Tsuna Sawada

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Sawada Tsunayoshi (Tsuna)
Katekyo Hitman REBORN! character
Tsunayoshi Sawada
First appearance Manga Chapter 1
Katekyo Hitman Reborn Episode 1
Voiced by Yukari Kokubun
Age 13 – 15
Date of birth October 14th
Date of death A little less then 9 years and 10 months into the future (Alternate Timeline)
Nationality Japanese
Known relatives Nana Sawada (mother), Iemitsu Sawada (father), Giotto (Deceased, Great-Great-Great Grandfather), Timeteo (Grandfather)
School Namimori Jr. High
Grade 1st year, 2nd year (later in the series)
Vongola Ring Ring Of Sky

Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada (沢田 綱吉/ツナ Sawada Tsunayoshi/Tsuna?) is a fictional character in the anime and manga series Katekyo Hitman Reborn! created by Amano Akira.

His nickname 'Tsuna' can also be translated as 'tuna'. His bedroom door has a tunafish with his name on it. A common shorthand of his name used among fans is '27' as in Japanese, 2 sounds like 'tsu' and 7 is pronounced 'nana' hence 'tsu-na'. 27 is also written on the woolen version of Tsuna's gloves and his headphones in chapter 176.

Interestingly enough Tsuna is, in theory, named after Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, (Only the first name though) Tokugawa Tsunayoshi's father, is named Tokugawa Iemitsu. The same name as Tsuna's father. (Again, only the first name) Akira Amano may have gotten Tsuna's, and his father's names from the Tokugawa family,(Although this is not proven) although only Tsunayoshi and Iemitsu are used in the anime.

Another interesting fact, is the fact that some people, (To be exact, Takeshi Yamamoto, Kyoko, and Haru) have mentioned that Tsuna seems to have "gotten shorter". This could be a hint that Tsuna doesn't look that much different in the future, from Tsuna's current timeline.


[edit] Character outline

Tsuna is set to become the tenth generation boss of the Vongola crime family.

In school, Tsuna has been given the harsh nickname of "No Good Tsuna", as he is very clumsy and somewhat of a pushover.

Although he is the tenth generation Vongola boss, Tsuna is unwilling to take part in anything that has to do with the Mafia. He always denies the fact that he is a future Mafia boss and tries to avoid anyone involved with the Mafia. In the Future arc he states that he would rather destroy the Vongolia family than accept its bloody history. Tsuna is often surprised and horrified (for a comedic effect) at Reborn's and other mafiosos' actions. Later, even though he still wants nothing to do with the Mafia, he is grateful for the friends he has made since meeting Reborn. He cares a lot for his new 'family' and would put himself in the way of danger in order to protect them.

There have been many parallels that link Tsuna with the first boss and founder of the Vongola family, Giotto. Both of their personalities are likely to be very similar as it has been shown that they have similar goals and ways of standards.

[edit] History

Tsuna is a junior-high student and the Vongola Family's mob-boss-in-training. The reason Tsuna was recruited is because he is the great-great-great grandson of the first Vongola boss, who had moved to Japan a long time ago. Also, the other candidates in line for the position of the head of the Vongola Family had died.

Before Reborn finds Tsuna, Tsuna is known as "No Good Tsuna" for his poor grades, bad luck, and lack of athleticism. When Reborn shoots him with the Vongola Family's Dying Will Bullet (a.k.a. Deathperation Shot), he comes back as a powerful mostly-naked (his boxers somehow survive) warrior with a flame on his forehead and blanked out eyes. However, this will only work if he has some sort of regret at the time Reborn shoots him (e.g. not telling Kyoko Sasagawa that he likes her). After five minutes, he turns back into his normal self, usually embarrassed by the fact that he's out in public with only his boxers on.

Tsuna finds himself thrust into the mob life that is his future and begins to meet not only his friends and future family members but also the challenges that his new life will hold.

[edit] Synopsis

[edit] Introduction arc

During the Introduction Arc, also known as the Daily Life Arc, Tsuna first meet's Reborn and learns of his heritage and destiny to become the tenth generation boss of the Vongola crime family. At first, Tsuna is reluctant and dismissive, but he soon learns that this may help him protect his friends, or, as Reborn calls them, his "family".

