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A tuboplasty is a surgical operation to correct a fallopian tube obstruction or adhesion, to achieve a pregnancy in women with tubal infertility. Thus, it is a form of assisted reproductive technology.

[edit] Techniques

A number of surgical techniques are performed through either a laparotomy or laparoscopy approach. Techniques include the use of microsurgery, laser, electrocautery, hydrodissection, mechanical dissection, and use of surgical stents, hoods, adhesions barriers, and more. Results depend on the underlying pathology and the skill of the surgeon. Ectopic pregnancy is a complication after a tuboplasty.

[edit] History

Prior to the advent of in-vitro-fertilization (IVF) surgical correction was the usual approach for women with tubal infertility who wanted to get pregnant. However, since about 1990 IVF technology has increasingly supplanted tuboplasty as a treatment for tubal infertility.