • 211.222.2: Sets of instruments
          • 211.23: Instruments in which the body is double-conical
            • 211.231: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
              • 211.231.1: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is open
              • 211.231.2: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is closed
            • 211.232: Instruments which have two usable membranes
              • 211.232.1: Single instruments
              • 211.232.2: Sets of instruments
          • 211.24: Instruments in which the body is hourglass-shaped
            • 211.241: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
              • 211.241.1: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is open
              • 211.241.2: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is closed
            • 211.242: Instruments which have two usable membranes
              • 211.242.1: Single instruments
              • 211.242.2: Sets of instruments
          • 211.25: Instruments in which the body is conical-shaped (conical drums)
            • 211.251: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
              • 211.251.1: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is open
              • 211.251.2: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is closed
            • 211.252: Instruments which have two usable membranes
              • 211.252.1: Single instruments
              • 211.252.2: Sets of instruments
          • 211.26: Instruments in which the body is goblet-shaped (goblet drums)
            • 211.261: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
              • 211.261.1: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is open
              • 211.261.2: Instruments in which the end without a membrane is closed
            • 211.262: Instruments which have two usable membranes
              • 211.262.1: Single instruments
              • 211.262.2: Sets of instruments
        • 211.3: Instruments in which the body depth is not greater than the radius of the membrane (frame drums)
          • 211.31: Instruments which do not have a handle
            • 211.311: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
            • 211.312: Instruments which have two usable membranes
          • 211.32: Instruments which have a handle
            • 211.321: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
            • 211.322: Instruments which have two usable membranes
      • 212: Instruments which are shaken, the membrane being vibrated by objects inside the drum (rattle drums)
    • 22: Instruments with a string attached to the membrane, so that when the string is plucked, the membrane vibrates (plucked drums)
    • 23: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates as a result of friction
      • 231: Instruments in which the membrane is vibrated from a stick that is rubbed or used to rub the membrane
        • 231.1: Instruments in which the stick is inserted in a hole in the membrane
          • 231.11: Instruments in which the stick can not be moved and is subject to rubbing, causing friction on the membrane
          • 231.12: Instruments in which the stick is semi-movable, and can be used to rub the membrane
          • 231.13: Instruments in which the stick is freely movable, and is used used to rub the membrane
        • 231.2: Instruments in which the stick is tied upright to the membrane
      • 232: Instruments in which a cord, attached to the membrane, is rubbed
        • 232.1: Instruments in which the drum is held stationary whileplaying
          • 232.11: Instruments which have only one usable membrane
          • 232.12: Instruments which have two usable membranes
        • 232.2: Instruments in which the drum is twirled by a cord, which rubs in a notch on the stick held by the player
      • 233: Instruments in which the membrane is rubbed by hand
    • 24: Instruments in which the membrane vibrates by singing or speaking into it (kazoos)
      • 241: Instruments in which the membrane is vibrated by an unbroken column of wind, without a chamber
      • 242: Instruments in which the membrane is placed in a box, tube or other container
  • 3: Instruments in which sound is produced by one or more vibrating strings (chordophones, string instruments)
    • 31: Instruments which consist solely of a string bearer or a string bearer with a resonator that is not integral to the instrument
      • 311: Instruments with a string bearer shaped like a bar, or consisting of a sideways board
        • 311.1: Instruments with a flexible or curved string bearer
          • 311.11: Instruments with a string made from the bark of a cane, still attached at both ends
            • 311.111: Instruments in which there is only one idiochord string
            • 311.112: Instruments in which there are more than one idiochord strings, all of which pass over a bridge or toothed stick
          • 311.12: Instruments with string made from a different material than the string bearer
            • 311.121: Instruments with only one heterochord string
              • 311.121.1: Instrument does not have a resonator, not counting the human mouth as a resonator
                • 311.121.11: Instrument does not have a tuning noose
                • 311.121.12: Instrument has a tuning noose, i.e. a fiber noose that divides the string into two parts
              • 311.121.2: Instrument has a resonator
                • 311.121.21: Instrument has an independent resonator
                • 311.121.22: Instrument has a resonator that is attached
                  • 311.121.221: Instrument does not have a tuning noose
                  • 311.121.222: Instrument does have a tuning noose
            • 311.122: Instrument has several heterochord strings
              • 311.122.1: Instrument has no tuning noose