Reborn introduces Tsuna to the Dying Will Bullet. Tsuna also meet's his eventual "family", who are mostly people from school, along with some future allies. Each member is introduced quite comically and usually brings Tsuna more frustration than hope and stability.

During the arc Tsuna endures everything from meeting other prominent mafia members, to learning how to swim, to nearly dying countless times.

[edit] Kokuyo Gang arc

Tsuna was the true target of the Kokuyo gang's advances but did not realize this until Reborn pointed it out. During the arc Tsuna is hit by the Rebuke Bullet for the first time allowing him to go into Hyper Dying Will Mode as well as being able to use the X-gloves. Both the Rebuke Bullet and the X-Gloves were created by Leon especially for Tsuna and were part of Reborn's plan to slowly give Tsuna an identity and the ability to use the power Reborn knows Tsuna has.

Rokudo Mukuro had previously tried to beat Tsuna by possessing his friends but with the new power Tsuna had gained from his Vongola blood he rises to the occasion. He fights his possessed friends by keeping his guard up and thereby draining their strength. He uses his intuition, granted to him by his Vongola blood, to strike his friends down with a single hit, thereby temporarily paralyzing them and removing them from danger. He leaves them in the capable hands of Reborn in order to finish Mukuro. Tsuna then proceeds to defeat Mukuro in a brilliant battle that showcases Tsuna's growing strength and the power that he truly possesses as he seemingly completely powers Mukuro.

In the aftermath Tsuna learns of Mukuro's troubled past and the secret behind his amazing abilities. He also meets the Vendicare (enforcers in the Mafia) who take the gang members away for their eventual punishment. Tsuna then feels the effects of the Rebuke bullet and falls into a deep sleep to replenish his depleted energy.

[edit] The Varia arc

During a peaceful visit to the mall, Tsuna encounters Basil, a young operative from the Vongola Family, and receives the half Vongola rings from Dino, as those Basil had were fake and a diversion. Tsuna is horrified as Reborn tells him about the history of the rings and the battle that will follow. He returns home to find his father and becomes even more depressed, as they have a very difficult relationship.

Tsuna receives the ring of Sky and is horrified to know that the other six rings were given out. Reborn is Tsuna's home tutor for his battle and Basil aids him in surpassing the zero point barrier that one the first Vongola boss could do.

Tsuna was very upset to hear that his friends had been sucked into his conflict with the Varia. He was especially concerned for Lambo, who is too young and tries to get him out of it by reasoning that he is already part of another mafia family. Reborn consoles Tsuna and tells him that the Bovino family was honored to have Lambo become part of the Vongola family. Reborn also tells Tsuna that while the ring guardians are usually drawn from within the family it is not uncommon for them to come from outside the family, or the mafia altogether. Reborn also tells Tsuna that only he and the first boss had such unorthodox families.

Tsuna was scheduled to battle against Xanxus for the right to become the holder of the Ring of the Sky, and therefore be the next Vongola boss. However, during Lambo’s battle against Leviathan, Tsuna was forced to intercede in order to save Lambo. Due to this interference, he forfeited his right as the holder of the Ring of the Sky. However, Xanxus agreed to hand over the rings to Tsuna's family if they took the lead by the end of the scramble for the rings.

Later, Tsuna's family obtains a 4 to 3 lead, however, Xanxus chooses to frame Tsuna for the "assassination" of the 9th, later we find that the 9th survived the attack. Xanxus then chooses to hold one last formal battle, having their family wear a special watch which poisons them, immobilizing them. They are required to retrieve the rings from pedestals and the rings themselves, when scanned by the watches, causes an injection of the antidote. Tsuna worries about his family for the first portion of the match, until he learns that Hibari managed to resist the poison and cure himself, then helping Gokudera retrieve his ring, managed to relieve Tsuna of his worries of his teammates possibly dying.

[edit] Future arc

[edit] Arriving in the future

The future arc begins with the mysterious disappearance of Reborn while Tsuna and his "family" celebrate their victory against the Varia and Tsuna officially becoming the tenth Vongola Boss. Later, Tsuna is unexpectedly transported 9 years and 10 months into the future. Tsuna awakes inside a coffin, belonging to his future self.

