Trunk prefix

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A trunk prefix is the number to be dialed in a domestic telephone call, preceding any necessary area codes and subscriber numbers. When calling overseas numbers, the trunk prefix is omitted by the caller. In most countries, such as Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom, the trunk prefix is 0.

For example, assume a call is to be made to someone in the Australian state of Queensland.

A caller from outside of Australia dials the international access number (international call prefix) of the originating country (00 for many countries), then dial the country code (in this case 61), omit the trunk prefix, then dial the area code (7), and then the number: 00 61 7 3333 3333

Calling interstate (e.g. from Western Australia), a caller would not dial an international access number or country code, but dial the trunk prefix then the area code, followed by the telephone number: 0 7 3333 3333

Calling from within Queensland, one simply dials the telephone number: 3333 333.

When conducting business (e.g., on business cards or stationary, etc.), the number above would be expressed as: +61 (0) 7 3333 3333. The spaces may or may not be in different places.

Other countries do not use or are discontinuing their use of the trunk prefix, mainly by adopting a closed numbering plan.

[edit] See also

Subscriber trunk dialling

[edit] References

  • Glossary - World Telephone Numbering Guide.