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I am a doctoral student in computer science at the University of Pennsylvania.

My user name comes from the constructor Trurl in The Cyberiad.

I will fill in more here as time allows.

My contributions so far:

  1. anonymously, has been to note that Hermann Zapf created AMS Euler. Some other individual was kind enough to start a nice page for AMS Euler since then.
  2. Frank Pfenning
  3. Added information on the forthcoming sans-serif faces for the Palatino family.

My top priorities:

  1. Fleshing out GADTs (wobbly types will probably be subsidiary to this entry).
  2. Creating an entry for de Bruijn indices which isn't even mentioned in Nicolaas govert de Bruijn's entry.
  3. Improvements to Benjamin C. Pierce and Frank Pfenning.
  4. Created an combined entry on the Squigol notions of bananas, barbed-wire, and lenses.

Other things I would like to work on eventually: intensional type analysis, parametricity, Delphin (the language not the submarine), System I, information flow type systems, Stephanie C. Weirich