He is then met by a future version of Gokudera, who is hovering over his coffin, mourning. After he apologizes to Tsuna for 'letting him down', he warns Tsuna about Shoichi Irie and tells him to kill him as soon as he gets back to the past. Unfortunately, as Gokudera is about to reveal why Tsuna was in the coffin, he is replaced with his younger self. They wander until they meet an older Lal Mirch, who at first tries to kill them, and later, an older Yamamoto. They bring the two to the secret underground Vongola base that the older Tsuna had built. Here, Tsuna's fear is confirmed as he is told that in this timeline, he is indeed dead. In later chapters it is revealed that he was viciously gunned down in public.

The fact that Tsuna, Reborn, and Gokudera have yet to return to the past dawns on them, and they are forced to seek a solution. We also learn that the Vongola family is at war with the Millefiore Family for unknown reasons. The war has nearly reached its conclusion, as almost all of the Vongola family and their allies have been killed. Tsuna also learns that his future self destroyed the Vongola rings, supposedly to stop the bloodshed over them, but this is merely a theory. Apparently, the Millefiore Family has stolen most of the other, lesser Vongola rings to use in their campaign against the family. Reborn states that the 7 guardians must be assembled immediately.

It is decided that the strongest of the seven guardians, Hibari, should teach Tsuna. Unfortunately, no one knows where he is, forcing Tsuna, Gokudera, and Yamamoto to leave the base to find him. On their way, they meet the future I-Pin and Lambo, who are being attacked by two members of the Millefiore family. Tsuna finds the future Haru and Kyoko in the rubble, but within just a few minutes of finding them, they are replaced by their younger selves. Tsuna purifies his flame with the Ring of Sky and is somehow able to freeze Tazaru's flame. Tazaru is quite shaken by this as he repeatedly said that it was impossible, and comments that his opponent reminds him of the renowned 10th boss of the Vongola Family. Battered and beaten from fighting the two Millefiore mafiosi, Gokudera is able to use his Vongola ring with its box and fight back. Tsuna reawakens in the base's med center, having passed out soon after his victory. Tsuna seems to now be fitting into his future role as a Mafia boss better as he takes charge of the situation and demands action of Reborn instead of passively following his advice as he would have done normally. He sees his future path of getting home as hard, but he refuses to back down from the challenge or the hard work he must put in to achieve it. He is taking more charge in the family and seems to be slowly fitting into his new role.

[edit] Training

Hibari later agrees to be Tsuna's home tutor and help to train him for the battle with the Millefiore Family. During their training Tsuna is trapped in Hibari's special spike ball, which is actually a hedgehog. Inside Tsuna sees visions of the Vongola Family's ancient and bloody history. He hears voices telling him that he must accept their history if he is going to be the next Vongola boss. However, Tsuna states that he would rather destroy the Vongola Family and reject the power he seeks than accept that their bloody history is his future. It is then that all nine of the previous heads of the Vongola Family appear before him. Because of his determination, Vongola I and the others approve of him, after which he breaks free of the spike ball, stunning the others (except, of course, Hibari) and revealing Version V.R. (Vongola Ring) of the X-Gloves.

Breaking free from the spiked ball Tsuna's dying will flame is more powerful then ever. Even though Hibari still beats Tsuna he demonstrates good control of his new power and a much keener mind. At one point Tsuna attacks Hibari and is beaten severely, however he steal's Hibari's box and attacks, which was his true intention. This is the second time during their fight that Hibari truly sees Tsuna as a worthy opponent. It appears that the enormous power Tsuna is capable of is still out of reach. However, Tsuna now fights with a much more powerful will and is becoming the boss Reborn has envisioned. Lal Mirch then proceeds to put him in an intense training regimen, to prepare him for all that he must do.

When an energy source is detected everyone thinks it could be interference or an enemy, however Tsuna knows that it's Chrome showing the development of his intuition and his bond to his family. He is worried for Chrome, who takes a turn for the worse shortly after being brought to the base. This only adds to Tsuna's stress as he contemplates the attack on the Millefiore's base in Japan that he and his family are meant to be part of in only five days time.

