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Can someone rewrite a more neutral history of TSR games?

I've taken a stab at it, although I think it would be difficult to deny: a) that the company was debt-ridden and close to insolvancy, b) that it attempted to bring legal action against people supplying material for its own games and c) that the said action was unpopular.

I've spoken with/interviewed several ex-TSR folks about its history. In fact, the reality makes even the "non-neutral" history seem complimentary in comparison. The company's management were not gamers, did not like gamers, and cared not one whit about the customers themselves. There is much documentary evidence and 1st hand reports supporting the above comments. Search on the web a bit to learn more. There was a good article called "Opening the Dungeon" in Salon about a year or two ago that goes into some of this. Also see Gary Gygax's own website.