              • 311.122.2: Instrument has a tuning noose
        • 311.2: Instrument has a rigid and inflexible string carrier (stick zither)
          • 311.21: Instrument has a string barrier with one curved, flexible end (musical bow cum stick)
          • 311.22: Instrument (true stick zither)
            • 311.221: Instrument has one resonator gourd
            • 311.222: Instrument has more than one resonator gourds
      • 312: Instrument has a string bearer made of a vaulted surface (tube zithers)
        • 312.1: Instrument has a string carrier made from a complete tube (whole-tube zithers)
          • 312.11: Instrument is an idiochord
          • 312.12: Instrument is a heterochord
            • 312.121: Instrument has no extra resonator
            • 312.122: Instrument has an extra resonator
        • 312.2: Instrument has strings that are stretched across a convex gutter (half-tube zithers)
          • 312.21: Instrument is an idiochord
            • 312.22: Instrument is a heterochord
      • 313: Instrument has a string bearer made from canes tied together like a raft (raft zithers)
        • 313.1: Instrument is an idiochord
        • 313.2: Instrument is an heterochord
      • 314: Instrument uses a string bearer that is shaped like a board, or is the ground (board zithers)
        • 314.1: Instrument with strings parallel to the string bearer
          • 314.11: Instrument without a resonator
          • 314.12: Instrument has a resonator
            • 314.121: Instrument has a resonator bowl, made from fruit shells or similar objects, or an equivalently-shaped carving
            • 314.122: Instrument has a resonator made from slats (box zithers)
        • 314.2: Instrument consists of strings that are at right angles to the string bearer
          • 314.21: Instrument has only one string, and the ground is the string bearer (ground zithers)
          • 314.22: Instrument has a board which acts as string bearer for multiple strings stretched across a notched bridge (harp zithers)
      • 315: Instrument with strings stretched across the mouth of a trough (trough zithers)
        • 315.1: Instrument without a resonator
        • 315.2: Instrument has a resonator, made from a gourd or similar items
      • 316: Instrument uses strings stretched across an open frame (frame zither)
        • 316.1: Instrument has no resonator
        • 316.2: Instrument has a resonator
    • 32: Instruments in which the resonator and string bearer are physically united and can not be separated without destroying the instrument
      • 321: Instruments in which the strings run in a plane parallel to the sound table (lutes)
        • 321.1: Instrument with each string attached to its own flexible carrier (bow lutes)
        • 321.2: Instrument in which the strings are attached a to a yoke, consisting of a crossbar and two arms, and in the same plane as the sound table (yoke lutes or yoke lyres)
          • 321.21: Instrument has a resonator made from a bowl, either natural or carved (bowl lyres)
          • 321.22: Instrument has a resonator made from a built-up wooden box (box lyres)
        • 321.3: Instruments in which the string bearer is a plain handle (handle lutes)
          • 321.31: Instruments in which the handle passes diametrically through the resonator ([[spike lu
    • 32: Instruments in which the resonator and string bearer are physically united and can not be separated without destroying the instrument
      • 321: Instruments in which the strings run in a plane parallel to the sound table
        • 321.3: Instruments in which the string bearer is a plain handle (handle lutes)
          • 321.31: Instruments in which the handle passes diametrically through the resonator (spike lutes)
            • 321.311: Instrument with a resonator made from a bowl, either natural or carved (spike bowl lutes)
            • 321.312: Instruments in which the resonator is built up from wood (spike box lutes, spike guitars)
            • 321.313: Instrument in which the handle passes diametrically through the walls of a tube (spike tube lutes)
          • 321.32: Instrument in which the handle is attached to, or carved from, the resonator, like a neck (necked lutes)
            • 321.321: Instrument whose body is shaped like a bowl (necked bowl lutes)
            • 321.322: Instrument whose body is shaped like a box (necked box lutes)
      • 322: Instrument whose strings are at right angles to the sound table, such that a line between the lower tips of the strings would point at the neck (harps)
        • 322.1: Instrument without a pillar (open harps)
          • 322.11: Instrument has a neck that curves away from the resonator (arched harp)
          • 322.12: Instrument has a neck that sharply angles away from the resonator (angular harps)
        • 322.2: Instrument has a pillar (frame harps)
          • 322.21: Instrument has no tuning action
            • 322.211: Instrument is diatonic
            • 322.212: Instrument is chromatic
              • 322.212.1: Instrument has strings in one plane
              • 322.212.2: Instrument has strings in two planes which cross each other
          • 322.22: Instrument has tuning action
            • 322.221: Instrument can be tuned with hand levers
            • 322.222: Instrument can be tuned with pedal-operated levers
      • 323: Instrument has strings that lay at right angles to the sound table, so that a line joining the lower tips of the strings would be perpendicular to the neck, and the instrument has a notched bridge

These instruments may be classified with a suffix, based on how the strings are caused to vibrate.

  • 4: Hammers or beaters
  • 5: Bare hands and fingers
  • 6: Plectrum
  • 7: Bowing
    • 71: Using a bow
    • 72: Using a wheel
    • 73: Using a ribbon
  • 8: Keyboard
  • 9: Using a mechanical drive