This stress has been shown to weigh greatly on Tsuna's shoulders and causes him to lash out and constantly question himself, even making him yell to Lambo and Haru after Lambo bothered Tsuna. This stress may be only another plot device, as it has in the past, to show Tsuna's true resolve and his worthiness as the tenth boss of the Vongola family.

Chrome's condition continues to get worse and worries Tsuna more and more. He his calmer once Chrome begins to sustain her illusionary organs under her own abilities, but remains cautious. During Lal Mirch's outburst he once again shows his true resolve. He stands by the family and says that they will fight in the upcoming battle. He is quite forceful in his words and points out that while they will return to the past with a victory, the future will also reset to what it should be. During his speech he puts on his ring, gloves, and takes a pill to achieve his dying will flame and begins his training once again for the battle in 5 days.

Tsuna continues his training with Hibari. Despite his vast improvements, he is still too weak. He has no physical attacks and no boxes to use as weapons. Lal Mirch is a little worried and explains Tsuna's strength. When Tsuna used his X-Gloves, they provide a 'soft' flame, which is best for hovering and easier to control. Now his Vongola Ring Version gloves can provide him with a 'hard' flame in addition to his 'soft' flame. The 'hard' flame is substantially more powerful and should be used when quick acceleration is needed or simply for raw power. Tsuna has began to fight trying to use both through the use of his 'hyper intuition', although Lal Mirch brushes that off as she doesn't believe in it.

Tsuna realizes that he is still not powerful enough and Hibari hints that he must use his weapon if he wants to win. Tsuna takes a small break and ends up apologizing to Lambo and Haru. Haru even asks him on a date when they return to the past. During their conversation, Tsuna realizes something about his flame. He takes into account that XANXUS had the ability to use his flame in different ways and returns to the training room. He wants to fire his 'hard' flame as a projectile weapon, but the overwhelming power prevents it. He resolves this by using his 'soft' flame as a 'support' for himself as he fires his 'hard' flame as a weapon. His first attempt leaves an impression of himself in the wall. When Reborn checks on him he is proud of Tsuna as usually Tsuna said he couldn't do things even before trying, however this time he answered maybe when asked if he could master his new technique. His new attack exhausts him and he falls asleep where he dreams alongside Chrome about Irie Souchie. Once awake he looks for the others to see how their training is progressing. He comes onto a level he has never been on before and is surprised by an explosion from Gokudera's training.

After learning of Gokudera's progress he assembles for a meeting concerning the upcoming attack. During the meeting while looking at plans of the base he sees the ring from his dream. While Lal Mirch chastizes him Reborn is very intrigued saying that something big will occur. Tsuna then continues perfecting his new technique and mulling over the past events.

[edit] The Attack

During the night the Millefiore attack the Vongola base and Tsuna and the others go to attack them in return. He encounters Dendro and easily neutralizes his attack with his own finishing move by saying that they have no time for him. They continue on to disable the security server so that they can move freely throughout the base. When Tsuna's group are discovered by the base, he volunteers to stay behind in place of Lal Mirch, due to the fact that he has the mobility that a person acting as a decoy needs.

He confronts four Strau Mosca robots that are being controlled by Spanner in the base's utility tunnels. He handily defeats one unit after using the Zero Point Breakthrough to freeze it. He was then confronted by a King Mosca unit which proved to much for him until he used his X Burner in mid air, but due to his lack of control of the technique Tsuna was knocked unconscious by the X Burner and is now at the mercy of Spanner, who had been piloting the King Mosca unit all along. While initially it appeared he was killed by Spanner, in reality he was held captive by him, according to Spanner when he saw the X Burner, he expressed great interest in it. As he wanted to see its full power, Spanner wants to see Tsuna perfect the X Burner.

[edit] Relationships

[edit] Parents

Tsuna has an odd relationship with both of his parents.

Tsuna's mother is a kind woman and a good mother, but she thinks very little of her son. She is very much in love with her husband, but, like many characters in the series, is oblivious to Tsuna's involvement with the Mafia.

Tsuna's father is another story all together. He has been absent for most of Tsuna's life and is viewed by his son as a lazy slacker and a deadbeat dad. Although Tsuna thinks very lowly of him, his father still has great respect and high hopes for Tsuna's future. This is shown by Iemitsu's determination to make Tsuna the tenth boss of the Vongola family.

[edit] Kyoko Sasagawa

Kyoko is one of Tsuna's good friends and his not-so-secret crush. While they have a rather uncommon chemistry, which only Hana seems to see, they have yet to openly admit to one another their feelings.

[edit] Haru Miura

Haru has a deep one sided admiration for Tsuna that started when he saved her from drowning. She is a bit over enthusiastic towards Tsuna in the expression of her feelings towards him. Haru knows about Tsuna's position in the mafia and seems to love him more for it. Tsuna was initially annoyed with her, but now sees her as a good friend and shows concern for her in the Future Arc.

[edit] Lambo

Tsuna can view Lambo as an annoying brat sometimes, but they have a very neutral relationship. It's very obvious that Tsuna cares for him, even though they fight. He tried to protect Lambo during his fight for the ring. In the Future Arc Lambo gets scared when Tsuna yells at him, but manage to make up later. The two seem very fond of each other. Their relationship is such that when Lambo from Ten Years in the future arrives, he openly refers to Tsuna as "The one who took care of me."

[edit] Reborn

As the IX's most trusted assassin, Reborn was sent to Japan to educate Tsuna and make him a true successor of the Vongola family. Although Reborn is usually quite cryptic and hard on Tsuna he only has the best intentions. They have been through quite a bit together and have formed a bond of friendship that allows them to work very well together. There is a real bond of trust between the two and this allows Reborn to bring out Tsuna's true potential.

[edit] Hayato Gokudera

Tsuna is often flustered by Gokudera's enthusiasm (which is only towards him), but sees him as a true friend. He even told Gokudera to abandon his ring half during his fight with Belphegor (As the circumstances would have ended up killing Gokudera).

[edit] Bianchi

At first, Bianchi continually tried to kill Tsuna multiple times in order to free Reborn's schedule so he could spend more time with her. As her attempts failed, Bianchi grew to accept Tsuna and eventually saw him as a friend. Tsuna was terrified of her during the beginning of the Introduction Arc, but eventually accepted her as part of his family.

[edit] Takeshi Yamamoto

Tsuna often sees Yamamoto as one of the only normal friends he has and often feels he is a savior when something strange is going on. As of such, Tsuna often tries to keep Yamamoto out of situations with the mafia.

[edit] Kyoya Hibari

As Hibari is one of the most bloodthirsty characters in the series, Tsuna is never comfortable with him (often getting beaten up badly by Hibari).

[edit] Ryohei Sasagawa

Tsuna is often flustered by Ryohei's passion, and the confidence Ryohei has on him. He is often roped into fights alongside Ryohei (often schemes to get Tsuna into the boxing club), often leaving Tsuna wondering how he could be Kyoko's brother. However, Tsuna accepts him into the family early on, calling him Big Brother like Kyoko does.

[edit] I-Pin

When Tsuna first met I-Pin, he thought she was a boy and I-Pin believed he was who she was assigned to kill. It turned out that I-Pin was incredibly near sighted as her target looked nothing like Tsuna. After being hit by Lambo's Ten-Year Bazooka, it was revealed to Tsuna that I-Pin was a girl. The infant I-Pin sees Tsuna like an older brother and was said to be have been crying when Tsuna had disappeared into the future. The adult I-Pin is very respectful to Tsuna and often playfully turns down what she mistakenly believes to be Tsuna's flirting to her.

[edit] Fuuta

The minute Fuuta first met Tsuna, he immediately started calling him "Big Brother". Fuuta wanted Tsuna to protect him from a mob chasing after him and his rankings book (as Tsuna was number one ranked as someone who could never say no to a request). After seeing Dying Will Tsuna beat up the criminals his rankings said would be impossible to have occurred, Fuuta becomes attached to Tsuna. When Fuuta was under Mukuro's control, it was his bond with Tsuna that allowed him to break free. In the Future arc, the adult Fuuta still calls Tsuna "Big Brother" even though technically he would be the older one now.

[edit] Longchamp Naito

Having the opposite enthuasiam about becoming a mob boss, Tsuna wasn't too comfortable around Naito. Naito, however, wanted to become friends with Tsuna, and often dragged Tsuna into schemes that never ended well for Tsuna. It seems Tsuna has become somewhat tolerant of Naito, but still finds him too odd.

[edit] Chrome Dokuro

She is Tsuna's Guardian of the Mist (along with Mukuro Rokudo) and she seems to appear out of nowhere with Tsuna in some scenes, though it could be coincidence. She also seems to like Tsuna as he was the only one who trusted her to be his Mist Guardian out of every in the group for the Ring Battle and rewarded him with a kiss, much to his embarrassment.

[edit] Vongola IX

As Tsuna will succeed him as the boss of the Vongola, IX has developed a grandfatherly emotional attachment to Tsuna and had played with Tsuna when he was a small child, back before Tsuna could even remember him. When Tsuna sees the IX among the spirits of all the Vongola Bosses, he grew concerned for the IX's unknown fate.

[edit] Lal Mirch

She is a female member of the Arcobaleno as well as a member of the CEDEF like Tsuna's father. At first she didn't really think much of Tsuna, though as the story progresses Tsuna seems to worry and care about Lal a lot and even still allows her to take part in the attack on the Millifore Family in five days though her condition has been getting much worse. This might have caused Lal to possibly grow a liking for Tsuna though she seems to not want to show it.

[edit] Abilities

As a blood member of the Vongola family Tsuna possesses the Vongola bloodline. This gives him unique traits; such as using the Dying Will Flame, and having a strong intuition.

Tsuna is capable of using the Dying Will Flame (when shot with special bullets), which is a form of high pressured energy capable of having destructive powers or purifying evil auras. It initially lies within a person's body until it is awakened, helping increase a person's strength:

  • Dying Will Shot - When Tsuna is shot by Reborn's Dying Will Bullet, it uses the pressure he faces during a crisis to externally remove Tsuna's body limiters. He then uses his increased strength and renewed confidence to fulfill his dying will; the last thought he regretted before being shot. Although, this effect only lasts for 5 minutes. (Although it seems that at different times, the effects of the Dying Will Shot are extended. Such as the battle against the fake Rokudo Mukuro, (a.k.a. Lanchia) the Dying Will Flame lasted much longer than the previous times. Although it could be that when the "regret" is accomplished, the Dying Will Flame goes away. Although this is not proven yet.)
  • Dying will: - When a person is able to control the full potential and power of the dying will they are able to go to dying will mode/hyper dying will mode any time. Reborn said that any one has the potential to do this but not many people can restand the training phases.
Tsuna in Hyper Dying Will Mode (Rebuke) wearing his X-Gloves.
Tsuna in Hyper Dying Will Mode (Rebuke) wearing his X-Gloves.
  • Rebuke Shot (小言弾, Kogoto Dan) - When shot by the Rebuke Bullet,(Can be roughly translated as "Muttering Bullet" Tsuna is able to hear people's rebukes (criticism by others). It allows Tsuna's dormant 'Vongola Blood' to awaken. Rather than removing his body limiters externally, it awakens Tsuna's hidden willpower; internally removing his body limiters. He receives the same strength as he does with the Dying Will Bullet. It also removes the limiters on his internal senses giving him 'Hyper Intuition' (Tsuna already has a strong intuition, as does everyone who shares the Vongola bloodline). Although, unlike the Dying Will Bullet, the Rebuke Bullet allows Tsuna to apply his strength more calmly and wisely. He conserves energy and accurately expels it against others in a sharper manner. Unlike the Dying Will Bullet, the Rebuke Bullet seems to have no time limit. This is shown in the battle against XANXUS. Whether this is true or not is un-explained. So far, there hasn't been a time where the effects of the Rebuke Shot went away when Tsuna didn't mean for it to go. (Excluding the one time he passed out at the end of the battle against XANXUS. Though this is only because he was exhausted.)
  • X-Gloves (イクスグローブ, IKUSU GUROOBU) - Created by Reborn's pet, Leon, these gloves were made especially for Tsuna. He first used the gloves in chapter 78. At first, it appears to be a simple pair of white, wool mittens with the number 27 stitched onto it, but when used with the Dying Will Flame, it changes into a pair of black gloves with an X engraved onto it. It is made out of the same material as the Dying Will Bullets and can ignite the Dying Will Flame without the help of the Dying Will Bullet, increasing Tsuna's strength even more. It can also use the flame as a speed booster when the flames from the gloves are instantly released, causing him to thrust towards his desired direction.
Minus/Zero Point Break Through (零地点突破, Zero chiten toppa)- Originally the Vongola 1st's technique. Tsuna goes into a state of Minus point, a pure negative version of the dying will mode. He places his hands together so his thumbs and forefingers create a triangle. In this state, Tsuna can extinguish, and possibly freeze, the Dying Will Flame of others. The Dying Will Flame on his forehead and his gloves disappear, but the X-Gloves don't change back into a mitten. Tsuna also created his own version of the Breakthrough when he fought Xanxas. By inverting one hand and hence creating a square with his thumbs and forefingers, Tsuna is able to 'capture' his opponent's attacks and convert the energy to his own. Both these moves require impeccable timing with regard to capturing the opponent's attack, something Reborn made note of when training Tsuna. Later, during the Future Arc, the crest on Tsuna's gloves changes to indicate the move he is using. Whenever Tsuna uses the original Zero Point Breakthrough, the crest on his gloves changes to a 'I'. Likewise, when using his revised breakthrough, the crest becomes a 'X'. (Or stay as an 'X' if Tsuna wasn't using the original version)
  • X-Gloves, Version V.R. (Vongola Ring) - First appearing in chapter 158 after the meeting with the previous Vongola Heads and breaking out of Kyoya Hibari's special box's ability, Spike Ball. The X logo on the gloves are now replaced by a crystal covered crest similar to the one on his Vongola Sky Ring. The full extent of their power has yet to be fully explained. Like his original X-Gloves, Tsuna V.R. X-Gloves can still produce what Lal Mirch calls a 'soft flame'. This flame is precise and can be easily controlled. However, Tsuna's gloves now produce a new type of incredibly explosive flame, a 'hard flame'. This flame is expelled at such great force that the recoil would send Tsuna through a wall. Lal Mirch comments that if this flame could be tamed, it would be a powerful weapon. The gloves also seem to have a point where the power they give Tsuna increases exponentially, though Tsuna has yet to control this power.
X Burner - Tsuna's newest attack that utilizes the two different flames created by his V.R. X-Gloves. Tsuna begins his attack by standing with one hand folded over his other fisted hand. When attacking, Tsuna thrusts one hand forward and sends out a massive blast of his 'hard flame'. In the past, the recoil from the 'hard flame' would send Tsuna flying off his feet. To compensate, Tsuna thrusts his other hand behind him and uses his 'soft flame' to stabilize and dampen the explosive recoil of his attack. Despite the shear overwhelming force of the attack, Tsuna has commented that he is only using 20% of the X Burner's potential power. Since he has not yet learned to master his new gloves, he is afraid to use this attack at full strength, fearing that he may lose control and hurt his friends. During his fight with King Mosca, Reborn encourages Tsuna to attempt the X burner in midair. Though because of his poor control of the technique, Tsuna was knocked unconscious due to the recoil.

Initially, when Tsuna awakened from his Hyper Dying Will Mode (X-Gloves in conjunction with the Dying Will Flame caused by the Rebuke Bullet), he was unable to move for two weeks without experiencing muscle pains. After strict training, he was able to compensate for his lack of endurance and is now able to enter this mode without experiencing any muscle pains afterwards.

Later in the series, Tsuna is able to enter into his Hyper Dying Will Mode using only the gloves and the Dying Will pills that Basil gave him without the help of any bullet.

It should be note that outside of his "dying will flame" power Tsuna is shown to have some kind of telepathic power. This is first shown in the "Mist Battle" when Tsuna was able to sense Mukuro's arrival as well as see Mukuro in his cell. This power is later shown again when he has the same dream as Chrome about Irie Souchie. This might imply that Tsuna has gained this power after his fight with Rokudo Mukuro.

[edit] Notes and references
